Poll: Will you work for Sith or Jedi?


May the Force Be With Me
Feb 3, 2009
Darkside360 said:
obisean said:
Darkside360 said:
obisean said:
Darkside360 said:
beoweasel said:

I'm working for the Republic. Gods, I hope this game doesn't devolve into a lightsaber fest.
Well it being set in a time where it was common for tens of thousands of jedi to exsist, it wouldn't be stupid unlike SWG where jedi was the most played class.

I know it doesn't matter, and I don't really care of you opinion of the man one way or another. But to me politics and video games should never be in the same forum. Would you mind changing your avatar to something less political?
No, I see no avatar policy, please live with it.
Never said it was a policy, but can cause much unneeded debate and anger among people, and we are all here to enjoy ourselves :)
But maybe you are one of those people who likes to feed off of such things /shrug.
To each his own.
Your the one debating this, even those that dislike me just ignore it. Why can't you?
Everyone know that when you go the bar you do not discuss politics or religion.
Consider this at the bar in the way of a forum.
If I hated you I wouldn't care what you did. Consider me caring a sign that I like you.

Sergeant M. Fudgey

New member
Mar 26, 2009
It's a tough choice, Sith are inevitably betrayed so indirectly sayeth George Lucas Overmind of Star Wars by having everyone betray everyone. (sidious - maul, sidious -entire trade federation, sidious - dooku, sidious - vader, vader - sidious) But Jedi's normally die faster so indirectly sayeth George Lucas Overmind of Star Wars... I'll have to go with Sith though.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
obisean said:
That was before Thrall took over though. You don't see England starting a war with Germany because of something Hitler did. In War3 Thrall took over and even fought alongside Humans to stop the scourge invasion. Humans racism and utter hate for the undead caused the undead to be befriended by the horde. Even the Blood Elves, who the undead rendered almost limp, realize the undead they are allied with are not the same undead that destroyed the Sunwell.

So in my opinion, the bad guys in WoW are the humans. Orcs although savage at one time, just want peace and to be left alone. Maybe they war among themselves, but they don't want war with Humans.

EDIT: I write this not reading much in the way of history, but from playing the Warcraft 3 game. I know some of the WoW lore, but mostly dont pay attention. So if my logic is flawed or my information wrong, please don't go off on me.
I believe part of the problem is that most of the humans aren't aware of what exactly went down in Warcraft III. Are they being racist? Yes. But fact remains that it's easy for the average person in Azeroth to think of the Orcs as nothing but inhuman monsters that make deals with demons and undead.

Personally I believe that neither side is truly evil, though. They just don't understand each other. The truly evil ones are the demons and... I suppose... the Lich King. (And also some of the WoW players, but let's not get into that. ;) )

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
I'm altruistic and helpful by nature so I'd probably opt for the Jedi rather than the Sith (I'd feel bad about bringing darkness to the galaxy for my own gain).

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
obisean said:
Ace of Spades said:
I would choose the Jedi. The way of the Sith is to kill those higher than you and steal their positions. I would like to die in battle rather than be assassinated by my apprentice.
Survival of the fittest. If you can do the job better do you not deserve it?
I suppose, but it would lead to a scenario in which I do my job competently, and help the Sith stay strong, and then someone lower than me will think that they can do things better, and then silently kill me while I'm sleeping.


May the Force Be With Me
Feb 3, 2009
Ace of Spades said:
obisean said:
Ace of Spades said:
I would choose the Jedi. The way of the Sith is to kill those higher than you and steal their positions. I would like to die in battle rather than be assassinated by my apprentice.
Survival of the fittest. If you can do the job better do you not deserve it?
I suppose, but it would lead to a scenario in which I do my job competently, and help the Sith stay strong, and then someone lower than me will think that they can do things better, and then silently kill me while I'm sleeping.

It is kind of a never ending chain isn't it?

Ace of Spades

New member
Jul 12, 2008
obisean said:
Ace of Spades said:
obisean said:
Ace of Spades said:
I would choose the Jedi. The way of the Sith is to kill those higher than you and steal their positions. I would like to die in battle rather than be assassinated by my apprentice.
Survival of the fittest. If you can do the job better do you not deserve it?
I suppose, but it would lead to a scenario in which I do my job competently, and help the Sith stay strong, and then someone lower than me will think that they can do things better, and then silently kill me while I'm sleeping.

It is kind of a never ending chain isn't it?
Yep. As Carth Onasi put it, the Sith have "power without longevity".


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Wish there was a neither button here, as i will probably go smuggler first to decide which one provides with better gameplay for my style.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
The way they describe being a Sith makes me want to choose Jedi. It seems like a lot of upkeep to be a Sith...there's infighting, and you have to constantly struggle to get to the top of the pile (it seems).

I'm looking at this purely from a gamer's point of view.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Contrary to popular belief, there are THREE sides to the force:

The light side,
The dark side,
and the Samuel L. Jackson "I'm the ultimate good guy badass combo and if you get in my way I will cut you up with my lightsaber, *****!" side.

People who play Sith for fun is one thing, but the people who play sith because it fits their personality should go see a therapist as soon as possible. Who in the hell would want to play an egotistical power hungry ASS HOLE? Those are the kind of people who completely ruin life here on earth for everyone. Not cool.

The "hard core" jedi have some really fucked up ideals though: "Don't kill the evil rotten sith dude who just slaughtered 50 jedi because he is unarmed", "No relationships and no sex, go be a monk for your entire life." This kind of thinking is utter CRAP. Hell, all the hot jedi chicks go to waste with the chastity bullshit! Lol.

I myself am a kind person, and I love to help people. It is just in my nature. When I started to play a sith on KOTOR 2 and ended up screwing over this woman and her 2 children, I felt awful, restarted the game, and played jedi. I know its just a game, but it totally goes against my core nature. But, I absolutely love kicking ass. So, I will just have to go with the Samuel L. Jackson side. I even have a "bad mother fucker" wallet from pulp fiction. Lol. 8)


New member
May 24, 2009
Sith since the Jedi resemble all the real assholes that stop the evolution of humanity. The Sith aren't really evil, they don't just do malicious stuff, they exploit every chance given to them to get even more powerfull and dominate their weak counterparts.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
A sith walks up to a starving child who asks with tears in her eyes for some money. The sith cuts the little girls head off.

A jedi walks up to a starving child who asks with tears in her eyes for some money. The Jedi takes the child in as his own, and helps her have a better life.

Tell me, then, how the Jedi are "assholes". No, my friend, the SITH are the assholes.

The Jedi have some retarted ideas, but at least they try to be kind, generous, and helpful to those around them. Since Jedi mirror my personality, I would be a Jedi. A bad-ass sith killin Jedi.

GO JEDI! *Cheers*

Oh, and I would totally use a white lightsaber, and if they let you put etching on it, it would read "Bad mother fucker". 8D