Poll: [Origin] How many of us have folded?


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Don't have it yet because I've had no need for it. I haven't heard of a sale on a game I want, and nothing I own requires it.

I'll probably get ME3 and/or BF3, so I'm sure I'll wind up with it eventually.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
No, and I probably won't ever install it. That sandbox things might make me change my mind though.

T7nowhere said:
I really don't get what people are crying about. Origin is simply EA's digital downloader. It's actually been improved over the old one that was used before they re-branded it.

I guess it's annoying if don't want to have yet another app for games, but really how is this any different than what Valve did with steam. People were crying about how steam when Valve first forced it on their users. With Blizzard games you have battle.net.

The thing I'm more annoyed by is the crappy browser based BF3 battlelog which has reduced functionality in some browsers. I don't like to have to have my browser and Origin running just to Play BF3. that is something EA should have integrated into Origin.
You obviously haven't read the multitude of news articles on Origin detailing how installing it gives them the right to monitor all activity on your computer and sell it to whomever they please.


New member
May 22, 2010
RT-Medic-with-shotgun said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
RT-Medic-with-shotgun said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
RT-Medic-with-shotgun said:
Nope. Was going to play some 2142 but apparently my disk(no scratches) won't work and it wanted me to download origin to play a game i bought years ago. Not downloading another program so another company can monitor all my shit; let alone a company like EA. One which i hate so much. I barley tolerate STEAM but EA dosen't get to pull shit with me.

My computer. My rules. My wallet. Each one says not EA products and that's how shit works.
Are you sure you need to download Origin, and you don't just need an Origin account? They've merged the old EA account system with the new Origin system, and dropped the EA account name. You should be able to just log in with your old account information.
No it said i needed to download Origin.
Huh. Weird. Honestly, though, it's no worse than Steam, and it may wind up being better in the long run. Valve may be good about customer support, but their DD store and DRM platform is one of, if not the most restrictive on the market. If you already run Steam, adding in another platform really won't kill you. I've got accounts with Steam, Impulse, and as of today, GoG and Origin. (GoG is currently giving away free copies of the Broken Sword remake.) Impulse, at least when Stardock still owned it, was the only platform that I didn't have moral issues with using. I'm stuck with the others for practical reasons -- and also because I don't mind paying for a lifetime rental when I can get a game on sale for less than the price of a weekend rental. I don't pay full price for anything on Steam, though -- or Origin or GoG, for that matter. Impulse is a special case because boxed copies of Stardock's games give the option of a DRM free installation through Impulse. I don't know if it's changed since Gamestop bought the store,but that's a form of DD that I don't mind at all.
Given the nature of EA(as the company trying its damn hardest to be the most evil company in the world) i don't see how it it could be viewed as not being worse than steam. They do the same thing in the EULA but when it comes to a company sifting through your PC for data what would you prefer? VALVe or EA? I prefer the hidden third option of neither but hardly any games go without STEAM; one of the reasons i hardly buy any games now.

I like privacy & most gaming i do revolved around MMOs so i never needed STEAM up until a few years ago. I bought 3 games for it and never got another because i don't like turning on that memory sucking DRM monstrosity.
Honestly? I don't like either company. Valve gets a pass with a lot of gamers because they make excellent games and they bend over backwards to support them. They're still a huge, evil corporation -- and like I said, their digital distribution platform is the most evil one on the market. It's a choice between a bull shark and a great white; they're both man-eaters, one just happens to be a little smaller than the other.


A Mistake
Jun 24, 2011
Uh, well... They were having a sale on their Sims 3 expansion packs. Steam was too, but I had the retail version of The Sims 3 and Steam-purchased expansion packs don't work with any retail copies of The Sims 3; purchases with Origin will work, however.

Sims 3 expansion packs are probably the only thing I'll use Origin for, however. I've already got all my friends on Steam. Don't really feel like convincing them to switch over for really no reason.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
When I first saw this thread, my answer would have been no. I had not installed it.

But, a few friends talked me into trying the BF3 beta on PC. (which wasn't hard. I wanted to anyway)

So, I've "broken down" and installed it. In a sandboxed environment, of course.

