Poll: Security Guards V.S. 12-year old punk


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Eh, the kid was kicking the security guard, needed to be thrown to the ground. It's not self defense when you're resisting arrest, lawful arrest or not. Depending on the nation, those employed in loss prevention are permitted to detain/arrest an individual suspected of theft. Even if the kid wasn't stealing, just creating a disturbance on private property can be grounds for this kind of treatment.

The individuals age doesn't matter if they're breaking the law, and assaulting you when you try to detain them when it is your job to do so. This 12 year-old is not a victim, he is a delinquent, and deserves to be treated as such.


New member
Jun 21, 2011
False dichotomy. Neither one was right.

Also, there's a difference between "respecting authority" and respecting people's wishes not to be kicked. Authority is NEVER good. By its very definition.


New member
Jun 1, 2008
Tubez said:
Cutlesnap said:
Ok, lets see it from the guard point of view. You have a minor that is calling you whore, fuck off and die, I will kill you. You also got lots of his friends around which you need to keep attention to, and then you feel the minor that you got in armlock (or whatever you want to call it) starts to kick you. Would you really think that he is just trying to get free?

And honestly what kind of people do you know if you think its normal to ride trains (aka risk your life) at age 12?
From the guards point of view, he had every reason to be annoyed. And the proper authority (not him, a court) should have given those kids some form of punishment. But again: He was deliberately hurting a handcuffed child a quarter his size, who he was restraining not for doing something malicious (like violence or shoplifting), but for being reckless.

Now, I'm still not sure what exactly 'riding trains' means, and it could easily mean far more stupid things than anything I've ever done. But around that age, I've done stupid reckless stuff too. And you probably did to, as have most boys. And I regularly deserved to be punished to some extent, but this isn't punishment, it's violence.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
it's about time 12 year olds with misguided world views and attitude problems get taught that they have to think before they open their mouths. every time i hear a teacher say "stop talking and put your cell phone away," and the student says something like "i wasn't," then goes back to what they were doing i would totally support the teacher just picking up a chair and beating that kid over the head several times.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Raddra said:
The media is taking the side of the little butthole?

Why? He's evidently being an abusive disrespectful twit.

A 12 year old is WELL able to understand what he is doing and consequences.
They take his side because security guards detaining someone for good reason isn't going to generate as much interest and in turn money as security guards beating up innocent kid.Its bullshit they showed admirable restraint in my opinion.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
AndyFromMonday said:
anthony87 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Shycte said:
AndyFromMonday said:
I'm sorry but last time I checked, 12 year old's aren't adults and treating them like adults is fucking stupid and borders on actual abuse.
And what if the kid is violent?... Like in this case?...
He's 12. Think about that for a moment.
Getting taught to not be a prick is best taught at an early age.
If you actually believe violence is the proper tool for instilling certain values in children then congratulations, you're going to be an unfit parent.
Honestly, if the kid was already doing enough crap for them to cuff him, he already wasn't listening to reason. Its just like if you are dealing with a criminal that continues to be violent. they neutralized the situation, and all they did after that was kept him in line. How is this bad exactly?

My brother at 9 tried to punch my mom. she grabbed his arm, twisted it and held it and told him to stop. he didn't, so she floored him. It would be interesting if someone could translate it.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
I worked in security for nearly 3 years in Norway, my colleagues and me would have done pretty much the same thing. Except for the take-down, depends how much that kickin' hurt. A good hit on the knee can cripple and require surgery. I'd be pissed solely by his intent to injure me and make sure he felt the floor coming up if he got a good hit.

Actions, consequences. Teach it early, save lives.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
This makes me very happy. Kids these days are almost all pricks, and we're getting way too lenient. End the prickness here.

EDIT: Also, about his age, I knew not to fuck with security guards when I was 12. Hell, I knew when I was 8. You can't say he's not responsible for his actions. And he should be punished either way.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
AngelBlackChaos said:
AndyFromMonday said:
anthony87 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Shycte said:
AndyFromMonday said:
I'm sorry but last time I checked, 12 year old's aren't adults and treating them like adults is fucking stupid and borders on actual abuse.
And what if the kid is violent?... Like in this case?...
He's 12. Think about that for a moment.
Getting taught to not be a prick is best taught at an early age.
If you actually believe violence is the proper tool for instilling certain values in children then congratulations, you're going to be an unfit parent.
Honestly, if the kid was already doing enough crap for them to cuff him, he already wasn't listening to reason. Its just like if you are dealing with a criminal that continues to be violent. they neutralized the situation, and all they did after that was kept him in line. How is this bad exactly?

My brother at 9 tried to punch my mom. she grabbed his arm, twisted it and held it and told him to stop. he didn't, so she floored him. It would be interesting if someone could translate it.
Brownie101 said:
Now, I can't understand the harrasment said (Not speaking the language and all), but it appears the guards gave him ample warnings and chances to leave. The kid persisted. This was bound to happen and I agree with the decision.
If I was that much of an entitled little shit, I should've been taught those manners as well.
This is pretty much what they said:

Mjauv said:
What had happened was that the kid was riding between the tram-cars which is both foolish AND dangerous. Really dangerous.

