Poll: Metroid: Other M killed Samus


New member
Oct 29, 2009
I think MovieBob had it perfectly right. We basically knew close to nothing about Samus and when we get a game where we actually get to know her, people seem to think its a betrayal to a character that we knew nothing about. It doesn't make sense.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
LordNue said:
Honestly a glactic federation squad based side-game doesn't sound that bad of an idea if done right. It'd help flesh out the world around samus a bit more. You could play the officer type character like Adam was, giving orders to everyone and making sure the objective was complete, by completing missions and goals you'd get money to upgrade your equipment and such rather than just finding it. Oh well.
Now that does sound cool.
That reminds me of a Star Wars FPS that was released a while back where you played as the Leader of a Squad of Storm Troopers.
It had an Horror aspect to it.
And Horror might work in a Metroid game like that too, i think for a run of the mill soldier, the Metroid universe would be pretty scary.

I guess fleshing out of the Metroid World is one of the major reasons i love the Prime series and Hunters as well.
It was so cool to play a Game that focused an another Race and that had Hunters from many different Races in the Universe, even a few familiar Races Like Weevil being a Enhanced Space Pirate.

I can only hope that if the next Metroid game is something new that they learn from the mistakes made in Other M.

Flamma Man

New member
Jul 23, 2009
Bradfucius said:

Oh, Bob.

Way to completely miss the point of why people don't like Samus. It isn't because they gave her a personality, it's just that this personality that they gave her was whinny, overbearing, annoying, melodramatic and pretty much telling us all about her.

I also love his argument about "Projection" when that's pretty much the basics of "Show don't tell". Throughout all the games, we saw Samus as a loner due to her choosing to be a lonely bounty hunter and never really getting close to anyone, but they also showed us that she did have feelings and wasn't a "robot" as Bob says.

This is easily shown throughout the Prime games if Bob didn't have his "FPS hate dial up to eleven."

But really, Bob's been really annoying lately, especially with his recent Overthinker videos which pretty much label him as a hardcore Nintendo Fanboy.

God, that Sony episode was shit and his latest one, this one, was no different.

I cringed throughout the whole "Strawman" bit.



e^(i * pi) + 1 = 0
Apr 5, 2010
I'm not a Nintendo or even Metroid fanboy (but I like the games and I've played most of them since the NES). I'm not one to complain when characters are given more backstory. I'm not attached to Samus being the silent type and I liked the bits of characterization in Metroid Fusion.

But yes, Other M missed the point of her character. It is inconsistent with her actions and what of her character we can see from previous games.

Of course, Nintendo has the character and can do it, but this doesn't mean we have to like it. It was simply bad characterization. Although she could become quite an interesting character if it was done better, Samus is better without her characterization in Other M.

Flamma Man

New member
Jul 23, 2009
cursedseishi said:
Flamma Man said:
But really, Bob's been really annoying lately, especially with his recent Overthinker videos which pretty much label him as a hardcore Nintendo Fanboy.

God, that Sony episode was shit and his latest one, this one, was no different.
Glad I'm not the only one who found that video to be baseless and weak. I'm no Sony fanboy, if anything I'm Sega as thats what I stuck to growing up. I own all the consoles, and guess what? The PSP gets my attention the most. Anything can be a great financial success when you make the system so simple to design games for that a kindergardener using legos could make a game, which explains the huuuge pile of shovel-ware infesting it (and non-game stores)
Hell, I don't even OWN a PS3, but that video was just so painful to watch, I was almost tempted to stop near the middle.

Monk Ed

New member
Feb 11, 2010
I had a bad opinion of Samus's characterization at first, but then I realized something which basically amounts to "Samus's personality is good and deep -- but the goodness is hidden beneath bad, bad writing." A lot of what I at first attributed to her personality I eventually attributed instead to the poor execution. For example, she gets called "whiny" but that's only because we're being inappropriately told her innermost thoughts which she is not actually telling anyone. (In-game, she's very reserved.) This is why I say she was not ruined "FOREVER".

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
LordNue said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
LordNue said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
this side of Samus doesn't surprise me, but they coulda left her some common sense (lava zone chase i'm looking at you)