That said, I have to add something. I know you aren't asking for our opinions on it, but:

What a steaming pile of s***! I mean, it's just God awful. Ignoring my qualms about the invasive nature of it, the need to run TWO programs to load up a THIRD (the game), etc there are still so many grievances I'm having with this thing. Why are people defending this trite?! The interface is bland, spartan, and all together just poorly designed. It's buggy as all hell. The Friends list and it's subsequent sidebar are poorly implemented. Not to mention not even integrated into BF3. While installing it and BF3 I had to agree to no less than six EULAs. And, even then, when I was given the "choice" to opt out of downloading Punk Buster (even after agreeing to it's EULA) it said that I needed it to play the game online. Since I have to be online to play it, I'm assuming that means that I effectively can't play the game at all. I could be wrong, but knowing EA I doubt it. I will be testing that out soon.

The bugs I saw in the BF3 beta itself are (somewhat) excusable. Though only just seeing as some were fairly significant engine bugs that really should have been hammered out this close to release. Otherwise it was a solid experience. But the stuff I'm seeing in Origin? There is no excuse. EA has almost a decades worth of examples from other companies and the personal experience of their own attempts to pull from on how best to build their DD service. Apparently, they've ignored all of it.

And don't even get me started on Battlelog. That site is a joke.

At this point, as great as the game ran on my rig, and as much fun as it was playing online, I'm seriously considering just getting it for 360.

Owyn_Merrilin said:
Honestly? I don't like either company. Valve gets a pass with a lot of gamers because they make excellent games and they bend over backwards to support them. They're still a huge, evil corporation -- and like I said, their digital distribution platform is the most evil one on the market. It's a choice between a bull shark and a great white; they're both man-eaters, one just happens to be a little smaller than the other.
I don't give them a pass because they make great games. I give them a "pass" because Steam has become one hell of a great service. It started rough (terrible), but has grown into the quintessential DD service. It's still a form of DRM, to be sure, but it's one with enough benefits and bonuses that it removes some of the sting of being DRM. I would hardly consider it the "most evil".

Also, Valve is not a "huge, evil corporation". I would hardly consider a company of 250 employees or less "huge". There's a reason people love them. And it's not because we're all mindless, naive fanboys/fangirls. We love them because they make great games, host a great service, support the community, and generally do what's best for both the players and the developers.


New member
May 22, 2010
Vigormortis said:
When I first saw this thread, my answer would have been no. I had not installed it.

But, a few friends talked me into trying the BF3 beta on PC. (which wasn't hard. I wanted to anyway)

So, I've "broken down" and installed it. In a sandboxed environment, of course.

That said, I have to add something. I know you aren't asking for our opinions on it, but:

What a steaming pile of s***! I mean, it's just God awful. Ignoring my qualms about the invasive nature of it, the need to run TWO programs to load up a THIRD (the game), etc there are still so many grievances I'm having with this thing. Why are people defending this trite?! The interface is bland, spartan, and all together just poorly designed. It's buggy as all hell. The Friends list and it's subsequent sidebar are poorly implemented. Not to mention not even integrated into BF3. While installing it and BF3 I had to agree to no less than six EULAs. And, even then, when I was given the "choice" to opt out of downloading Punk Buster (even after agreeing to it's EULA) it said that I needed it to play the game online. Since I have to be online to play it, I'm assuming that means that I effectively can't play the game at all. I could be wrong, but knowing EA I doubt it. I will be testing that out soon.

The bugs I saw in the BF3 beta itself are (somewhat) excusable. Though only just seeing as some were fairly significant engine bugs that really should have been hammered out this close to release. Otherwise it was a solid experience. But the stuff I'm seeing in Origin? There is no excuse. EA has almost a decades worth of examples from other companies and the personal experience of their own attempts to pull from on how best to build their DD service. Apparently, they've ignored all of it.

And don't even get me started on Battlelog. That site is a joke.

At this point, as great as the game ran on my rig, and as much fun as it was playing online, I'm seriously considering just getting it for 360.

Owyn_Merrilin said:
Honestly? I don't like either company. Valve gets a pass with a lot of gamers because they make excellent games and they bend over backwards to support them. They're still a huge, evil corporation -- and like I said, their digital distribution platform is the most evil one on the market. It's a choice between a bull shark and a great white; they're both man-eaters, one just happens to be a little smaller than the other.
I don't give them a pass because they make great games. I give them a "pass" because Steam has become one hell of a great service. It started rough (terrible), but has grown into the quintessential DD service. It's still a form of DRM, to be sure, but it's one with enough benefits and bonuses that it removes some of the sting of being DRM. I would hardly consider it the "most evil".

