Poll: What do you think of the WiiU now?

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
It's basically a bunch of first party titles and games for kids.

Not really interested. Never really was.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Nope. The Wii U isn't even on my radar. Unless you are an avid Nintendo nut, I really don't see too much of a reason to get one, and even with E3, my stance has not changed.
Jan 27, 2011
Before e3: "Meh...Call me when Smash 4 is out. I'll consider it"

After e3: "Modsbannit, now I need to get myself a WiiU. And get almost everything they showed me. ;_;"

Between Hyrule Warriors looking even better, The elder Triforce Hyrulerim now being a thing, A yoshi's island that doesn't look like crap, and Squid kid super soaker wars (Splatoon) blowing my mind, I REALLY want a WiiU now. ;_;

The only thing that would make me happier is SNES games on the 3DS Eshop.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
The only damn title that ever sparked my interest was Xenoblade Chronicles X, which was planned for a 2014 release.
So I thought: "Fine, then I'll buy one in 2014, when the game is released".

Now they have announced that it has been pushed back to 2015 (again, not even a mention of a month or anything), so I guess the closest thing on this poll that reflects my sentiment is: "I wanted one before, but I don't want one anymore." (Though, again, I might buy one in 2015, gonna wait till the release and the reviews.)

And before anyone tries to make the argument: "But won't you buy it for the other neat stuff?" No, I won't, there is nothing of interest for me. Super Smash Bros WiiU? Huzzah, more of the series that is neither party nor fighting game, so it just ends up being fanservice without depth. Mario Maker? I've been making Mario levels since the TI83+, this has been so long overdue I don't even care anymore. Zelda WiiU? I bought a Wii, played Twilight Princess, I'll stick with Okami thank you very much. (And what the hell was wrong with those faces?) Hyrule Warriors? I had to review a Dynasty Warriors game once. ONCE. Yoshi's Wooly World? Yeah, because the Yoshi games have such a good track record. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse? Gotta say, I kind of like Kirby and his "copy power" gimmick, but I didn't like Canvas Curse, so I doubt I'll like this. Sonic Boom? No. Devil's Third? Ahahaha, no. Bayonetta 2? To be fair, I really wanted to like the first Bayonetta - and I still think it's a well developed game - but I just never enjoyed it that much; never even finished it, so I'll probably skip this one. Xenoblade Chronicles X? So paragraph above. Splatoon? What if de Blob was a third person shooter - skip. Starfox WiiU? Honestly, haven't really heard or seen much about this one, but if it's more shooting around in space, I'm not interested, not my kind of thing. Project Guardian? Project Giant Robot? I don't really know enough about these to for an opinion yet, but Tower Defense isn't really my thing, I know that much.
Sep 14, 2009
before e3: "They got a few strong first party games and some more coming, but nothing I'm interested in and that damn controller is making that console overpriced"

after e3: "They are rolling out the wagon for first/second party games here, but once again nothing that I'm interested in and only seems to sate the niche nintendo fans that already have the console. Also, that controller being necessary is still making me not want it, microsoft was smart and has dropped the kinect as being necessary at least"
Jan 27, 2011
Arqus_Zed said:
I've been making Mario levels since the TI83+
Oohhhhh that brings back goood memories. ^_^

I did that too all those years ago and it was tons of fun.

I actually went and recreated most of the levels of Mario RPG in it. That was a blast to do. XD

And then my best friend had to go and make a nearly impossible level set, including a !@#$ing invisible maze, which is HORRIBLE DESIGN, and yet he said it was good design because HE could beat it....XD


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
If you put a gun to my head and made me choose one of the next gen consoles, it would have been the Wii U. Now I want one of my own volition. While I'm glad they got the idea to release a new Star Fox, I just wish they would have remembered to make a new Metroid too. (or a remake of Super Metroid...speaking of remakes...Majora's Mask would be awesome.)

But it looks good. I was never a Smash player due to no friends and slow internet, and now that I have fast internet I still don't much care for it, but I'm very happy for all the fans.

Also, Game Grumps are going to have to play Yoshi's Wooly World.


New member
Jun 6, 2014
gmaverick019 said:
but nothing I'm interested in and that damn controller is making that console overpriced"

Also, that controller being necessary is still making me not want it, microsoft was smart and has dropped the kinect as being necessary at least"
.... I'd like to preface this by noting that I'm not trying to be mean or anything. I have no problem whatsoever with people who disagree with me because we have different viewpoints. I don't care at all about that, though admittedly it's a bit harder to spark a conversation when two people are at different polarities.

