intheweeds said:
gmaverick019 said:
have none of you ever been to a theme party? every single "race" or "stereotype" on the planet has been done and then some, so i don't see the problem behind that morally...
If everyone else jumped off a cliff...
seriously. I don't have to finish do I? See my above post please.
actually i did see your post and i figured you would quote me..but actually,
yes i have jumped off a cliff, with everyone else, it was quite fun, did it last summer and the summer before that.
and yes, prejudice is all with intentions, if you keep seeing as prejudice and you keep inducing that it is, well than frankly your the one who is making it that way, and way to snip out the bit where i was surprised the school would do something like that, therefore i DISAPPROVED OF THE ACT, herp derp
the part you quoted was after the fact and was based on social/public events, have you never been to a toga party? or a wifebeater night? i'm assuming every greek in history is supposed to be angry and every male partner perpetrated in history supposed to get mad about the term "wife beater"?
also, as the last part of my post, if everyone had come to school that day dressed as a "wigger", but didn't officially announce it, what would have happened?
not a damn thing.
that's the point i was going for, it was one student trying to cash in for a "race" issue as plenty try to all the time, if it had been "dress like a snotty white person" day, and a white person tried to sue, no way in hell that would have gotten through to anything anywhere.