Poll: Metroid: Other M killed Samus


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I think Other M would've been better as a prequel to the entire story, you would think killing a dragon-like creature and defeating an entire faction by herself several times over would not make her such as a scared child. It's not wrong to show previous characters with emotion, in fact, they did that somewhat in Fusion and were on the right track, but they seriously screwed up with Other M.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
There should have been another option those that (generally speaking) believe that the other M was a failed attempt to characterize samus who oppose the belief that the franchise was killed.

I selected yes because the other M to me is a blemish in the franchise but I respectfully consider those who see it as an attempt to characterize Samus (and then the opinions differ in if it was hit or miss). I do not believe it is the end of the franchise and withholding everything in me to not start a rant, I would like to see a recovery in the franchise's otherwise 5 star rating (yes some people do not consider "hunters" or "pinball" a 5 star game but overlooking those).

Ideally I would love to see Retro Studios be given back the franchise's rights but Sakamoto (co-creator) obviously thought the other M was the right direction for the franchise this might not likely happen. Also Nintendo thought it was brilliant to give Retro Studios (they made the prime trilogy as well as the Turok games on the N64 - ALL FPS) the rights to make a 2D return for Donkey Kong (- awkward).


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
LordNue said:
Gigaguy64 said:
Aura Guardian said:
Gigaguy64 said:
Aura Guardian said:
Gigaguy64 said:
Hey man.
I didn't see you ranting in here.
Invalidate any good complaints lately?
More like agreeing with the true fans of Metroid.
Oh well.
ill still keep playing Metroid Regardless of other people feelings.
And Fusion is AWESOME.
I don't understand how people dislike it, especially when it plays like a tighter Super Metroid with better Art and Story.
I could have sworn that the Self Proclaimed "True Fans" have been Wanting Super Metroid Clones ever since Super was released.
Because it doesn't? It strips out the exploration, there's almost no music and you're railroaded where the game wants you to go, to the point where doors actually lock behind you to prevent you from going where you want to go. You're outright told where every upgrade is and you can't even get 100% until after you beat the game. That's not a metroid game.
It had some great Music.
Some of it was Silent to build up the Lonely Atsmophere but it had great Stage and Boss themes.
And big Deal you have an idea of where to go.
You still haft to explore quite a bit, especially searching for ways to get to Security Rooms and Data Rooms.
Linear is not bad.
It felt great to actually have an idea of what to do and where to go, while still haveing room to explore on my way to the Destination.
And so you cant get everything till after you get to the end of the game.
You don't need everything after you get a few Beam Upgrades.
Just like EVERY OTHER Metroid Game.
To win all you need to Do is Beam Spam and if you get lost BOMB EVERYTHING and look for Tubes.
I also don't recall super Metroid having a dodge mechanic that made the game so easy you could beat it pretty much without getting hurt, without any upgrades, nor did it have infinite missiles or health.
Fusion didn't have that either.
In Other M You can only Dodge once you are about to get hit.
And in EVERY Metroid you could Jump and Duck to Dodge EVERYTHING.
And you can only Restore Health once your about to Die.
And it only restores ONE tank,
It only restores a Few Missiles the other times its used.
But hey, lets forget about how amazing the prime games were in how they changed the series, up until sakamoto started getting upset and meddling in on corruption's development.
Actually yes, lets move Past Prime.
Other wise we will have Prime 7 and still people will be complaining.
Metroid is a Series that has Potential to GROW and EVOLVE.
I loved Corruption and despite what it lost it was a great game and a great end to the Trilogy that tried some new things.
Prime was AMAZING, but now lets try something new.
Otherwise the Series will die and i don't want that.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Arella18 said:
They think that because most people loved the fact that Samus was kind of a mysterious character and think that this game took away alot of that mystery.
Bingo! Everyone has had their own imagining of who the woman beneath the suit was, how she acted and what her voice sounded like. People don't like it when the image they've created for themselves is shattered.

OT: I think Nintendo did a poor job on this. If they had made her feel regret, they shouldn't have turned that into overdrive. What they should have done was make the regret a reoccurring, private reflection in between fighting and shown that she disliked taking orders[footnote]maybe a line like "I'm a hunter, not a soldier Adam!".[/footnote] Making her too feminine works against the character the collective imaginations of her fans has created. This backlash shouldn't be a surprise.

I haven't played the game btw but I want to.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Didnt play other M yet. For me metroid is more about exploration, sequence breaking and combat than story. However when people say samus is shown as a (afaik) submissive character i dont really like it, especially since we "know" samus as the most badass galactic bounty hunter with several planets blown up under her name... it doesnt really fit.

But hey, i diditn play it, maybe its blown out of proportions? Dunno.