But the WiiU Gamepad and the Xboner180 Connect are two completely different beasts. With Microsoft, you could literally cover the extraneous device with duct-tape (and I've had friends who actually did this, because the idea of microsoft being able to even scan their heartrate during gameplay sounds horrifying to them), leave it facing the wrong way, and ignore it entirely, while still playing as is. Infact, Matt of Two Best Friends noted that he and one of his friends both used the thing once, and then ignored it, and it even stopped working entirely sometime down the line, not that either cared.

The problem with this is that Microsoft -swore- up and down how important the Kinect was, even if it was just an attempt at grabbing Motion Control sales last gen and this gen. The Wiiu Gamepad isn't nearly as revolutionary as the Wiimote motion controls were (and I fully acknowledge those are still a rather highly gimic-y option), at least they're trying something new that wasn't actually being threatened to be banned in a few countries for being invasive, and lots of good games (Pikmin and Mario Kart 8 are recent examples that come to mind) don't actually require it exclusively. Not to mention that 5 player local multiplayer, or the ability to fully play a console system in the same space as your friends, family, or room-mates watching something else is an experience that the WiiU Gamepad allows that neither other console allows for. Not exactly revolutionary, but it's something, at least.

Lastly, the Xboner180(minus that-thing-we-blatantly-lied-to-your-face-about) runs you $400, and a quick search (admittedly my search was just a bit of google) doesn't seem to tell me if you even get any games starting out with it. And as many have noted, you'd still be getting a stronger system with a PS4. The WiiU, meanwhile, has bundles sitting in the 300$ range, starting you right out with Mario Kart 8 or a different game, depending on where you look, which means the system itself is 250$. Considering the Wii was 200$, and the WiiU is more powerful and with a better online, I'd say the only thing it's missing to be better in every way and completely worth the deal is the lack of the massive Gamecube Library its ancestor had.

Not being interested is one thing. But your facts might have either been generalized (in which case, I apologize for having such a long stick up my ass; forgive me for ranting at you), or might have been a bit misinformed. I doubt I changed your mind at all, but I still felt the need to express my opinion.

EHKOS said:
Also, Game Grumps are going to have to play Yoshi's Wooly World.
No, Two Best Friends need to get Woolie to play Wooly World. That's too good a chance to miss.

I finally took a solid look at the poll, and the most surprising thing is how this website and others have such a "Nintendo's doomed" reputation, yet so many of the voters have already boarded the Nintendo Hype Train. Getting close between those who're the same against and the same for, but it seems this E3 did attract a few people, too.
Sep 14, 2009
FillerDmon said:
gmaverick019 said:
but nothing I'm interested in and that damn controller is making that console overpriced"

Also, that controller being necessary is still making me not want it, microsoft was smart and has dropped the kinect as being necessary at least"
.... I'd like to preface this by noting that I'm not trying to be mean or anything. I have no problem whatsoever with people who disagree with me because we have different viewpoints. I don't care at all about that, though admittedly it's a bit harder to spark a conversation when two people are at different polarities.

But the WiiU Gamepad and the Xboner180 Connect are two completely different beasts. With Microsoft, you could literally cover the extraneous device with duct-tape (and I've had friends who actually did this, because the idea of microsoft being able to even scan their heartrate during gameplay sounds horrifying to them), leave it facing the wrong way, and ignore it entirely, while still playing as is. Infact, Matt of Two Best Friends noted that he and one of his friends both used the thing once, and then ignored it, and it even stopped working entirely sometime down the line, not that either cared.

The problem with this is that Microsoft -swore- up and down how important the Kinect was, even if it was just an attempt at grabbing Motion Control sales last gen and this gen. The Wiiu Gamepad isn't nearly as revolutionary as the Wiimote motion controls were (and I fully acknowledge those are still a rather highly gimic-y option), at least they're trying something new that wasn't actually being threatened to be banned in a few countries for being invasive, and lots of good games (Pikmin and Mario Kart 8 are recent examples that come to mind) don't actually require it exclusively. Not to mention that 5 player local multiplayer, or the ability to fully play a console system in the same space as your friends, family, or room-mates watching something else is an experience that the WiiU Gamepad allows that neither other console allows for. Not exactly revolutionary, but it's something, at least.

Lastly, the Xboner180(minus that-thing-we-blatantly-lied-to-your-face-about) runs you $400, and a quick search (admittedly my search was just a bit of google) doesn't seem to tell me if you even get any games starting out with it. And as many have noted, you'd still be getting a stronger system with a PS4. The WiiU, meanwhile, has bundles sitting in the 300$ range, starting you right out with Mario Kart 8 or a different game, depending on where you look, which means the system itself is 250$. Considering the Wii was 200$, and the WiiU is more powerful and with a better online, I'd say the only thing it's missing to be better in every way and completely worth the deal is the lack of the massive Gamecube Library its ancestor had.

