Poll: Skyrim- Who did you side with and why?


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I'm not too far into the story, and I'm desperately trying to Neutral. It's usually the best way to go in RPGs, and both factions rub me the wrong way.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
BlackStar42 said:
remnant_phoenix said:
BlackStar42 said:
I went with the Imperials, because they have the best chance of stopping the Thalmor. They're the lesser of two evils. I'm disappointed there was no "Wild Card" option to take over Skyrim yourself though.
Even though we never see it in game, I like to think that, considering how powerful you are in the end-game, you could with either side, but then usurp leadership and declare yourself the new Dragon Emperor, founding a new Imperial bloodline, just like Talos/Tiber Septim did so long ago.

Maybe they'll make some DLC for it. : )
That would actually work with the lore as well, considering you are the Dragonborn and everything.

Bethesda, if you're reading this, GET TO FUCKING WORK ALREADY!
Or, Bethesda, you can hire us on with the writing department and we'll get to work on it. Either way works.


New member
Jan 21, 2012
I chose the Imperials very reluctantly. I admit that I did not want to even get involved because in my opinion, each side was wrong. I just disliked the Imperials less. I played both sides, but only after I had done pretty much everything else in the game. Even if you see either side's quests through to the end, you don't have much choice in the policy direction of the victors. After either Solitude or Windhem are captured, you are told that "this is it, and if you don't mind would you clear out some enemy camps." Let me clarify my point. I think that it would have been a better experience if the player had the ability to change the mindsets of the side they chose. I played as a khajiit and became offended by the racist comments of the Stormcloaks. When I completed the Stormcloak quests, there was no mention of "this khajiit is a hero of Skyrim, so let's give these other races more respect." I thought that if I became their hero, they would be more accepting of other races. Or at least that Ulfric would try to argue this case to the people listen to him. I saw none of it. The Imperials on the other hand, including Gerneral Tullius, seemed less in touch with Skyrim and her people, and I was not satisfied with his "you Nords are all right" comment at the end. Sure he can say that, but it is not like he is doing anything meaningful to live up to that statement (such as going easy on Talos worshippers). But I did agree that it would be easier to fight the Aldmeri Dominion as a unified Empire. I want more political nuance!


New member
Jan 18, 2012
Siding with stormcloaks just begs the trouble. All Ulfric cares are his nord bretheren and he doesn't realize that they don't have enough power to oppose thalmor


New member
Mar 12, 2009
i have not joined any
the empire seems nicer than the stormcloaks (its better to ban one religion than to ban every race except nords.) however the empire has surrounded itself with horrible friends such as the Thalmor and those occulus guys
both of which i knife away to the void everytime i see one of them.


New member
Oct 30, 2011
Elcarsh said:
Well, one side invaded a small free kingdom and enslaved everybody they could find to work in their silver mines for their own profit, and have had a corrupt and oppressive regime run the region ever since.

Here's a hint; it's not the imperials!
correct me if I'm wrong, isn't that an empire held city? and the storm cloaks freed the city after the empire lost it, only for the jarl to try to capture them and turn them over to the empire, so he could keep doing his silver mine slavery BS


New member
Jan 21, 2010
I sided with the Stormcloaks and I regret my decision every day. I only did it in the first place because I felt my Nord char should. I should have gone with my gut instinct to join the Imperials and drag my feet a little before deciding war is dumb and abandoning it.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
Well I somehow ran through/past/around the whole side-choosing bit in the opening sequence and ended up following the imperial guy out and then I heard about how they're all kind of jerks. I don't see much of the Stormcloaks and the Imperials have been pretty decent to me.
I went neutral on the whole thing.

O maestre

New member
Nov 19, 2008
considering that my character is a dark elf it wouldn't make any sense siding with the storm cloaks, the imperials are a safer bet.

besides later in the game you learn that
the stormcloaks are being backed by the thalmor, the more chaos there is, the easier it will be for them to take over all of tamriel. the age old tactic of divide and conquer has never failed.

as far as i know i do not believe that the high elves even consider the dunmer as equals, so its a moot point

in short thalmor "wins" no matter what


New member
Feb 16, 2011
I really wish there was a Wild Card option, similar to Fallout NV.
However, first playthrough I was a Nord and immediately sided with Stormcloaks, for one reason...
That b*tch imperial commander in the opening. BEHEAD ME WILL YOU!

In my new playthrough I'm a Dark Elf, going stealth build, and Imperial. makes sense for a darkelf to make that choice I think. Although now I tihnk about it, I'm going back to Helgen next time I play, going to see if that commander is still there...


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
I sided with the side that did not want to decapitate me, thank you very much. It's as simple as that. I delivered a country into the hands of racist brutes and plunged it into chaos, out of spite.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
As an Argonian dude with an argonian husband, I supported the Empire. The Stormcloaks would have forced us out of Skyrim or in to poverty!


New member
Dec 7, 2011
I haven't yet chosen a side, but I think it will be the Stormcloaks simply because they are more appealing to me. They are fearless, arrogant and racist and I personally love them all the more for it.

The Pinray

New member
Jul 21, 2011
I [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.333269-Skyrim-Stormcloak-or-Empire] joined [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.328962-Poll-Skyrim-Poll-What-is-better-for-Tamriel-Imperial-or-Stormcloak-victory-and-why] the [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.323634-Poll-Empire-or-Stormcloak] Imperial [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.336189-Poll-Did-you-join-the-Stormcloaks-or-Imperial-legion-Skyrim-Also-Fallout-New-Vegas-or-Skyrim] Legion... [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.327343-Imperials-or-Stormcloaks] :)

They seem to have their heads more firmly secured onto their shoulders.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
By Azura, this thread has been sent from the gods! I actually posted a long rant about the exact same thing an hour ago to FB -
So yeah... Just arrived at Winterhold (previously been to Solitude) and I still have no idea whether I want to join Stormcloaks or the Imperial Legion. Every side has it's pros and cons. Without the Imperial Legion, there will be no support from The Empire and my guess is, Thalmor would easily destroy and conquer Skyrim. I doubt if Ulfric could defeat them all. But then again, when I raided one of the Thalmor camps, I found torture dungeons and Black soul gems, which are used to capture human souls. That makes me really fucking mad, because if I help the Legion, that would mean, that Thalmor will continue to treat mortals like dirt/slaves/etc. Again, on the other hand, from what I've heard in Winterhold do far, Ulfric treats everyone who isn't a Nord with the same prejudice as Thalmor, and seeing the Gray Quarter really offended me as a Dark Elf. But some Dark elves themselves say that they won't act if a Nord, or any other non-Dunmer is hurt and that also pisses me off. And that's the good thing about the Empire - it isn't controlled by one race (sure, you have lots of Imperials but there are many other races too that are equally important). I'm just getting the vibe from Ulfric that he doesn't care about anyone but Nords. So Dunmer came to your city because the Red Mountain exploded, that doesn't mean you have to treat them like dirt, they are just unfortunate refugees! And don't get me started on the religious matters. I hate it when religion becomes the cause for war, because this is ridiculous! At least here I agree with the Nords, Talos deserves to be acknowledged as God, High Elves are just dicks. So, I have yet to meet Ulfric, but something tells me he won't help me to decide which side to choose.
First playthrough, so I have no idea what will happen if I choose one side or another. No spoilers if you're quoting, please :3