Poll: Teen sues school over "wigger day"


New member
Aug 21, 2010
it sounds like a stupid idea and the school shouldnt have done it. i dont think they should be sued but they should never be allowed to do wigger day again.

isnt wigger the combination of white + ******? why would they think it would be a good theme for a day?


New member
Jul 5, 2011
I think there's equal amounts of stupidity on both sides.

Really? $75,000 in damages? What was she supposed to be doing during her supposed depression? Researching a cure for Parkinson's disease?
I hope the case gets thrown out of court just for the ridiculous claim.

However, I can agree with her taking offence to the idea of 'wigger day'. What's worse is that a student body likely greenlighted the idea and not an individual. Considering that it happened from 2007 to 2009 also means that faculty were aware of it and didn't stop to think that it might be a bad idea.

That said, there are more civil ways to solve a problem like this. Threatening to forward a complaint to the local board of education would probably halt something like this outright. But this reeks of another person looking to exploit the system for financial gain. If she really had a problem with the idea of it, she would have took action a lot sooner. If it were the right course of action, it wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.

I'm sorry to say, but this seems like the work of an opportunist to me.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
Bobbity said:
Until reading this article, I never understood why race was still such an issue in the States. Now I do.
Fox News said:
A black student is suing her former Minnesota high school for celebrating "Wednesday Wigger Day," where white students pretended to be black during homecoming week, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported Wednesday.
Good old Fox News, where even the wording of the article is such that the racial boundaries are hightlighted to their extremes. You almost have to admire their persistance, the poor buggers, in trying to reinforce attitudes that were dying out half a century ago.
Wait what? How did Fox cover that wrong/skewed?

Arluza said:
the first problem is your link is to Fauwks 'News' (using news very lightly). Fauwks has made up stories to make minorities look weak and easily offended before, and often make it so the poor white man is being abused by the minorities. So until someone can provide a newspaper headline that isn't owned by Rupert Murdoch, i won't believe the story.

however, the article was kind enough to say what newspaper did write an article first. here is a link to it: http://www.startribune.com/local/126739938.html

Now, when you google "The Minneapolis Star Tribune wigger day" the first link is to Fauwks, the second to that link, and the third here, to this very thread. And i don't know about you other Americans from public schools, but typically homecoming takes place in late September to mid October, depending on the schedule of the football games. WHY then was this only NOW covered by the news? something like this in Ohio would get news for the notice that wiggers even exist. a student SUING a school? that would probably be a decision made far before an entire year had passed.

The whole article seems fishy at best to me.
Would it help your paranoia if I gave you a link to the Huffington Post [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/03/wigger-day-red-wing-minnesota_n_916323.html] as well? As for why it took so long to get covered it's because the suit was just recently filed.

OT: I can't believe that someone would ever actually approve of this. It's just stupid


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Irridium said:
Woodsey said:
Irridium said:
goldendriger said:
Im opposite. Its expression, how CAN they find it offensive?
Most will just act like a stereotypical black person. Meaning they'll dress up like "gangsters" try to "talk black" and most likely some other stupid shit.

These are teenagers, quite a few do it normally, but giving them their own damn day to do it? I can't believe anyone thought this would be a good idea.
How would you do it normally? Just "black up"? Seems to me they're obviously expecting people to stereotype, because what else is there to do when they're obviously saying there is some sort of difference?
By normally I meant they try to act like black people(or what they think black people act like) all the time.

Essentially, they're chavs without a British accent. Imagine having a "chav day" and it's basically the same as this "wigger day".
OK, so we're agreeing that the only route this could go down is the massively racist one? A chav becomes a chav when they act like a chav. Black people are black people because they black are black. That's the only characteristic you could emulate to "act like a black person", and I doubt they were asking for students to literally black up. If not you're just acting like a person.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
goldendriger said:
Im opposite. Its expression, how CAN they find it offensive?
Because the word wigger literally means a white person trying to be black or a "white ******"


New member
May 21, 2009
(Ignoring the issue) There was a "Wigger Day" in the first place? What a terrible day. I'd have skipped that day.