Not being interested is one thing. But your facts might have either been generalized (in which case, I apologize for having such a long stick up my ass; forgive me for ranting at you), or might have been a bit misinformed. I doubt I changed your mind at all, but I still felt the need to express my opinion.

EHKOS said:
Also, Game Grumps are going to have to play Yoshi's Wooly World.
No, Two Best Friends need to get Woolie to play Wooly World. That's too good a chance to miss.

I finally took a solid look at the poll, and the most surprising thing is how this website and others have such a "Nintendo's doomed" reputation, yet so many of the voters have already boarded the Nintendo Hype Train. Getting close between those who're the same against and the same for, but it seems this E3 did attract a few people, too.
That was considerate of you to preface your post with that, however I didn't take it as any sort of mean attack, you placed your argument with well touted facts (you had your opinions in there too obviously, but they didn't sway the facts) and I completely see your side of this. Hell I agree just about all of it, and I didn't mean to make a DIRECT comparison between the kinect and wiiU gamepad, the comparison I wanted to make was that it was something extra to the hardware, something that didn't actually give any sort of hardware boost to the console, therefore wasn't critical to my enjoyment of it. So I'm sorry for not thinking that through clearly and obviously generalizing it without realizing how someone else could take it. (Also, I would completely get a wiiU before an xbone, so just a side note I'm not remotely interested or a microsoft fan by any stretch).

All that being said, I'm one of those gamers who is ALWAYS looking for the pricepoint deals (seriously, my pc library is about 400+ strong at the moment, and maybe 12 of those I've paid $50+ for) so when the wiiU came out with that gamepad and basically had it as a requirement (as you've noted, not for everything, and there are workarounds for some games for it) I started to frown, because even though there are some games that don't make you use it, good luck buying a wiiU without it and getting very far either. I have the same stance on the 3DS, I don't have a statistic on it, but it would shock me if even 40% of 3DS owners ACTUALLY use the 3D part of it, I've yet to see anyone use it for more than 10 minutes at a time and just find it an annoyance. (Yes they came out with the 2DS, but what the fuck is up with that no flip/shut design?!?! who honestly thought that was a good idea? I could swear EA came up with that idea.)

*sorry, slight off topic rant there*

To sum up, I have used the wiiU pad, I pitched in to buy my little brother one last summer, and I've used it many times with him, so I know the feel and use it has.... but I still feel like if I would buy a wiiU I'd rather have a pro/gamecube controller in my hands to play the games, and it's just a waste of money that will be a relic in the corner. (I do agree and see the pro's it has in your list, but I still see the added price as a con and would rather just have a regular controller. preferably wired.)


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I really don't like the controller, and the main staples seem to be party games, which doesn't help me much since I live in an isolated area. It's nice to get another, better, version of Mario Kart and SSB and Zelda and Super Mario, but I just haven't seen enough compelling 3rd party titles to justify getting one.

To paraphrase from Yahtzee, I respect the Wii U quite a bit for remaining a games console rather than baby's first PC.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well if I were a wee lad looking for all the latest family games then this would be heck of a line up, but that time is long past and there is just no way kids games will come before any of the upcoming adult games on my list.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
I think that it exists.

If I were crazy for Nintendo brand games, then no doubt I would be beating a path to the nearest electronics retailer right about now.

As someone who is utterly indifferent to Nintendo games, the WiiU offers precisely zero things of interest to me. There isn't even anything I'm vaguely curious about.

To be fair though, the other consoles aren't doing much better.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
krazykidd said:
At least they are trying. I'll give them that. Look call me when these games get released , then we'll talk.

The thing is, there still aren't any games for the Wii U. At least my PS4 finally has some games, like Dynasty Warriors, Watchdogs, Killzone, Child of Light, Thief, Ass Creed 4, Metal Gear Solid, and more every month. Not only that, but a lot of these games are dropping prices as I wait, so now some of them are £30 and soon will be less.

But Wii U games are still £45 despite being released a few years ago. The Wii U has barely dropped price. It still doesn't have any amazing games. It keeps promising amazing games, but these games still aren't here.

Let's say I bought one. I have Mario Kart, Super Mario and Pikmin. Which is a shame, because I would like a multiplayer console, but as the prices don't drop AND the games aren't out, I'm still not interested. If they would let their prices drop AND release the games, then I'll buy them. As it is, my PC and PS4 have enough that I am not struggling for choice, so I certainly don't need the added expenses of a Wii U.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
FillerDmon said:
Lightknight said:
FillerDmon said:
Lightknight said:
Where's the, "I was going to get one before but now I don't want to" option?
I legitimately hadn't considered that as an option, though I think I'm running out of slots...
Considering the strong offering of first party titles they showed it's forgivable not to consider that option. But it made me think, "Well, if it's still not enough then I guess 3rd party really is that important to me".
I did go back and add that, in an interest of fairness. I just don't think I could make too much more broad a spectrum of options, especially since now I am completely out of slots.

