Poll: So Duke Nukem Forever is $5 on Steam....


New member
Feb 11, 2011
The shooting was alright, the "humour" was horrible and I hated a fair few of the parts. Rape jokes, really Duke?

Eh, if I were you I'd spend the fiver on something else, even just another game.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Hey, funny this thread came up.

When DNF came out to less than welcome reviews, I'm glad I didn't fork out $50 for it. (I had the choice between Duke and Alice; I'm glad I chose the latter.) However, I still have the Duke nostalgia factor. Duke 3D came out when I was 16 and I have fond memories of that game. About a month ago, Duke had already be knocked to to $20. This was still too much, but I told myself that if DNF ever got down to $5 on Steam, I'd buy it.

So yeah, I'm getting this, if nothing else but to play as his Dukeness, with his cheesy one-liners one more time.

Now where are my rose-tinted googles?

Lt. Rocky

New member
Jan 4, 2012
The game could have and should have been better, but for what it is it's a decent trip. However, I'd only recommend this if it were bundled with The Doctor Who Clone Me, the far superior expansion to DNF.

Love it or hate it, it's your choice. In the hands of Gearbox and 2K I'm fairly confident Duke has a bright future ahead, something we can all look forward to.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
The PC version is fine, the loading times aren't as long and the ability to hold four weapons at once is nice. It is definitely worth a good laugh if you can appreciate how bad it is behind its many flaws.

EDIT: I guess I should add that I only ever found out about Duke Nukem Forever a year before it was released so there was no sense of hype for it to live up to for me.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
I wouldn't even DOWNLOAD this crap off of PB or MU.
It ain't worth the damn bandwidth.

No, seriously, go play a BETTER game...like Superman 64...instead.

Peter Whitmore

New member
Jul 1, 2011
Look at all of you, blindly bashing a game that you probably didn't even play.

I bought the game on launch day, and I had mixed feelings about the experience. All the reviewers trashing the game was a bit harsh. Yes, there was 14 years worth of hype behind this project, and nothing could have possibly lived up to that, but I certainly wouldn't call this the worst game ever.

I see that the main complaints people throw at the game are the regenerating health, two-gun carrying limit, and limited sprinting. Doesn't EVERY FPS have that these days? Why does DNF get trashed for simply going with the flow?

Although the level design, while it does have plenty of creative setpieces, all of them feel taken from some other game, and usually done better. In the end, DNF felt like a poor man's Halo. Even the multiplayer, which is still fun in its own right.


New member
Jul 9, 2011
The new humble bundle is about 5 bucks as well. I'd recommend you pick four decent indie games over one horrible game.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Didn't like it that much, couldn't get around to finishing it, but I'll try and help by listing things I liked, and things I didn't:

- The 1911 looks and feels like something I could use all day, everyday, all game, in every game. It's just sex on a stick.
- Ummm...that's about it

- The humor just felt embarrassing. Maybe because I played Duke3D when I was just a kid (shit I even played Commander Keen), and now I'm almost 30, but it just didn't work. Alot felt forced, and just too much ass-kissing that it wore off less than 5 minutes in.
- Ego bar and regenerating "health". Didn't fit in the concept of Duke at all, and calling it Ego, which recharges by hiding behind something is just...no.
- 2-weapon limit - for the Duke?? Dafuq is dis?
- Stupid objectives (that mission where you have to run around like some dumbass to get a lapdance, while they spend every minute up to that point talking about how Duke is the "King" and everything, I mean, what?)

It just felt awkward from the onset. It just felt like a stupid game, that was trying to make it OK by admitting that it took too long to build, or poking fun at itself. You are only allowed to do that if you are a true masterpiece of a game, an actual budget crappy game, or parody of AAA games. You don't get to do that when it's Duke Nukem Forever, I'm afraid.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I would say no just because of the other games you can get for that price. Binding of Issac, Dungeons of Dreadmor, breath of death, xcom, AvP, cthulu saves the world, ect.

While I do not think it is as bad as people say it is I would say it is no better than ok.


New member
Feb 26, 2010
Wouldn't recommend it. True it had its moments but for me the frustration and irritation in the game outweighed the fun of playing in it.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I'll buy myself a $5 foot long and watch Tobuscus play it again. Way more entertainment value there. Watching him play it was a riot.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
I used to think that it was possible to get $5 worth of fun out of anything. But I paid $2.50 for Deus Ex: Invisible War and felt ripped off. DNF wasn't even that good. Save the money or buy something else with it. There are far better games on Steam for $5 than DNF.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Peter Whitmore said:
Look at all of you, blindly bashing a game that you probably didn't even play.
Played it (hell, still OWN it) on the PS3.
Friend played FULL price for this garbage and gave it to me after beating it.

The load times are NUTS - makes Skyrim feel like a the blinking of an eye.
Game play was trying to emulate MODERN shooters (which didn't feel right).
When playing the difficulty seemed to change.
Graphical consistence were laughable.
The story was boring and unfunny - this coming from someone who LAUGHS at 'crude' humor.
Also, I felt like the controls 'lagged'.

Ashannon Blackthorn

New member
Sep 5, 2011
Can you afford the 5 dollars? If so get the game and ignore all the folks here who insist yelling they know the answer. if you actually bothered to post, you've considered it enough to just get it.

Forum elitist can suck on the toe of a menopausal Valkyrie.