Poll: [Origin] How many of us have folded?


New member
Jul 26, 2008
I don't wanna have another piece of software on my computer for gaming
xfire, raptr and steam are enough for me

Sorry Origin
Also while I don't care about the whole intrusive thing, my parents both runs businesses from home so its a security risk I don't think I'd be willing to take.


New member
May 22, 2010
I've got it; I wanted in on the BF3 beta, so I didn't have much choice, but it's not like I'm morally opposed to the service[footnote]Well, actually I am. But it's because I'm morally opposed to any digital distribution system, Steam included. I like to actually own my games.[/footnote]. It's really no more evil than Steam, which itself is a lot more evil than most gamers are willing to admit.

Edit: I just looked up the clause in the EULA that has everyone's panties in a bunch. You guys realize that Steam does the same thing, right? Where do you think they get the statistics about things like Windows 7 market penetration and how many people use Firefox?


New member
Jun 20, 2011
I wasn't going to at first, but then I finally did only because I wanted the bloody thing to shuttup and stop whining at me to download it >_<;


New member
Jul 17, 2009
I don't like it and I'm not happy to have to use it, but I'm also not going to try to be some sort of bizare internet martyr or pretend like "boycotting" it would actually do anything.

I want to play BF3 and I want to play the beta. I might also want to play TOR. So, again, while I'm not entirely happy with having to install it, it's really not the end of the fucking world.

Also, I'm becoming a bit more sympathetic toward EA on this front. While, yes, Origin isn't nearly so well-designed as Steam, it's worth bearing in mind that Steam was awful when it first came out and Origin is still really new. It wouldn't really be hard for them to make a pretty comparable system. Frankly, I'd be more-or-less completely satisfied if they just let you change your damn nickname at will and actually upload an avatar rather than choosing from the stupid list.

And then there's the issue of the corporations involved: while Valve is usually better about things that EA (understatement), but in the case of Steam, Valve really is pretty controlling, far beyond pretty much any other online game retailer. You can't sell DLC through the game itself on Steam (this is potentially a problem if it's multi-platform or sold anywhere other than Steam as it means you have to develop at least two different DLC schemes). And, probably more importantly, developers can't directly upload patches for their games, which has been a recognized problem with Steam for a long time what with non-Steam versions of games regularly getting patches before the Steam version, sometimes by several days. This is a much bigger problem for games that are primarily multiplayer since not having the latest patch can effectively mean not being able to play the game at all.


New member
May 22, 2010
RT-Medic-with-shotgun said:
Nope. Was going to play some 2142 but apparently my disk(no scratches) won't work and it wanted me to download origin to play a game i bought years ago. Not downloading another program so another company can monitor all my shit; let alone a company like EA. One which i hate so much. I barley tolerate STEAM but EA dosen't get to pull shit with me.

My computer. My rules. My wallet. Each one says not EA products and that's how shit works.
Are you sure you need to download Origin, and you don't just need an Origin account? They've merged the old EA account system with the new Origin system, and dropped the EA account name. You should be able to just log in with your old account information.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
silverbullet1989 said:
its virtually the same as steam, a little rough, but you barly use it guys come on! apple bloody tracks ya location yet millions of people still use apple producs and accept their t&c's everyday! grow up! oh no a developer is making its own version of steam, boo friking hoo i dont care if *yoink

0_0 apple do not track peoples location and produce some of the best producs on the market
They do, but thats for a physical PRODUCT thats usually on the go *turned on* Because apple makes the best on the go systems for any family.*turn off* While Origin is a downloadable thing, why does it need to search my computer, to check and make sure I don't have bloody steam?
I just don't know why it has to search my computer.

Greatjusticeman said:
It's so embarrassing how many people refuse to have an account on Origin just because they have one on Steam and just refuse to have two accounts!

Do you guys also cry when your laptop is running out of battery and the charger is upstairs? Do you also get upset when the company you work for gives you an Iphone instead of an Android? Man, you guys must really get mad too when the bottom of your foot itches, but when you go to scratch it just tickles!

Man, I know every second of your life is precious - but it took me like five minutes to download Origin. You guys should maybe worry about bigger things in life and put your energy and focus into things more critical then two having two goddamn game server accounts on your computer.

I am so sick of these threads. I also don't see a rule in a rule book anywhere saying that EA isn't allowed to create their own client server and has to just put out their games through Steam. Shut up.
Ok, reasons I won't install Origin:

-Its by a company that makes it regular to sell shit, lower the quality of games and to annoyingly piss off their fanbase with every good incarnation of a game they make / publish.
=They / Steam removed EA's games because of this decision, I still blame EA over it, because Steam wouldn't remove games without trying to compensate people, because they actually care/b] for their costumer.
-All my games are on steam, and I don't see the point on getting 1 game for a different account, just I don't see the point. If they had a more open libary, maybe, but as is, I have no use for it.
=Has no game that interests me, none of their games are that interesting or I already own them for my 360.
-I have heard of Origin accounts being deleted and never returning, or games be missing after a log in, or fails to log in. I'm not going to put up with problems that ruin the service when I already have a service that I perceive to be better.
=Many times I hear its constantly tracking and searching my personal files without consent, I allow NO program to do this other then AVG or Steam but it does it at such a low frequency that I'm fine with it.