As for 3rd Party, it's funny. Some companies don't want to make games for Nintendo until they get more customers. Some customers don't want to buy the WiiU until they get more 3rd party games. It's and endless cycle that hopefully this e3 will break. I'm certain that they'll push out more units once Smash comes out, and that should hopefully be enough to get more people to ride the Hype Train.
Well, it's actually more of an issue than that. The Wii had a TON of customers but it didn't get 3rd party development due to the power disparity. See, Nintendo games are most often artistic and so don't require anything close to the amount of processing other games do (I also think this artistic design makes their games timeless in a way realistic games often end up showing their age before long until recently). So Nintendo puts out a console that's more than enough for their titles but usually really underpowered for typical 3rd party AAA games. That's why the most popular console of the 7th generation (the Wii) was passed up on for most 3rd party AAA games.

The WiiU fell into the same trap. It's far closer to the 360 (even has the same cpu) than it is to rest of the 8th generation consoles. That combined with low popularity (low return on investment), proprietary hardware (more difficult to program for), proprietary architecture (ditto), and severely underpowered hardware really doesn't encourage anyone to develop on it. So even if WiiU was ultra popular, we would start running into problems as the 7th generation gets phased out and are potentially already running into that since at least the rest of the 7th generation consoles have a significant client base.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Dexterity said:
Looking at the poll, taking the people who previously weren't going to buy a Wii U or have no strong feelings. About 30% have changed their minds and now want one. That's quite a lot.

Though at this point, I feel that even if the Wii U does suddenly crash and burn as a console, it'd be okay. There are enough games coming out and in development that it's enough to warrant the purchase of the console (for me at least).

My logic is, if a console has enough games for it that you want, but you can't afford all of them, then the console has enough games to be worth buying.
? Only 16% of responders didn't want one before and now want one. I'm not sure which one you're adding to make it 30%.

Eve Charm

New member
Aug 10, 2011
Considering bayonetta was one of the major selling points for me that was an title announced even before the wii u it self was released I believe, still calling the system a disappointment till the game is in my hands.

Oh and fire hopping ;p


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Eve Charm said:
Considering bayonetta was one of the major selling points for me that was an title announced even before the wii u it self was released I believe, still calling the system a disappointment till the game is in my hands.

Oh and fire hopping ;p
Can you tell me what the appeal of bayonetta is? Is it just gameplay or do people actually like the character? I find her actively grotesque. Like, extremely and distractingly so. As if a disfigured (disproportionate) unattractive librarian decided to start wearing skin-tight latex outfits. I suppose she falls directly to the bottom of my uncanny value (must be a crude joke in there somewhere...) but she also looks like an old librarian so there's just general issues too. It would be different if she were merely a character but they constantly try to flaunt her like she's attractive and it makes me gag a little bit. I get that young boys will go crazy over any female posed in a spread leg position but this is over the top.

Eve Charm

New member
Aug 10, 2011
Lightknight said:
Eve Charm said:
Considering bayonetta was one of the major selling points for me that was an title announced even before the wii u it self was released I believe, still calling the system a disappointment till the game is in my hands.

Oh and fire hopping ;p
Can you tell me what the appeal of bayonetta is? Is it just gameplay or do people actually like the character? I find her actively grotesque. Like, extremely and distractingly so. As if a disfigured (disproportionate) unattractive librarian decided to start wearing skin-tight latex outfits.
Because it's Cool stylish and deep character action game that gave the "Good" devil may crys a run for it's money. I really don't care about " Omg look at that body " I care about stabbing things with a sword and shooting them with my feet at the same time ;p

Platinum isn't the biggest team, I know Wonderful 101 wasn't an all hands on deck thing but considering now they just announced an exclusive XB1 and PS4 game, and then piled on they have to remake the first one for the wii u also, When's bayonetta a damn good question to ask here.

Also where the heck is SMT x Fire emblem? Which of these new games are going to be lost in Development hell?


New member
Apr 6, 2013
I got my Wii U on launch day, I really loved playing Nintendo Land with my friends, I didn't like ZombiU...but my friend who has a Wii U really loves it, go figure, Wind Waker HD finally gave me a chance to properly play one of the games I've most wanted to play for years, Mario 3D World was excellent and had nice ideas for levels and finally Mario Kart 8 is just brilliant....so....I AM SO PUMPED FOR PRETTY MUCH ALL THE GAMES NINTENDO HAD AT E3!!