Poll: Mother punishes adopted child by forcing him to drink hot sauce


New member
Mar 23, 2010
Keep in mind that hot sauces tend to be an acquired taste - those of us who reguarly use them, or eat extremelly spicy foods, are more accustomed to the "burn" whereas others might not be. I personally use hot sauce quite a bit, and it doesn't phase me to eat jalapeno chips right out of a jar . . . my girlfriend, on the other hand, can barely even handle yellow mustard . . . for someone with no acquired taste for spicy fixings, even mild tobasco sauce could be quite painful and unbearable.

Personally - I can't say I agree with such a method of punishment. I think there's more effective means that can be tried before such an action . . . but who's to say how far the kid pushed the mother in the first place, or how many other forms of punishment she tried before resorting to this?

Sorry, but until we know the rest of the story, I'm not going to draw conclusions on what I see as media sensationalism. That's become a big problem in the US, and has lead to quite drastic measures being taken by authorities simply because an uninformed public is demanding of it - and I say uninformed public because the media has only fed them what aspects of the story they want to report on, not the whole unbiased account of what has taken place.


The Master of Speilingz
Mar 19, 2009
Um... Wow... Okay. When I first saw this thread I gathered the general consensus would be "That's just plain Wrong". And Um... Well... That's Just Plain wrong...

In terms of Physical Damage. Fair enough. There nothing there. But in terms of emotional damage... Fuck-a-Doodle-Do that's fucking intense!

Then I just got more pissed off watching the rest of the show. She sits there and acts like she's gonna turn over anew leaf. Fuck that nonsense! She's got issues man! ISSUES!


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Wow, only extremes in the poll. None of those answers suit me I feel.

Although I do feel she could use a week in the nuthouse, taking her child away is but ONE way to handle the situation; MANHANDLING the situation.

And I objectify against manhandling situations. You could at least attempt to patch things up. Such as, making the woman see just how wrong her ways are, and for her to tell his boy she's sorry live on TV where you are just pressured to.

Though, the cynical side of me do believe this couple just made it all up and sold their little "show" to Dr. Phil to fill in yet another episode.
But hey, I don't dare take anything seriously anymore at a first glance. Always have to be on the ball and see everything in a skeptical light.


New member
Apr 15, 2008
I was cooking up a good troll on this one, but seeing how horrible it actually was I won't post it in fear of the ban-hammer.


New member
Feb 9, 2010
Hmmm. . .

I don't think its any worse than washing your mouth out with soap. Though I woulda just done that.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
What a fantastic household. A house where no one can make mistakes because mistakes aren't tolerated, a place where everyone is perfect and have no flaws. A place where good is absolute, and there is no such thing as lying, misbehaviour, behaving like a child, or wrongdoing. A place of absolute, total rule - the perfect parent, I salute her for creating the next super soldier who can probably weather all manner of pain and have no moral or personal qualms about inflicting pain or killing others (highly speculative, but hey, I have a pretty vibrant imagination - and you know, you want to make a kid tough, hurt the kid and eventually, they will want to butt heads with you and tolerate as much pain as possible so they can give you the ultimate "up-yours". I've done it before- been whipped and caned and beaten- so I did it to myself till it drew blood, my mother had to better that, funnily enough that turned punishment on its head)

Am I serious? no, I am fucking kidding. Reading the other articles on this- the mother says she'd put the child through an array of different punishments- apparently none of which had ever worked; jesus fuck, are you fucking surprised? the child is fucking terrified of you but he has absolutely no reason to respect you or trust you; does he want to think about how this reflects on you when he misbehaves at school? of course not, Maybe if you made him care more about how much you loved him perhaps he would care more about what you care about. You create a child or adopt him/her, whatever it is - that doesn't mean you have the god-given right to do what you wish and think you can raise the child like an animal. The child is a human being- a human being you can communicate and connect with with its own psyche, its own personality, its own budding set of beliefs and thought systems - and all I saw was one freaking psycho barking orders and repeating herself again and again like a dogged brainwashing campaign, and of course using chemical substance to inflict pain and demeaning physical shock torture to make sure the child remembers... remembers what? that he is in a loving home where they deserve a child that would do well to please and return said love? no, the child remembers the pain, the humiliation, the mental anguish and of course the utter fear of returning and being home - read the operative word: 'HOME' that place where the fucking heart is, a place where you're safe from harm and will always be accepted and loved no matter what, a place of nurture, respect, connection and closeness - I saw none of that in that video or in the mother or in the defeated and broken body language of that little child.

If that kid stayed in that hell-hole any longer, that kid is gonna be forced to change in a way that will make some seriously bad news.

Some people need to be banned from having their own family, because even if this shit is set up or not? it does happen - you'd be surprised, art imitates life more than you think.

Lady Larunai

New member
Nov 30, 2010
Kadoodle said:
racrevel said:
Im wondering what the child actually did as there is no mention..

Actually, there is in the video. He got in trouble at school, and then lied about it. Doesn't deserve a mouthful of hotsauce (poor kid) and a freezing cold shower, that's just brutal.
And here i was thinking he'd lit someone or something on fire or stolen a teachers car


New member
Sep 10, 2009
It is certainly better than physical abuse. It's horrible, sure, but it's a disciplinary action and not just simply a beating like a lot of abuse parents do.

She needs a good talking to and some new techniques.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Also to note - about the defense lawyer for the mother; pretty inept lawyer IMO:

"Nothing Jessica has done is criminal. If you give your child food that has hot sauce on it - maybe they eat Mexican food - does that mean its child abuse," said Bill Ingaldson, another lawyer for Beagley.

Yes of course- however, the mother was not feeding this child a fucking burrito or nachos with a dash of tobasco for flavor, she was forcing him to swallow the hot sauce as a means for shock punishment that just comes off as abusive and generally deplorable.