Hmm... this seems somewhat fishy to me. I have a hard time believing a school would have approved such a thing in the first place. Possibly a classic case of old people trying to get with the young people and be hip without knowing the definition of the words they're using. That said, given the premise of what a wigger is supposed to be, if I was black, I'd probably be offended, too - wigger kids look stupid. That said, it just occurred to me that this sort of thing has died down in recent years around where I live in favour of the emo/scene culture. I don't know which sucks harder.
Apr 28, 2008
Woodsey said:
Irridium said:
Woodsey said:
Irridium said:
goldendriger said:
Im opposite. Its expression, how CAN they find it offensive?
Most will just act like a stereotypical black person. Meaning they'll dress up like "gangsters" try to "talk black" and most likely some other stupid shit.

These are teenagers, quite a few do it normally, but giving them their own damn day to do it? I can't believe anyone thought this would be a good idea.
How would you do it normally? Just "black up"? Seems to me they're obviously expecting people to stereotype, because what else is there to do when they're obviously saying there is some sort of difference?
By normally I meant they try to act like black people(or what they think black people act like) all the time.

Essentially, they're chavs without a British accent. Imagine having a "chav day" and it's basically the same as this "wigger day".
OK, so we're agreeing that the only route this could go down is the massively racist one? A chav becomes a chav when they act like a chav. Black people are black people because they black are black. That's the only characteristic you could emulate to "act like a black person", and I doubt they were asking for students to literally black up. If not you're just acting like a person.
Yes that's what we're agreeing on. We're just doing it in a pretty odd way.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
I really love how Fox News tries to minimize the issue by going "Three percent are black."

Just because a minority of 3% is there doesn't mean you can run rampant and just go "WIGGER WEDNESDAY" whenever you want. The school district is at fault for allowing the homecoming committee (a collective of students iirc) to go through with this.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Bobbity said:
Until reading this article, I never understood why race was still such an issue in the States. Now I do.
Race is not just an issue because of Fox, every media highlights racial differences.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
pubbing said:
A black student is suing her former Minnesota high school for celebrating "Wednesday Wigger Day," where white students pretended to be black during homecoming week, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported Wednesday.


Now I am not one to really be politically correct or get into a big huff over racial issues but hosting an event like this at a public school seems pretty fucking stupid to me.
I just want to find out who came up with idea and get them tested. This idea is so phenomenally bad that they are either completely oblivious or working really hard to be jerks.

I'm not really offended, and I'm not even going to argue whether people should be offended. But this is such a colossally bad idea it's practically an art form. It's just, how could they NOT see this one blowing up in their face?


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Irridium said:
Woodsey said:
Irridium said:
Woodsey said:
Irridium said:
goldendriger said:
Im opposite. Its expression, how CAN they find it offensive?
Most will just act like a stereotypical black person. Meaning they'll dress up like "gangsters" try to "talk black" and most likely some other stupid shit.

These are teenagers, quite a few do it normally, but giving them their own damn day to do it? I can't believe anyone thought this would be a good idea.
How would you do it normally? Just "black up"? Seems to me they're obviously expecting people to stereotype, because what else is there to do when they're obviously saying there is some sort of difference?
By normally I meant they try to act like black people(or what they think black people act like) all the time.

Essentially, they're chavs without a British accent. Imagine having a "chav day" and it's basically the same as this "wigger day".
OK, so we're agreeing that the only route this could go down is the massively racist one? A chav becomes a chav when they act like a chav. Black people are black people because they black are black. That's the only characteristic you could emulate to "act like a black person", and I doubt they were asking for students to literally black up. If not you're just acting like a person.
Yes that's what we're agreeing on. We're just doing it in a pretty odd way.
I would expect nothing less.