In conclusion, I won't download Origin because its buggy, has a low libary of outside games, many of those games are shit, they hate their customer, removed games from Steam's store, when making it constantly attacked steam for no reason, and many more. Now, I don't want to see ANYONE make a comment related to the 2nd quote I did, because we have, as a community, have stated why we like / hate origin or don't bother with it.


New member
May 22, 2010
RT-Medic-with-shotgun said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
RT-Medic-with-shotgun said:
Nope. Was going to play some 2142 but apparently my disk(no scratches) won't work and it wanted me to download origin to play a game i bought years ago. Not downloading another program so another company can monitor all my shit; let alone a company like EA. One which i hate so much. I barley tolerate STEAM but EA dosen't get to pull shit with me.

My computer. My rules. My wallet. Each one says not EA products and that's how shit works.
Are you sure you need to download Origin, and you don't just need an Origin account? They've merged the old EA account system with the new Origin system, and dropped the EA account name. You should be able to just log in with your old account information.
No it said i needed to download Origin.
Huh. Weird. Honestly, though, it's no worse than Steam, and it may wind up being better in the long run. Valve may be good about customer support, but their DD store and DRM platform is one of, if not the most restrictive on the market. If you already run Steam, adding in another platform really won't kill you. I've got accounts with Steam, Impulse, and as of today, GoG and Origin. (GoG is currently giving away free copies of the Broken Sword remake.) Impulse, at least when Stardock still owned it, was the only platform that I didn't have moral issues with using. I'm stuck with the others for practical reasons -- and also because I don't mind paying for a lifetime rental when I can get a game on sale for less than the price of a weekend rental. I don't pay full price for anything on Steam, though -- or Origin or GoG, for that matter. Impulse is a special case because boxed copies of Stardock's games give the option of a DRM free installation through Impulse. I don't know if it's changed since Gamestop bought the store,but that's a form of DD that I don't mind at all.


New member
Jun 7, 2009
Aprilgold said:
silverbullet1989 said:
its virtually the same as steam, a little rough, but you barly use it guys come on! apple bloody tracks ya location yet millions of people still use apple producs and accept their t&c's everyday! grow up! oh no a developer is making its own version of steam, boo friking hoo i dont care if *yoink

0_0 apple do not track peoples location and produce some of the best producs on the market
They do, but thats for a physical PRODUCT thats usually on the go *turned on* Because apple makes the best on the go systems for any family.*turn off* While Origin is a downloadable thing, why does it need to search my computer, to check and make sure I don't have bloody steam?
I just don't know why it has to search my computer.

seriously the way people make it out is if theres gonna be a group of people 24/7 monitoring your activity, chances are EA dont give a damn what you do with your computer, its something they can use to cover them selves if something is illegally done with their client such as game hacking, falsly obtained game codes etc... your really gonna tell me that no other company at all does this? steam prob do the same, apple, microsoft etc

Its prob a standard terms and conditons list each company covers like this new one tht sony came up with tht makes you give up your right to take them to court unless they allow it, origin already added tht in and i put money on it tht other companies will follow


New member
Nov 23, 2010
I did, however if the Battlefield 3 Beta doesn't convince me (so far it's a sore disappointment). I'm canceling my pre-order and I'll banish that abomination that EA forced me to download.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
silverbullet1989 said:
Aprilgold said:
silverbullet1989 said:
its virtually the same as steam, a little rough, but you barly use it guys come on! apple bloody tracks ya location yet millions of people still use apple producs and accept their t&c's everyday! grow up! oh no a developer is making its own version of steam, boo friking hoo i dont care if *yoink

0_0 apple do not track peoples location and produce some of the best producs on the market
They do, but thats for a physical PRODUCT thats usually on the go *turned on* Because apple makes the best on the go systems for any family.*turn off* While Origin is a downloadable thing, why does it need to search my computer, to check and make sure I don't have bloody steam?
I just don't know why it has to search my computer.

seriously the way people make it out is if theres gonna be a group of people 24/7 monitoring your activity, chances are EA dont give a damn what you do with your computer, its something they can use to cover them selves if something is illegally done with their client such as game hacking, falsly obtained game codes etc... your really gonna tell me that no other company at all does this? steam prob do the same, apple, microsoft etc

Its prob a standard terms and conditons list each company covers like this new one tht sony came up with tht makes you give up your right to take them to court unless they allow it, origin already added tht in and i put money on it tht other companies will follow
Could you read the rest of my post, that has more to do with what I was saying. I actually made the list before quoting the other guy. Thank you.


Apr 28, 2010
Lost in my mind
I have no desire to get Orgin and before someone says I must be obbssed ith steam its not I dont perfer Gog more and I dont really like have digital versions I like having physical copys

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
I didn't want to but I needed it to access the BF3 beta. However there is a good chance I will kick it to the curb afterwards even if it means never playing Mass Effect 3.


New member
Sep 15, 2008

I plan on sandboxing the SHIT out of this thing cos I really want myself some BF3 :D Here's hoping sandboxing works though...