Poll: Mother punishes adopted child by forcing him to drink hot sauce


New member
Dec 29, 2009
I was ok with it because she told him not to swallow the hot sause, so I though 'ok, lets see how she handles this', but then she told him to spit it out, which was good, then she told him to swallow? I wanted that kid out of there there and then. The cold shower was fucked up?! I mean, the kid crying and sobbing? Fuck that *****, see how she likes that sort of treatment.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
stinkychops said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
stinkychops said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
JoJoDeathunter said:
While the child probably did deserve some sort of punishment, this was stepping over the line of acceptability. I don't think he should be taken away from her though assuming she doesn't do it again, as there's still many children waiting to be adopted.
I have to say... considering the way the woman acted in the video, I think she'll do it again. She could be given a second chance, only if the child agrees though.

Though, she pulls it again, CPS Time.
Considering the intelligent, level headed response she gave on Dr Phil there is no doubt to me that she'll do it again. She's obviously a cold hearted, calculating *****. If I see her in real life I will spit in her face.

The video was painful to watch. I'm surprised I finished it.
Poe's Law in effect.

I don't know if you are agreeing with me or using sarcasm.

Damn you, Poe's Law. Damn you.
Nah, I agree with you.

I genuinely think that her not reacting emotionally or defending her irrational behaviour suggests she'll continue.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that in her. I'm not sure how she adopted him in the first place. If I was the person trying to meet the potential parents to see if they're not crazy, I would have pointed her towards the entrance the moment I saw her. That's why I wish I was trained in Blink Psychology: I would love to be able to prove myself right in situations like this. Then again this might be one of those shady international adoptions - technically legal but still frowned upon. Like I said in my earlier post, she I don't think she wanted a son. I think she adopted him to have someone to rule over.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
That is two steps over the line even by Asian standards, and it was on an adopted child from Russia.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Seeing this pretty much ruined my afternoon coffee. I sincerely hope that woman kicks the bucket as soon as possible. I think her behavior reflects what stern (religious) doctrine can instill in people, to make them treat others and especially their children, like that.

Fuckin' reminds me of stories uncles and aunts who went to catholic schools have told me...nuns hitting them with rulers 'till they were crying like infants and singling out these ''uncouth'' individuals to humiliate them.

Bro, these old values of ''beatin' them 'till they don't struggle no more'' have to go.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Wow - watching the video, she just seems so harsh... I mean, wow. AND a cold shower!?
baker80 said:
The worst part isn't the tobasco sauce, that stuff is really fairly mild as spicy sauces go. It doesn't even really hurt.

The worst part is that this woman thought that causing a 7-year old child physical pain and humiliating him like this is an appropriate punishment for whatever a small boy like that could possibly have done.
This too.


New member
May 10, 2010
To me, this doesn't look to bad.

At all, even.

Oh no, cold water and hot sauce!!!


New member
Nov 29, 2010
baker80 said:
The worst part isn't the tobasco sauce, that stuff is really fairly mild as spicy sauces go. It doesn't even really hurt.

The worst part is that this woman thought that causing a 7-year old child physical pain and humiliating him like this is an appropriate punishment for whatever a small boy like that could possibly have done.
Here i was trying to think of a comment i could post explaining my stance, but now i don't have to.

What this guy said, only with more technical terms because i like using big words to fuck with peoples heads as a way to compensate for my low self-esteem.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
SilentBobsThoughts said:
I was ok with it because she told him not to swallow the hot sause, so I though 'ok, lets see how she handles this', but then she told him to spit it out, which was good, then she told him to swallow? I wanted that kid out of there there and then. The cold shower was fucked up?! I mean, the kid crying and sobbing? Fuck that *****, see how she likes that sort of treatment.
Uh mate, she told the kid at first to not swallow and also not spit it out, just to keep it in his mouth so it hurt more...'till the shower.