Also, Valve is not a "huge, evil corporation". I would hardly consider a company of 250 employees or less "huge". There's a reason people love them. And it's not because we're all mindless, naive fanboys/fangirls. We love them because they make great games, host a great service, support the community, and generally do what's best for both the players and the developers.
All I have to say to this is, compare their system to GoG or Impulse some time; they have the most restrictive DRM out of any Digital Distribution platform on the market, with the possible exception of Origin.

Edit: And as I keep pointing out, if you were so upset about Origin looking at what you have installed that you sandboxed it, I hope you sandboxed Steam, too, because they collect the same data. Where do you think they get <link=http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey>this information? Granted, you can opt out of it, but who actually does?


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Owyn_Merrilin said:
All I have to say to this is, compare their system to GoG or Impulse some time; they have the most restrictive DRM out of any Digital Distribution platform on the market, with the possible exception of Origin.
Except that comparing GOG and Impulse to Steam is like comparing (to use the tried and true adage) apples to oranges. GoG and Impulse are basically just download managers. Steam is both that AND a support platform. It doesn't just offer you the games for download. It offers content, support, hosting, community features, etc, etc. So of course things like GoG and Impulse will seem less restrictive in that sense. (though I would argue that Impulse isn't quite so non-restrictive now that Gamestop owns it)


New member
May 22, 2010
Vigormortis said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
All I have to say to this is, compare their system to GoG or Impulse some time; they have the most restrictive DRM out of any Digital Distribution platform on the market, with the possible exception of Origin.
Except that comparing GOG and Impulse to Steam is like comparing (to use the tried and true adage) apples to oranges. GoG and Impulse are basically just download managers. Steam is both that AND a support platform. It doesn't just offer you the games for download. It offers content, support, hosting, community features, etc, etc. So of course things like GoG and Impulse will seem less restrictive in that sense. (though I would argue that Impulse isn't quite so non-restrictive now that Gamestop owns it)
Fair enough about Impulse being more restrictive since Gamestop bought it; I haven't bought anything through it since then -- and technically I never did buy anything through it, I just had a couple of retail games that gave me the option (yes, option, imagine that) of using it instead of the discs. And it's not the community features (which are the only thing that Steam adds that Impulse lacks; GoG actually has everything on the list) that make it seem less restrictive; it's the DRM itself. Most of the games on Impulse are (or at least were) DRM free, and could be booted up without having to open Impulse itself as well; GoG is the same way. Steam, on the other hand? It has to be running at any time you want to play a game sold through it, it limits your number of installs (yes, just like Starforce), and in general is a horribly restrictive form of DRM. People just give it a pass because they love valve, and also because they get pulled in by the integrated Facebook clone.

Edit: And lets not forget, once you've bought a retail game through steam, your disc is a coaster, because only you can ever install it again. Starforce itself wasn't that bad. Impulse? Resell all you want, baby.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Origin is not required for SWTOR, and I'm not even slightly interested in BF3. So no, I haven't and I probably won't.


Ooooh...I has custom title.
Jul 18, 2009
I am officially boycotting BF3 at this stage. And no, I'm not one of those people who says they will then don't. How can I prove this? I'm a cheap bastard. My reasons for boycotting are pretty simple. EA is being a dick with BF3. No ingame server viewer is a dick move, its something thats been in every MP shooter and ITS IN THE CONSOLE VERSION. They literally had to take it out for no good reason.... Also the EULA. Ya its been fixed..a little..but I don't care. EA tried to slip it past us and I find that to be pretty devious and untrustworthy behavior. Also...forcing us to use a basically untested and brand new distribution platform for a huge AAA game, nice....If they actually TESTED it, and ran it for a few months or more and used it for a smaller game, to sort the bugs and iron features out for the release of BF3, then that would be great. But no..we get a brand new Origin which we dont have any idea about, that wants to steal our info, AND we have to alt-tab just to join games. Nice EA...nice.

Justin Harris

New member
Mar 24, 2010
Greatjusticeman said:
It's so embarrassing how many people refuse to have an account on Origin just because they have one on Steam and just refuse to have two accounts!

Do you guys also cry when your laptop is running out of battery and the charger is upstairs? Do you also get upset when the company you work for gives you an Iphone instead of an Android? Man, you guys must really get mad too when the bottom of your foot itches, but when you go to scratch it just tickles!

Man, I know every second of your life is precious - but it took me like five minutes to download Origin. You guys should maybe worry about bigger things in life and put your energy and focus into things more critical then two having two goddamn game server accounts on your computer.

