Poll: POLL: Sci-fi bodymodding. Bio or Mech?

Dee F. Rag

New member
Sep 28, 2010
The great pulsating mass of flesh rises up from out of his vat, dripping in new cells and fluids. The doctor takes one look at him and falls to the ground, crying in a pool of vomit. not only is he disgusted, but he is ashamed at his failure, this thing that he's created. The abomination slumps to the floor moaning at his misfortune, they told him the operation was too dangerous and that it wasn't worth it, but he denied them his ear.

i'll stick to good clean mech enhancements, thanks.

Hawk of Battle

New member
Feb 28, 2009
vallorn said:
Ithos said:
Hawk of Battle said:
You guys are too small minded. The only true future is stripping oneself of all physical constraints and ascending into a state of pure energy!
you shall fuel my machine :D!
I'll take it you voted niether :) thank you for the vote and feedback
be quiet void dragon. go back to sleep under mars ;)

i would go for a mix. mainly because both have strengths and weaknesses and a mixture would alleviate the weaknesses.

also because i could be a chaos marine :D

i cant wait for the technical singularity...
Hmm, I wasn't quite thinking along those lines, but now you mention it, a being of pure energy like myself COULD do with an impenetrable Necrodermis armour shell! I could interact with the physical world and still have access to my unending powers, and if my body was ever destroyed (fat chance, it's indestructable!) then I can still live on as energy.


Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
Well, assuming its free from negative side affects I would go with Bio. Does not need any kind of upkeep beyond regular things and it can't be tampered with. This is also assuming I am not made a hideous monster.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
ICanBreakTheseCuffs said:
there's also metal that can protect from that because I think the White House is protected from emp.
Is it the same thing as the black box(the plane isn't made from it etc)? I have never heard of this metal but it would be pointless if the metal was too heavy or not durable enough.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
Picture Deus Ex mods, and you have what I'd like. Metal-infused bones, artificial blood (minutes between breaths!), enhanced muscle-fibres, perceptual augmentations, "skull-mounted" wifi communications, etc, etc.

Of course, this would require some awesome tech to be possible, but it's my first choice.

Kevlar-esque dermis to increase resistance against cuts and bullets- perfect for law-enforcement or anti-terrorism duties.



The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
Remember me a lot of ShadowRun... in the last edition Bioware get more in than cyberwere, but ach one have it's use... there is some things biotech can't do (like connecting your brain directelly to the web) and other cybertech can,t, helping digestion, lowering the sleepings times... There is also nanotech and genetech now too

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
For some reason I trust mechanical modifications more, probably because they're less likely to badly fuck with my DNA. I might accept some bio-mods for perception or strength boosts, though.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
BOTH! To be "upgraded" would be awesome!

I guess I'd start with cybernetic replacements for my eyes. Ever since that Droid commercial I've wanted to have at least one. I'd probably go with both though being replaced so that I have a HUD along my entire vision. Smell and hearing I'd have enhanced with bio-engineering to be more powerful.

I'd have my brain upgraded as much as possible to think faster with a bio-upgrade. Then a wireless, cybernetic link-up system so that I could link with computers with a thought.

Cybernetically-enhanced bone structure perhaps to strenghten my frame and bio-upgraded muscles to allow me to be faster, stronger, and tougher. Perhaps a cybernetic arm (below the elbow) to replace my left arm with a hidden weapon system built in as well as some other nifty stuff to help me connect with technology.I'd have my major organs to work better. I'd also have my nervous system upgraded (either bio- or cyber- which ever works better) so that my nerves send messages throughtout my body faster.

And a wifi reciever and sender. I can bring the internet where ever I go!

That's all I can think of now. I think I might be a bit trans-humanist. Maybe?


New member
Sep 17, 2009
I would go bio because it just seems like so much less maintenance would be required, I would have to idea how to tune up and repair a mechanical arm or leg.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
PaulH said:
captaincabbage said:
I just can't NOT get some Bato eyes!

I'd also want to get some leg muscle augmentations, or maybe some muscular augmentations all-round.
Tachi eyes would be more useful. Install one in the top of your skull and you'll get perfect 360 vision.
Disadvantage: Looking like a total berk. XD


New member
Dec 8, 2009
crudus said:
Bio. Fuck getting my ass beaten by an EMP.

Also, mech is great and all, but it would be even more of a feat if biological cells could do the job of a machine.

Or none at all. I'm pretty much fine with my body.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Biological modifications would be kinda neat. Being able to have a tail and dog-like ears, with both having fur on them so they aren't ugly, skin-covered things, would definitely make my day, and several more to come, I'd wager.

Stone Wera

New member
Feb 13, 2010
I want a robo arm with an index finger that doubles as a laser pointer... Or a pen... Or detatchable fingers.