far as i'm concerd, any one whinny about 'how they ruined Samus with other M' is an idiot and needs to read up on her back story before popping off again.
yes, its fanboy sounding, butits true, a lot of the whinning is from ppl who donno the back story,
and anything from G4 TVs fail feast that is Xplay, is ignorable anyway
What backstory? The manga that was only released in japan? Or the vague mentions of space pirates killing her family in the games that was never expanded on? What about the Chozo? That's part of her backstory too.
the manga is easy to get, google it and you should find it in to top few links (which expands on the pirate bit) as for the chozo upbringing, Other M is focusing on her military career, but yes, all of the above, i fail to see how letting her be 'human, flawed, and scarred by her past is a bad thing, since we HAVEN'T gotten any back story to speak of from the games
Do you not see the flaw in having the majority of your fanbase not having easy access to that manga then? A lot of metroid fans may not even know of the existence of the manga or just might not care because it nintendo didn't bother to release it anywhere else, it's probably not important. At least that's the common reasoning I've heard. Plus fan translations should always be taken with a grain of salt. Her being "Human, flawed and scarred by her past" is bad because it creates a dissonance with the gameplay, in the cutscnes she does nothing but whine and moan about how terrible she is and how badly she messes everything up and how she should be a good obedient little girl, or she freaks out and gets anthony 'killed' or Adam has to kill himself because despite blowing up planets and getting out before the timer goes off she can't do this. Yet in the gameplay she's as stoic and badass as ever, even in the other games (and other games where we're given brief glimpses of personality, despite people not noticing there were a few moments in the prime series as well) it all goes against this where she isn't some whiny girl. She has fears and everything, but she doesn't wear them on her sleeve. She isn't a little girl who needs daddy to hold her hand through the big bad space station. Furthermore, in Other M that is ALL we're given of her personality. She wasn't proven to be competent or strong despite these flaws, straight through to the end in every cutscene she was a coward, a little girl who couldn't even stand up to that asshole in the last scene of the game. She had to be rescued by Anthony who apparently hopped on frozen lava monsters to survival. Despite the fact that Samus single handedly took down the freaking metroid queen.
twice, and while i see your point, it, being other M, dosen't bother all that much outside the odd moments, yes, she should be less submissive and whinny, but all this can likely be pinned on Team Ninja for thinking it was a good idea, and Nintendo for giving it to them to begin with -.-


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Once again, another character ruined (temporarily) by trying to be "Emotional" and "Complex". I'm not a big metroid fan, but I played prime when I was a kid and loved it. The thing is this: At least she didn't HAVE personality and lose it. If They start out badass and get more personality, it could be problematic, like trying to make Doomguy sad and emotional. However, if he's like Kratos who starts off with a bit of personality and loses it, it's worse. Now, Kratos was a badass for the most part initially, so it's not a big deal, but say James Sunderland ran in with a chaingun and grenade launcher shirtless. Pretty stupid.

Flamma Man

New member
Jul 23, 2009
Kitsuna10060 said:
twice, and while i see your point, it, being other M, dosen't bother all that much outside the odd moments, yes, she should be less submissive and whinny, but all this can likely be pinned on Team Ninja for thinking it was a good idea, and Nintendo for giving it to them to begin with -.-
There's something funny you should know, the person who wrote the game and the characterization of Samus was the original Co-Creator of the character.

Yeah, I laughed too when I learned this. So...yeah, it WAS Nintendo's fault. Team Ninja only worked on the gameplay.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I read a little bit of the article. I stopped when I realized the author was complaining that they tried to add more realistic characteristics to an otherwise nigh-inhuman character.

The part about how Samus could lob missiles at Mother Brain and then be composed enough to flee... How do I put this? It's called "you totally got it wrong." As I see it, Samus could have just as easily been shitting herself with fear as she tried to save her skin. After all, she was a mainly silent character. Her character was really up to personal interpretation until Other M.

Marble Dragon

New member
Mar 11, 2009
...I disagree. Very, very much.

Part of the argument is that Samus acts like a girl now. Boo fucking hoo - Samus is a girl, in case those boobs didn't say anything.
Aura Guardian said:
Also...I'll add that it was written by a woman. But more importantly, a feminist. This sounded nearly identical to the same person that wrote the 2/5 review about Samus' character instead of the game. And reading the 1,000+ comments about that article, about 90% of the comment posters have countered her.
Feminism? Bullshit. Saying that women need to act like men to earn any sort of respect is pretty counterproductive, if you ask me. What I get from the article is "I liked Samus better when she was practically a man with boobs." I don't buy it for a second.

Disclaimer: I've never actually played Other M. I may be wrong, and Miss Drake might be entirely correct.

Flamma Man

New member
Jul 23, 2009
LordNue said:
Flamma Man said:
LordNue said:
Actually he wasn't. He was the director of the original game along with Gunpei Yokoi. Hiroji Kiyotake and Makoto Kano created Samus.
Ah, my bad.
Not entirely since he's pretty much aping their work these days claiming he created her and that the entire series was his idea. He's turned into a bit of a **** and is pretty much removing everything that made the series unique and fun. They need to give the control to someone else. Someone who isn't crazy and thinks more about their kawaii waifu samus then the actual game.
Oh, well then, he's a **** for misinforming me.

And by your previous statement about him, he sounds kinda...creepy.