And yeah, that cold shower was fucking insane. The kid is seven years old for fuck's sake.
Then she has the nerve to plead not guilty, saying 'there was no other way to stop my son's misbehavior'

There's always millions of kids getting treated worse out there though, and they don't get any media attention.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Kadoodle said:
racrevel said:
Im wondering what the child actually did as there is no mention..

Actually, there is in the video. He got in trouble at school, and then lied about it. Doesn't deserve a mouthful of hotsauce (poor kid) and a freezing cold shower, that's just brutal.
Hey, rules are rules. In that house, you don't lie to your parents. End of.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Punishment is one thing, but that is just humiliating. That's no way to punish a small kid.

As a sidenote, I watched that video where Phillie's wife speaks, and what always annoys me is that when people are in TV, no matter what they think, they'll just say "I never thought about it that way, you are right" or "I am so sorry, you have opened my eyes, you are so right". That's such bullshit.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
unusual, but not really that bad, not saying i would do it, but its not like its going to be leaving a physical scar on the child, although the kid may avoid hot sauce for the rest of his life...
not a unjust punishment on the mother though, she really shouldnt be doing that...


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
LegendaryGamer0 said:
JoJoDeathunter said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
JoJoDeathunter said:
While the child probably did deserve some sort of punishment, this was stepping over the line of acceptability. I don't think he should be taken away from her though assuming she doesn't do it again, as there's still many children waiting to be adopted.
I have to say... considering the way the woman acted in the video, I think she'll do it again. She could be given a second chance, only if the child agrees though.

Though, she pulls it again, CPS Time.
I agree though considering the sad fact that many older children who need a family never get adopted, it's probably best he stays with her for now rather than risk never having the opportunity to have parents again. I like to think that if I never manage have a biological daughter I'd adopt and so help fight defecit in adoptive parents, but *shrugs* who knows what'll happen.
Which is why people like me plan to adopt many children to fight this deficit. No matter the age.

The future is what you make it.
[small]Sorry for late reply, just had a couple of lectures to attend[/small]

Anyway at the risk of thread derailment, kudos to you and I wish you good luck in that =D If there were just a few more thousand people in the entire country willing to adopt so there wasn't a deficit, then we wouldn't have to give children to people like this news-worthy woman.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Aethren said:
Depends on the hot sauce, really.

Tabasco? That woman needs mental help.

Tapatio? That's not a punishment, that's reward.
The shape of the bottle indicates Tapatio to me. Wooohooo.


New member
May 10, 2010
I'm getting the impression that a lot of children in this thread had pristine childhoods full of flowers and "unconditional love".

In terms of child abuse, this is pretty weak sauce compared to what happens everyday to thousands of kids.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
The OP says the punishment is because the kid lied to her about an incident at school. Really, your using this punishment a 7 year old for lying. How are u even surprised by this woman? Still, wonder what he did, can't really make a solid decision as to whether she was justified or not till we know what he did.
I mean, this is pretty extreme punishment for a 7 year old, but I have known some 7 year olds who have done some pretty nasty things that could possibly warrant this kind of punishment.

Summary: Seen a lot worse, and it won't hurt the kid. It's hot sauce and a cold shower, I've inflicted worse punishment on myself in the name of getting up and being alert in time for class. Yeah, it's extreme, and she almost certainly shouldn't have done it(anything's possible), but there are worse things in life than having your mouth washed out with hot sauce.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I thought that this wouldn't be that bad.

Then I watched the video. That Mom is evil. Makes my mom look really nice, because all I got was sent in my room.

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
Chibz said:
I see nothing wrong with this punishment. How does this differ from washing the kid's mouth out with soap for swearing? (A perfectly valid punishment)
I wouldn't really call that a valid punishment, in my opinion any form of pain-inducing punishment or degredation/humiliation is unacceptable.

The only good that comes of that is getting a child to fear your wrath after misbehaving, you may think that's the point but in the future that can result in one very mentally and emotionally scarred and unstable individual.

I'm not even a parent and I can already say that what this woman did was horrifically wrong, it's a pathetic person who feels the need to hurt or abuse their loved ones.