New member
May 24, 2011
I'm a Pirate and I find my schools "Talk like a pirate day" offensive and racially stereotyping to pirates. I'm going to sue my school for $75,000 in damages! Arr!

Really now, I find this whole case to be downright idiotic. On one hand, it is kind of offensive if they don't have an "Act like white person" day and black students are the minority, even though it was meant to be a joke day. On the other hand taking $75,000 from our schools and our children's education just because you were offended where no offensiveness was to be had is pretty ridiculous. Unless they have evidence of students picking on black students because they are black then I don't see a reason for any of this drama.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
I hate dealing with wiggers on a normal day, but where it's celebrated I couldn't last two periods.
Stupid, yes. Offensive, no. This person needs to get over there self. Sure it was stupid but no need to get sue happy.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
If she wins, Im gonna sue for Black History Month....I dont get a month of history and I find that veeeeeeeeery offensive T_T


New member
Apr 6, 2011
GraveeKing said:
Never heard the word wigger before - so no idea if it's an offensive word or something. But bloody hell this is a brilliant idea! It's expressing their acceptance. If everyone acted really flamboyant and gay for a day - I doubt we'd be so offended. We'd all have a good laugh and people would be happy but noooooo the second you mention a color it's the worse thing in the worse.
O.K It wasn't a good idea perhaps but really now - GET OVER IT! xD
I would be extremely offended. For the same reason as the black woman is in this case. Why? Because only a very few gay people encompass the 'really flamboyant' stereotype. You know what though? If we declared that day, everyone would show up dressed as Liberace, and everyone would think it was "sooo hilarious".

First of all, thinking that dressing up and acting like a stereotype is 'hilarious' is buying into prejudice in itself.

Second, having everyone dress as a stereotype as a sanctioned event reinforces the stereotype (which was damn wrong in the first place) as true in the minds of all involved. Majority rule don't you know.

Third, if you were really 'expressing acceptance' you would realize that while all the straight people are having a good time and laughing, the gays (who you were trying to express acceptance of?) are feeling made fun of and hurt.

Edit: The best way i can put it is this - it is impossible to have 'dress-like-a-black-day' or 'dress-like-a-gay-day' because it's impossible to 'dress like a black' or 'dress like a gay' unless you are pulling from a stereotype. If you are, you are inherently wrong.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
If anyone has trouble seeing why this is wrong, let me get the ball rolling:
- Minstrel Monday! Get your blackface on!
- Fag Friday! Fag-hag Friday for the ladies!

Come on guys, let's find a theme that is needlessly insulting to all minorities!


The Tax Man Cometh
Mar 27, 2009
I'm not big on the whole lawsuit culture, but in this case...that school deserves everything it gets.

A thousand facepalms wouldn't suffice for this.
Sep 14, 2009
eh there are alot of ways to go about this..

first off? money for "damages"? fuck off, stop trying to cash in on something incredibly stupid such as this, no harm was done.

but i'm surprised the school regulated this...i mean yeah we do have "nerd day" and such to dress up in your nerdy stuff for the lulz and have none of you ever been to a theme party? every single "race" or "stereotype" on the planet has been done and then some, so i don't see the problem behind that morally...

in the end, get a fucking backbone and gtf over it, it's not that big of a deal, all the students could've just came to school dressed in that stereotype that day without making it an event and NOTHING would've happened, it's just someone trying to being over dramatic.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
GraveeKing said:
Never heard the word wigger before - so no idea if it's an offensive word or something. But bloody hell this is a brilliant idea! It's expressing their acceptance. If everyone acted really flamboyant and gay for a day - I doubt we'd be so offended. We'd all have a good laugh and people would be happy but noooooo the second you mention a color it's the worse thing in the worse.
O.K It wasn't a good idea perhaps but really now - GET OVER IT! xD
I think that basing an entire day on expressing a stereotype for gay people would actually get a lot of people pissed off. I can understand that perhaps this day was originally created to make fun of suburban middle class white kids trying to "act black," but really, I can understand how people could be offended.