Poll: Metroid: Other M killed Samus


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Ok, maybe the story isn't good, the plot sucks, or the direction they went with Samus isn't great. That doesn't mean that it ruined Samus and the franchise forever. The girl who wrote the article, Morgan Webb as well, are just offended because Other M showed the sensitive and emotional side of Samus. I don't see a problem with it, but if you don't like it then just ignore it or don't play it.

Ethylene Glycol

New member
Sep 21, 2010
I find myself wondering whether all those people who like the way Samus was characterized in Other M have actually met a real woman.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
LordNue said:
Every bit of music I could hear was just a shoddy remake that sounded terrible, otherwise I just heard silence. Maybe my TV's speakers aren't that great. But having no music is a terrible way of building up atmosphere, especially if you're having characters all over the place. Every other metroid game has amazing music, this game has terrible music and none of it is original as far as I'm aware. Feel free to prove me wrong, it'd be welcome to know this game isn't entirely shit. You also don't have to explore. There are exactly two ways you go about this game. Through the green door or through the obvious morphball tunnel. There is virtually no exploring in this game, I managed to get 100% in less time going blind then it takes me to get 100% in any other metroid game after playing several times. Linearity is bad in a series where the main focus has always been free exploration only limited to what you've found. It was always what metroid was known for, linearity will be the death of the series and it's just converting it to another generic action series of "go here, do this then repeat". Maybe you like having your hand held, I might suggest another franchise entirely. But then again if Sakamoto keeps this level of control over the series then it'll most likely remain the same shoddy quality.
Are you talking about Fusion or Other M?
You seam to be switching around.

Actually concentration will restore all of your missiles and at first one tank, you can make it up to a maximum of three or four depending on how many upgrades you've gotten. But given that most attacks won't actually kill you and instead just leave you at 1/0 health all the time it's pretty easy to not die in the game if you're bad enough to even get hit given that you don't even have to time the dodge move at all and almost every move can be dodged without any consequence. Because you know, metroid is totally an action based game for gritty god of war fans.
its still not infinite health as it only works when your Dying, and you don't get that many Missiles anyway.
And in not of the Metroid Games will most normal attacks Kill You.
Outside of Bosses you will only take about 1/10 to 1/3 points of Damage.
And all the Charging is done Standing Still, and Dodging wile Charging will restart the charge sooo its a "Do it at your own Risk during fights" move.
But in other Metroids you just had to shoot everything to restore health, or do something that makes even more sense, visit Health Stations on Space Pirate Ships designed to Work for Samus and not the Space Pirates themselves.

The prime series did end on a good note, it was a good series too. It showed how the series could change and grow without being shit. Other M was a step back in every way. It's not evolution, which implies good traits becoming more refined or advanced, but rather mutation. Uncontrolled cancerous mutation that will be the death of the series as it turns into a generic, linear action game with terrible anime plots and a character who is characterized as a complete and utter whiny fuck-up, despite being the most competent character in past games and being a complete bad-ass in the game.
Or its a game where the opinion varies from person to person.
The Camera works pretty well, and opening up to show the environment is awesome.
2.5d is interesting and with the way the Game flows it works pretty well.
That;s what id call a Evolution.
Other M was a step back in some ways but an improvement in others.

And it was made by Japanese Developers, what did you expect?
I knew it was gonna have more Anime style influences this time around and they don't bother me that much.
The story itself is great, the way it moves and the Voice Acting is whats bad.
Samus now has emotion that is clearly shown and not hinted at like in other games.
Sometimes it worked.
But i wont deny that the Monologue is bad.
And while the Cutscenes didn't match up with her Actions during the game, it didn't kill her.
And you talk as if this is the entire Future.
If Prime showed us Anything its that the Series will Grow and Change.
The next game could be a Strategy game for all we know.
don't go making assumptions about the Series just because one game didn't tickle your fancy.
This game was made to Make Samus's character Fleshed out, if someone liked it or not is up to them but whats done is done, now that its done it can move on to bigger and better things.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
sargeant15 said:
Ok, maybe the story isn't good, the plot sucks, or the direction they went with Samus isn't great. That doesn't mean that it ruined Samus and the franchise forever. The girl who wrote the article, Morgan Webb as well, are just offended because Other M showed the sensitive and emotional side of Samus. I don't see a problem with it, but if you don't like it then just ignore it or don't play it.
Bare in mind that that they gave Bayonetta a 4/5. And a man reviewed it and didn't say anything about the ..well

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Well I haven't played the game so I can't really say much, but my usual response to stuff like this is to quote Yahtzee from his Silent Hill: Homecoming review,
"Fans are clinging complaining dipshits who will never ever be grateful for any concessions you make, the moment you shut out their shrill tremulous voices the happier you'll be for it."


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
LeonLethality said:
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
LeonLethality said:
Aura Guardian said:
HAHA. No. No it didn't.
It's just that Nintendo can't win when you think about it. People wanted Nintendo to add voice acting and emotion to their franchises. They listen and the fans hate it.
LeonLethality said:
Ruined? No, it added character to an otherwise uninteresting character.

Other M made the series much more interesting and I hope to see more Metroid titles like it.
Thank you.
Glad I saved you a bit of opinion typing. It's sad how fickle many fans can be, the same fans who praised OoT as the best game ever and comparing every following Zelda game to it saying they were not as good criticized Twilight Princess for trying to be like OoT. I kinda feel bad for Nintendo, no matter how much they listen to their fans they just can't seem to please them.
But it's a complete shift of character. Every single game in the series portrayed her as this fearless champion, something games with female leads lack. Suddenly, she's a robot that will die if ordered to. She went from Heero Yui to Rei Ayanami if you'll forgive the nerdiness there.