MBurner 93

New member
Mar 26, 2009
I get what people are saying about how she had very little characterization before, but one glaring example still bugs me. Take the fight with Ridley in the Prime games. If anything, Samus looks pissed off that the bastard is still alive somehow, and proceeds to kick his ass. But in Other M, which would be like her 4th or 5th fight with Ridley, she freezes up until Adam convinces her to fight. The whole PTSD thing would have had to have shown up in the Prime games for the sake of consistency. She's already killed Ridley too many times to be that afraid of him. I see what they wanted to do. Add some character to Samus. I think they did a good job of this at the end of Super Metroid with the baby metroid, and in Fusion with her monologues, but this just strays too far from the rest of the games. The only time she was ever like this was at the beginning of the manga, and by the end, she had overcome her fears and became the badass we all know. If Other M had been a prequel to the original Metroid, this characterization would have made much more sense. It just comes way too late for her to be this afraid and doubtful.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Gigaguy64 said:
And you can only Restore Health once your about to Die.
And it only restores ONE tank
Not to mention you are a complete sitting duck while restoring it, I found this game harder than the other Metroids because you put yourself at risk during battle if you had to heal, in the others you just ran off to kill some fodder enemies and get the HP from them.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
While there are a few parts that seem a little extreme on the emotional side of things, I overall like the ideas put forth by Other M.
First of all, I have noticed a lot of people complain about taking orders from Adam, primarily since Samus is suppose to be "independent" and all. Well here is a thought. In many of the games Samus is working with the Galactic Federation. having played through every Metroid game I have grown to consider the GF Samus' primary employer. In that case would it not be in her best interest to keep good relations with them and not just say, "Yeah, screw you I work alone"?
Granted I will admit the varia suit thing is a little retarded but regardless.
I also find the whole not using items until ordered a bit of a better story mechanic than "Hey look at this item that I can arbitrarily use from this random planet." I mean really how many places did the Chozo place the morph ball upgrade?

I was at first a little peeved by the fact that they seemed to make Samus more of a sissy than she I first thought she should. Really after some thought (and some time at screwattack) I really think the over all idea of actually adding some form of character is good. Could it have been better? Yes. I think they could have made her a little stronger, and I still think a bit of defiance (or discretion) in the fire zone would have been good. In essence they took a step in the right direction, they just stepped a smidgen to far.

So in short, no they didn't ruin Samus. Just because the norm changes a bit doesn't automatically make it bad.

Edit: The game would have been much better for all characters had the dialogue been better than 4th grade level English. Really the game is rated T at least put the readability (or listen ability as the case may be) to an 11th grade level of reading.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
did anybody read that article? i did, and it is 100 percent correct. There is a huge disconnect between the whiny stereotypical female depicted in the cutscenes and the powerful badass depicted in the games.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
ruined? no, but the plot of it was total shit, fortinatly the game play was awesome enough to hold the game together but when the plot plays I tend to go into the other room


New member
Apr 8, 2010
the controls were in DESPERATE need of a nunchuck, and the "find the pixel" thing did get frustrating sometimes(you want me to find green blood on grass? FUCK YOU TEAM NINJA!!!!)but other then that I liked it, it was kinda like fusion but 3D and more acrobatics involved ^_^


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Ruined? No. But Team Ninja's smelly hands stained this game. As a first-person game, Metroid was absolutely fantastic. Hands-down my favorite shooter/adventure game. It blended action, puzzles, and fun exploration in a great package. Team Ninja ditched the immersive environments and cool exploration, and exchanged it for samey-linear bullshit.


New member
Jul 30, 2008
I haven't played the game, but I have seen a couple of cutscenes... and it doesn't ruin her character at all. Remember Metroid Fusion? Same sort of dialogue from her in that game, yet nobody seemed to complain (I sure didn't).

EDIT: I don't really want to play the game because of the controls, really. If they kept it to "Wiimote+Nunchuck" controls, then hell yes. That was what I was lead to believe when I first saw it. But then I found out that you only play with the Wiimote... and turn it over if you want to go into first person... That sucks. That sucks so bad.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Blimey said:
Ruined? No. But Team Ninja's smelly hands stained this game. As a first-person game, Metroid was absolutely fantastic. Hands-down my favorite shooter/adventure game. It blended action, puzzles, and fun exploration in a great package. Team Ninja ditched the immersive environments and cool exploration, and exchanged it for samey-linear bullshit.
Nintendo oversaw it all and pretty much had to approve it all, so don't be blaming Team Ninja.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
NoblePhilistineFox said:
the controls were in DESPERATE need of a nunchuck, and the "find the pixel" thing did get frustrating sometimes(you want me to find green blood on grass? FUCK YOU TEAM NINJA!!!!)but other then that I liked it, it was kinda like fusion but 3D and more acrobatics involved ^_^
Despite my previous defense of the story, I completely agree. The controls and scanning could go fuck themselves. If anything that ruined it for me more than the story.