Suppose I decided to force this defense attorney to gulp down some hot-sauce with intent to inflict pain because I have no respect for him and forcibly make him regret his statements because they make no sense and appeals to the freaking ignorant (and even then I doubt even the ignorant are that bloody stupid).

To him, I should get away with it because I was just treating him to a fine tasty meal of Mexican food; how fucking kind of me.

Riiiight. I don't know how this can be almost hilarious yet sad at the same time.

For reference, I grabbed that bit from:


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I understand the hot sauce part (though I don't agree with it). The mother is trying to show that lies hurt people and the punishment is to draw attention to where lies comes from - well they really come from the mind but you really can't do a direct punish to that. But **** me! That's completely uncalled for. The cold shower on the other hand... well that just completely baffles me. If she's going to vary the punishment to fit the 'crime' (which makes sense in theory) then I have no idea how a cold shower and getting a 'colored card' are even remotely connected. Of course the cold is just as bad as the hot sauce, the temperature is a shock to the body and then the muscles contract - for me it feels like my ribcage will crush my chest after a few minutes. And then there's the fact that she's lowering his core body temperature the longer she keeps him in there.

I feel sorry for this kid. It's no wonder he didn't want to tell her about the trouble at school (which from a psychological stand point I think that's probably her fault), no kid wants to get punished for getting in trouble, but this kid was completely justified for trying to hide it. Though what he did was wrong (from what we understand) and you cant let something like that slide or it will get worse, what she did was completely uncalled for. The punishment did not fit the 'crime.'

Honestly I really don't think she learned anything. When I look at her eyes in the second clip it feels more like she's thinking, "Damn I got caught." They seems very angry at everyone and rebellious (to everyone condemning her). There's more to it than that, but I just can't explain it other than she feels wronged because she felt justified in what she was doing. I'm glad the boy was removed. If anything she didn't want a son, she wanted an obedient servant/slave.

Interestingly enough it's almost like she's saying, "You can be a good boy, or you can go through SEAL/BUDs training." so if the boy actually decides to go into special forces when he's a man (though I doubt he will because of this woman) then we would be telling everyone how weak the military training is. I just hope he can somehow turn this into a positive instead of it haunting him the rest of his life.


Sep 9, 2010
Hot sauce? Meh. Kids use to get cod liver oil back in the day.

The yelling and shower is a bit to much though. IDK.

What? Does simple old parental guilt not work anymore? Flippin' raised me right, I tell you what.

EDIT: Maybe the whole reason we've all as a group have moved away from violent punishment towards children is because it takes us back to what we went through?

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
IronicBeet said:
It is amazing how much you don't get why this is so bad. She filled his mouth with hot sauce, which OBVIOUSLY HURT HIM, and forced him to keep burning chemicals in his mouth while she yelled at him. It doesn't matter how much the type of hot sauce would hurt to someone else, it obviously hurt like a ***** to him.
I couldn't hear the kid with no headphones, but he could have been overreacting. I remember when my six year old cousin screamed like he was being tortured on seeing my brother dressed as Santa. He knew it was my brother, he was just being overdramatic.

IronicBeet said:
Random berk said:
Uh... hot sauce? Really? This is a bizarre way to punish a child, but is it really that cruel? Having never tasted hot sauces before, since I'm not a fan of spicy food, I still find it hard to believe that they can actually do anything worse than leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth. They are supposed to be edible, and put on food to improve it, right? If she'd made him drink something like liquid soap, then this'd be totally unacceptable, but whats so bad about a condiment? It sounds like something I'd do as a drunken bet more than anything. (drink the sauce, that is, not feed it to a child)
The worse (As in hotter) types of hot sauce do hurt, a lot. For instance, I have a bottle of hot sauce in my fridge that caused me to well up in tears after dipping the end of a toothpick in and licking it off. This kid was forced to hold it in his mouth for an extended period of time. We don't know how hot it was, but it could have permanently damaged his tongue. Then there's the fact that while he was being forced to hold burning liquid in his mouth, his "loving" mother was screaming at him that "WE DO NOT LIE IN THIS HOUSE.". Then there was the whole cold shower thing, which, you know, at least one child has died from.
Hmm. Yeah, the cold shower is too much. Permanent damage to his tongue... maybe. I don't know, like I say, I've never used hot sauce, but still find it hard to believe that it could be that dangerous when people do eat the stuff all the time. The screaming wouldn't have been nice, but hey, my parents did that all the time. That part isn't exactly cruel and unusual. Of course, the shower probably does tip the balance in favour of this woman's behaviour being inappropriate.


New member
Jan 10, 2011
Valksy said:
I just hope that one day she finds out what it is like when someone bigger than her and stronger than her decides that she needs to be punished.

May it be in jail.

Longer story:

Jesus Crist, some of the other stories on this site... I can't belive what I read... I had to check wiki to make sure is wasn't a troll site... Jesus crist.....


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Holy crap im on the fence here....

In one way, i think kids should get a good spanking when they misbehave, or a punishment worth to the situation (nothing agressive or that could injure the child).

When i say spanking i mean some slaps in the butt, not punches or slaps in the face.

And in the other hand what that ***** has doend was kinda abusive... i mean hot sauce and cold shower? that women is going on a strech there, what is she trying to do? Make him worse? Nothing good could ever come from those punishments.... the kids more scared of her than anything else!!!
Feb 13, 2008
IronicBeet said:
You don't call punishing your child by forcefully burning his mouth child abuse?
If you do, then you had a angelic childhood. Had worse. Know people who've had WAY worse. And they don't even think it's child abuse.

When you've been hit across the room for not getting a good grade, then it's child abuse. This was just a parent in the wrong.