Poll: Metroid: Other M killed Samus

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Aura Guardian said:
canadamus_prime said:
Well I haven't played the game so I can't really say much, but my usual response to stuff like this is to quote Yahtzee from his Silent Hill: Homecoming review,
"Fans are clinging complaining dipshits who will never ever be grateful for any concessions you make, the moment you shut out their shrill tremulous voices the happier you'll be for it."
For once a Yahtzee quote actually works
That quote has been applicable to more situations on this site alone then I care to count.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
sargeant15 said:
Not sure if you guys have heard about this, but some girl from IGN wrote an article on how Metroid: Other M ruined Samus.


Morgan Webb from G4 basically said the same thing.

Abbie Heppe wrote the review and Morgan Webb just did the video review. Just saying
OT: I havn't played it, but it does seem to be a very big change from the original characteristics and I'm not sure it was the right choise for Nintendo to make.


New member
Mar 13, 2008
I think it's a step in the right direction.

They tried to give us the deep inner feelings of Samus during the cut-scenes. While during the gameplay she chugged along like nothing was wrong because she had to.

I know a number of Iraqi veterans who are the same way. They hated being over there and did some horrible things that aren't proud of, but go on like any other day with their heads held high because the have to.

Viking Incognito

Master Headsplitter
Nov 8, 2009
Let me say this, I have never played a Metroid game so I am un-bias. He says this is the first time she has been given voice so how would he have this deep insight he claims to have into her character?

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
canadamus_prime said:
Aura Guardian said:
canadamus_prime said:
Well I haven't played the game so I can't really say much, but my usual response to stuff like this is to quote Yahtzee from his Silent Hill: Homecoming review,
"Fans are clinging complaining dipshits who will never ever be grateful for any concessions you make, the moment you shut out their shrill tremulous voices the happier you'll be for it."
For once a Yahtzee quote actually works
That quote has been applicable to more situations on this site alone then I care to count.
I can only imagine.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
I miss the badass ************ who was raised by freaking aliens! Thanks for making her into a stereotypical shitty female character, Nintendo. I just wanted a badass female, and I lost that too... until I forgot absolutely everything about Other M by choice :D


New member
May 20, 2008
To my knowledge Team Ninja cant or haven't do characterization/story for women, especially leading ones.

They took a independent strong woman, with little in the way of 'breast physics' and adolescent pandering who is almost never seen without armor, into a codependent girl who hangs off a previously unmentioned (to my knowledge) Male character's every word and is totally submissive to him, they missed the point of what we DO know about her character entirely.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Russian_Assassin said:
This argument is idiotic. Where does it state that Samus is a cold blooded ***** that eats testicles for lunch? Actually, moviebob said it better than me: http://screwattack.com/videos/TGO-Episode-40-Heavens-to-Metroid

It made a one dimensional character third dimensional and suddenly that is a bad thing? Are we really that accustomed to the emotionless angry fuckheads that wouldn't smile even if they won a billion dollars while getting sucked off by Angelina Jolie and watching "insert hilarious movie title here" that we can't accept any other character archetype?
Sure, let's go with this. *approves*


New member
Dec 6, 2009
One single game is not going to kill off Samus.

I keep hearing on other sites that they tried to base Samus' personality off of where she was in the time-line of the Metroid universe in this game.
I looked over some of the stuff (mostly manga) people had posted, and I, for one, don't believe that at this point in time, Samus would have been as bad-off emotionally as they try to portray her.
One of the major problems people have is when she meets Ridley. While I won't say that she should have just run up guns a-blazin', she shouldn't have locked up as bad as she did, either. Sure, he's the reason she became an orphan, but she's faced him down and kicked his ass by this time. Sure, she might be surprised that he's alive, but locking up that badly? No.

And that's about the extent to which I know about this game. I rented it yesterday, and haven't gotten around to trying it out yet. Once I decided I wanted to try it, I attempted to stay away from too many more spoilers than what I had already seen/heard.

I don't mind Nintendo trying to give her a voice and a story. I really don't. But if they're going to give her character more, well, character, they need to realize that by now, people assume Samus is a very tough person, both mentally and physically.

Larmo said:
To my knowledge Team Ninja cant or haven't do characterization/story for women, especially leading ones.

They took a independent strong woman, with little in the way of 'breast physics' and adolescent pandering who is almost never seen without armor, into a codependent girl who hangs off a previously unmentioned (to my knowledge) Male character's every word and is totally submissive to him, they missed the point of what we DO know about her character entirely.
Actually, I was under the impression that Team Ninja didn't do the characterization of Samus in this, and that it was either Makoto (creator of Samus) or Hiroji (designer of Samus) that ok'd the characterization.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Considering that Other M's Samus is presented in a manner that directly contradicts her character...yeah. I'd say that they fucked up. Big time.


New member
May 20, 2008
LordNue said:
Sakamoto did all that first. The Zero Suit did little else but to give him, and Nintendo to a larger extent, an excuse to market Samus as T&A. While it makes more sense to wear a bodysuit of sorts below the suit, it doesn't make sense for her proportions or body to look like that outside of the suit. She has no musculature, her arms are like twigs and her figure is pretty much impossible. Not to mention in Other M she actually looks to be much shorter outside the suit then she is inside it. Also, you know, Sakamoto was completely in charge of this game. He was the one who picked Team Ninja to work on the game, he had 100% control over this game.
*sigh* it not that i mind that she has doubts or fears, or even a love interest, it just seemed to be handled badly, or it could be that Adam is a bland character to be puppy eyes after and the 'authorization' or the armor powers just tipped it over for me, it could have been a good story adding a 3rd dimension to Samus's character but it just fell flat for me.