I am so sick of these threads. I also don't see a rule in a rule book anywhere saying that EA isn't allowed to create their own client server and has to just put out their games through Steam. Shut up.
Wow. Some one sure is a yes man. Hey, I have a bridge to sell you. It's brand new and has a view of a random famous city!

No but seriously, just viewing your post tells me just how miserable you are, and how much effort you put forth to convince yourself otherwise. If people like steam. Fantastic. If they like origin. Great. Some people like both. But truth be told. Fast adoption of things is one of the lamest and blatantly dumb things people can do. That's why programs, games, and electronic products these days are released with so many bugs. 'Cause people can't wait.

Anyway, back to my point, which is the point of a lot of people. Steam works. Steam is established, has the devilishly handsome powerhouse Valve running it. And it's not EA. Who's strategy thus far has been to release the same game over and over again over the years with updated looks. Football (insert year). Basketball (Insert Year). Baseball (Insert Year). Generic War game. And the pet people project aka The Sims.

So, I'm sticking with Steam and it's amazing array of titles that are available at but a click of a button. Their ever expanding library of free to play games is brilliant, and in the many months of service I have acquired from them, there has been little in the way of issues and problems that have been nothing more than minor annoyances.


New member
Oct 17, 2007
As soon as I need it I'll install it, same as steam.

So many people forgot the reception steam got... it was not a good one. They launched the service exactly how EA is doing it - by force. For them it was all half life based games, most importantly counter strike, that made steam so heavily used. People hated it for years.

Now they love it, for the most part.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Legion IV said:

Doesn't Apple do the same thing? Where are all the complaints about that?

Dammit already ninjaed!
Germany lashes out at Apple over user privacy issues [http://rt.com/news/apple-iphone-privacy-tracking/]

Apple sued over privacy in iPhone, iPad apps [http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-20026677-37.html]

Apple's Latest Privacy Woes - The Price To Pay For An "Always Connected" Life? [http://blogs.csoonline.com/1482/apple_s_latest_privacy_woes_the_price_to_pay_for_an_always_connected_life]

Also, no, it doesn't do the same thing. It has its own privacy issues. I don't really know too many specifics though, as I don't own any Apple products.


New member
May 2, 2011
Installed today for BF3, not impressed at all so far.

Will reserve judgement, but it would have to be a pretty good game for me to keep Origin installed.


Robot in Disguise
Mar 22, 2010
I haven't yet, there are no games exclusive to it I want at the minute. If there was a game, I would install it without a second thought.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
Greatjusticeman said:
It's so embarrassing how many people refuse to have an account on Origin just because they have one on Steam and just refuse to have two accounts!

Do you guys also cry when your laptop is running out of battery and the charger is upstairs? Do you also get upset when the company you work for gives you an Iphone instead of an Android? Man, you guys must really get mad too when the bottom of your foot itches, but when you go to scratch it just tickles!

Man, I know every second of your life is precious - but it took me like five minutes to download Origin. You guys should maybe worry about bigger things in life and put your energy and focus into things more critical then two having two goddamn game server accounts on your computer.

I am so sick of these threads. I also don't see a rule in a rule book anywhere saying that EA isn't allowed to create their own client server and has to just put out their games through Steam. Shut up.
other than the fact that origin accesses folders and files it isn't meant to, essentially spying on you.

oh and the fact that EA are FORCING you to download and use it for use of their games.

don't make stupid arguments for the sake of sounding clever, because there will always be somebody to call you out on it.

ot: i have an origin account, because my EA one was automatically converted. i downloaded origin to see what it was like, it was buggy and crashed a few times, so i uninstalled it. simple


New member
Jan 21, 2009
I love everyones whinging of "Herp derp it's gathering data off my computer"

I hope you all realise that, facebook, google and yes your beloved steam and all other things like that ALL gather data to use for marketing. Hell facebook was sued over it and everyone still uses that, so this whinging over Origin just seems like people getting all caught up over nothing, I have it installed. I don't do anything illegal on my computer so why the hell would I care if they gather some data for marketing.

Origin changed its ToS so they couldn't just basically pilfer everything but the escapist decided that wasn't important enough to report on? That ToS change where they said that you couldn't file a class action lawsuit? That only affects Americans, and Class Action lawsuits are GENERALLY a waste of time, I saw no need for the escapist to report on that either.

Origin is buggy yes, and it does have some design flaws, but it is new (it still carries the "beta" tag up top). Did everyone forget how shit steam was when it first came out and everyone cried when you required it to start up HL2? and now it's basically the god of Digital Distribution, Gamers really are quick to forget.