What he's saying to the guards are:
"let go of me you fucking whore"
"let go"
*groan of, probably, pain*
"let go of me you fucking whore, LET GO OFF ME!!!"
"I swear to god I'm gonna fucking murder you, you fucking whore"
*more groaning*
"fucking whore"
"you shall fucking let me go" (he's trying to give the guard an order)
"let me go" (the guard tells him no)
"you are breaking my fucking arm"
*at this point he starts kicking the guard*
"you fucking whore" (at this point, the guard says "STOP KICKING" and wrestle him to the ground)
at the ground, more groaning of pain
"enough! Ah my leg!"
"ah he [the guard] fucking hit me"
"let me go"
(the guard explains to a bypasser that the kid kicked him at about 02:30)
"well he kicked me IN THE FOOT! FUCKING WHORE!!!"
"Get off!"
"I'm not kicking! Let me go!"
(at about 03:05 he says something I can't hear exactly but I do think he says something like "back off, you oughta watch your fucking back")
at 04:20 when the other guards arrive the guards tells him that he's under arrest under PL13 (Police Law §13 which is disturbing the peace)
"what are you doing?"
"what the fuck are you laughing about?" (directed to somebody outside the picture)

the kids friends start off by telling the guards about his age and that he won't be prosecuted, they then go back and forth between insults ("fucking cunts", "assholes" and such) and claiming "he didn't do anything"


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Now, I can't understand the harrasment said (Not speaking the language and all), but it appears the guards gave him ample warnings and chances to leave. The kid persisted. This was bound to happen and I agree with the decision.
If I was that much of an entitled little shit, I should've been taught those manners as well.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
All the guard did was throw him onto the ground. No beating. Sounds pretty "by-the-book" if someone is resisting arrest.
I'm 14, so you can trust me when I say kids are becoming more mature in the bad way.

Also, lol at the kids running away when the see the baton come out.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Did not seem too bad to me. No one was shot, no one was tazed, no one was pepper sprayed. Guy restrained the kid, had to get a little rough with him when he resisted and whipped out the baton to scare the kid and the peds into backing down.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
neurohazzard said:
Okay, speaking as someone who was a security guard for a few months, I'm siding with the kid. Firstly off, the head first manner in which he took the kid down could have easily killed him. There was actually an incident here in which a police officer took someone in handcuffs down the same way and the man ended up with severe brain damage. Secondly, there was no reason to armbar the kid like that once he was already in handcuffs. Twisting the shoulder up like that is extremely painful, and once someones cuffed it's completely unnecessary. I'm sorry, but if you can't handle a handcuffed 12 year old without resorting to sadism, you have NO place being a security guard, or being in any position of power for that matter.
After watching that takedown a few times I must say I don't agree completely. The actual landing is hidden from view. The only thing we see is that he puts his left hand on the kids neck, and his right below the stomach to take him off his feet. He does turn him, and my impression was that the kid landed on his shoulder.

Freak accidents always can happen, but I wouldn't rate this any more dangerous than most judo takedowns.

The armbar is another matter entirely. It's not like we can judge a situation based on badly-filmed phone footage starting halfway the event, but considering a kid less than half your size a threat worth doing that does raise an eyebrow.

On the whole I can't say this should be considered a textbook example, but it's well within the limits of acceptable behaviour.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
rule nr 1: you dont mess with other people.
rule nr 2: you certainly dont mess with people that carry cuffs, mace or other weapons.

DarkRyter said:
Well at least that kid didn't get raped with a wiimote.
I like your positive viewangle.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
i know a 12 year old that robbed a convenience store with a machete. Age doesnt necessarily mean they're innocent of being assholes. Obviously hed done something wrong to begin with and now was getting what was coming to him.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Agayek said:
2733 said:
so a 7 foot monster of a security guard beat a twelve year old who was pissing him off, he needs to lose his job. I don't know what the kid was doing before the video starts, but this is not how you handle it. The whipping out of the baton (I assume to force back onlookers) was just icing on the power trip cake.
There was no beating involved. He held the kid against the wall with the kid's arm behind his back cranked up above his shoulder. Then when the kid tried to get out of the hold, he shifted the kid to the ground and held him there.

At no point did he actually hit the idiot, and the baton only came out to get the kid's friends back. If you'll notice, he never actually used it for anything other than an additional contact point with the ground, so that less weight was on the kid.
by Beat I meant to claim victory over rather than actually strike the boy, I meant to point out the unimpressive nature of the guards victory. may I disassemble the video to show what I mean by too much force?

from the start up until about 1:30 we see the guard holding the bound boy by placing an arm through the boys elbow and keeping the boy's elbow at about his own jaw level, you can see the boy bent over trying to prevent his shoulder from dislocating but still a painful position.

from then till 2:00 when the kid kicks the guard has a more neutral(less painful) hold that lacks the threat reduction he needed so the now both reinvigorated and panicked boy kicks at him

now the actual throw is hard to see as it is off screen but from the looks of it he took the boy to his knees first then to the ground, but seemed to have his head at an angle so he may have struck head first.

Now I will retract my words about the baton because I had thought he struck him at 2:07 but viewing it again he does not seem to.

as for the pin, he is clearly not using the baton as a weight point because it would have collapsed. as for the knee he has it across what looks to be the boy's glutes and hamstrings. not a bad place to put the knee but I want you to try to hold that position like the guard does, without putting too much weight on that knee, hard isn't it? and this guard is a big boy and that kid is little so it is not a good combination.

when he gets dragged up and away no additional harm seems to be done. except the guard picking his ass at 5:08
Take it from someone who has had to stop and calm people of the boy's size, the guard was way to rough, but it seems (now that I've re-watched the video) rather then being malicious the guard just doesn't know what he is doing.