This character shift would be like if suddenly Link had Dante's personality from DMC. Or if Master Chief rolled over and cried every time another 100 marines were killed in Halo.

They added the WRONG kind of depth, adding traits to make her weak.
She was never portrayed as anything before, she was a blank slate with no personality, that champion is what you filled the blanks in with, for all you know it really wasn't her.
Look at Fusion. She states that she hates taking orders, and especially from some computer. And even when she was given explicit orders not to enter Sector 0, she did because it allowed her to survive, and regain her strength. This goes a complete 180, and not in a good way.
She said she hates taking orders but that it wasn't the first time she did so.
She was a Member oft he Federation Military and as stated in an earlier post she is a Licensed Bounty Hunter and still bound by some laws.
And she still blows Adam off for the Good of everyone else.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
First of all, this isn't the first time we had ever heard Samus speak her mind (well, audibly it is). She had monologues and a conversation in Metroid Fusion. It depicted her as a kind of stoic soldier on the outside, but having having real emotional connections under that surface. Not the kind that make her a pansy, but a real human. So something you may expect from a battle-hardened mercenary that has seen more than her fair share of struggle.

Other M just makes her into a the stereo-typical woman in any media; weak, scared, and her life revolves around men. And yet this is supposed to somehow be consistent with her running head on into dangerous places and fighting giant alien monsters. Makes no sense.

canadamus_prime said:
Well I haven't played the game so I can't really say much, but my usual response to stuff like this is to quote Yahtzee from his Silent Hill: Homecoming review,
"Fans are clinging complaining dipshits who will never ever be grateful for any concessions you make, the moment you shut out their shrill tremulous voices the happier you'll be for it."
Way to comment on the topic without actually reading the article. It's about character consistency, not fandom. For instance, I personally don't care for ("don't care for" read as "despise) Halo, but even I would be saying "WTF" if they made a Halo game were Master Chief just started acting like a scared little ***** that couldn't go into battle without a hug and kiss from his mommy.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
Stevepinto3 said:
First of all, this isn't the first time we had ever heard Samus speak her mind (well, audibly it is). She had monologues and a conversation in Metroid Fusion. It depicted her as a kind of stoic soldier on the outside, but having having real emotional connections under that surface. Not the kind that make her a pansy, but a real human. So something you may expect from a battle-hardened mercenary that has seen more than her fair share of struggle.

Other M just makes her into a the stereo-typical woman in any media; weak, scared, and her life revolves around men. And yet this is supposed to somehow be consistent with her running head on into dangerous places and fighting giant alien monsters. Makes no sense.
She isn't Weak, just questioning her power and discovering some things bout it.
She gets Scared of a enemy that was Obliterated the last time she fought him, who suddenly appears on a Place no one would expect.
And she only feels major Emotional Attachment to one man.
Adam, her Father Figure and Former CO.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Ethylene Glycol said:
I find myself wondering whether all those people who like the way Samus was characterized in Other M have actually met a real woman.
Mind explaining what you mean by this statement?


New member
Apr 9, 2010
Let me highlight a few things to put this in context, the game was developed by Team Ninja who as we all know hate women (or at least women without self-aware boobs), secondly I think they totally disregarded every action she's taken in the history of the franchise, "Ridley killed her family" say one developer, "Let have her cry her eyes out when she fights him!" says another, "But hasn't she already fought him at least 5 times already, he should be on equal footing to the average space pirate by this point." say a third one, "nah that would go against her character, let have the big burly space commander save her from the mean old space dragon." say the first. The second thing they do is apparently make samus the most clueless female character ever, she's in a volcano and she taking damage, and she receive a message from her commander "Oh yeah samus I forgot to mention, you may have to go through the volcano when you get there, so feel free to turn on your heat-resistant suit so you don't die, kay bye."


New member
Jun 28, 2010
i'd like to bring up the metroid manga up to make my point: the manga did a fine job of filling in the gap between her birth and right before the end of the first metroid. it gave her humanity, and she even had a ptsd outbreak when she met ridley after not seeing him after 20-odd years. the manga made her human, a nice, if slightly rebellious and loyal warrior with an interesting past, but could not star in a final fantasy game. (i haven't played other m, and probably never will, but i love the prime games)


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I agree 100% with the article. She never needed some pathetic personality, she was already perfect a long with all the games up to Metroid Prime. She may have been silent but she was bad ass because of it, and then instead of some over done story with super cliche' and lame dialogue, they could just focus on making it a great game. I knew they would fuck it up by doing this.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
canadamus_prime said:
Well I haven't played the game so I can't really say much, but my usual response to stuff like this is to quote Yahtzee from his Silent Hill: Homecoming review,
"Fans are clinging complaining dipshits who will never ever be grateful for any concessions you make, the moment you shut out their shrill tremulous voices the happier you'll be for it."
For once a Yahtzee quote actually works


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Other M didn't kill Samus. Nothing could kill Samus except maybe the capsizing of Nintendo and subsequent poor marketing decisions by the vultures who inherit the corpse.
However, the game made Samus seem like a submissive with a dissociative disorder and a tendency for melodrama, as the article said. It was an interesting attempt to add dimension to the character aside from "shoot-kill," but it missed the mark.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
I haven't played the game yet (I will, though), but the character is too classic to be killed by one game. At worst, this is just an overstatement.