Poll: Would you have sex with your cousin?

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
JoystickHero said:
DalekJaas said:
I can only guess most of them are children born of incest, therefore being only part formed physically and mentally they can only answer yes as a result before they start raping there mums, dads and pet dogs. /RANT
Welcome to the Escapist, where people will assume you're a deformed mutant bestiality rapist because of how you voted on a poll.
no...because you agreed that you would have sex with your cousin, which is really f*cked up.
wow. this closed minded attitude is really starting to annoy me.
I can't believe there are people so illogical that they can't understand the scale of different sexual encounters.
So if it's not a brown haired white male, and a slightly shorter blonde haired white female, married in church before even seeing any cleavage, it's wrong? right?

two consenting adults can have sex.
blood relatives should avoid having children.

it is that simple.
......how did you get from me being against incest, to me being against pre-marital sex?

Yeah I'm really "close minded" about incest *rolls my eyes*. You know what other sexual subject/topics I against and therefore in your mind automatically labeled as having a "closed minded attitude" about? Rape, necrophilia, pedophilia, and bestiality.

Also when did I say I was marring someone from my race (white)?


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Gotta say, the amounts of yes answers and maybe answers in the poll kind of creeps me out.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
JoystickHero said:
DalekJaas said:
I can only guess most of them are children born of incest, therefore being only part formed physically and mentally they can only answer yes as a result before they start raping there mums, dads and pet dogs. /RANT
Welcome to the Escapist, where people will assume you're a deformed mutant bestiality rapist because of how you voted on a poll.
no...because you agreed that you would have sex with your cousin, which is really f*cked up.
wow. this closed minded attitude is really starting to annoy me.
I can't believe there are people so illogical that they can't understand the scale of different sexual encounters.
So if it's not a brown haired white male, and a slightly shorter blonde haired white female, married in church before even seeing any cleavage, it's wrong? right?

two consenting adults can have sex.
blood relatives should avoid having children.

it is that simple.
......how did you get from me being against incest, to me being against pre-marital sex?

Yeah I'm really "close minded" about incest *rolls my eyes*. You know what other sexual subject/topics I against and therefore in your mind automatically labeled as having a "closed minded attitude" about? Rape, necrophilia, pedophilia, and bestiality.

Also when did I say I was marring someone from my race (white)?
I think it's because, with the exception of the whole rape, necrophillia, paedophilia, beastiality combo you - and only you - keep harping on about, there's absolutely no reason for people of the above categories to not have sex.

I mean, really, if both use protection (or, hell, one's sterile) then what's the problem?

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
I don't have any close cousins that I would even dream of having sex with, but I'm not really opposed to the idea of it. If I thought a cousin of mine was very attractive then I would most definitively have sex if I had the chance. I believe that its alright to do things like that as long as both parties involved are completely aware of whats happening (both know they are related) and both want it to happen. I'm a very 'free-love' kinda person. Like I said, I have no problems with the idea of it, but I don't find any of my close relations attractive.

Mycroft Holmes

New member
Sep 26, 2011
The entire concept of incest(cousin and even immediate family) is a social construct to deal with wealth dispersion. Every anthropologist I've talked to has agreed with this point.

If you were poor 300-4000 years ago you would get a mate from a different family. Because if you fall on hard times, you can ask your family and their family to help you out. If you happened to marry your sister, brother or anyone in your immediate family, who do you ask for help? Just your family, which means you get half the aid. Thus marrying out creates a sort of social welfare net.

If you however were rich to begin with it works the opposite way. If you marry out of your family to someone poor or less well to do than you are, then you will be expected to render financial aid to them. You, yourself are basically assured never to fall on hard times unless you happened to be in 1700s era France. So you marry within the family to keep wealth concentrated. Which is the reason why all the European kings were cousins and a huge number of the them were hemophiliacs(genetics and all that.)

As for people saying you shouldn't breed because genetics blah blah blah. That's not necessarily true and for one it does not make children retards. There is no genetic switch that magically is hit by incest. Think about that for a second because we used to be tribes of 10-20 hunter gatherers and if that was a problem at all we would be fucked as a species.

What does however happen is obvious, and is the same exact thing that would happen if you had children with someone you weren't related to at all. Both your traits are distilled down and then random chance that you bring to the table whenever you have any child selects the traits for the child. So if you and your family member are both smart the child will likely be smart, if you both have brown hair, the child will likely have brown hair, and if you have a history of diabetes in the family then you are both carriers and the child will have a greater chance of having diabetes. But if you married a girl who you weren't related to and her family had a history of diabetes, then the exact same increased risk would have happened. So it really depends on your family if interbreeding is dangerous or not. If you have some nasty genetic diseases in your familial genes then it would probably be smarter diluting them.

The only real reason not to do it would be the societal taboo and societies reaction; and how you feel about those is up to you to decide. Morally and genetically there is nothing wrong with it at all, but it can make things difficult for you if those around you disagree because of a knee-jerk reaction created by thousands of years of evolutionary and cultural history.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Deathleaper said:
Lets say you have a distant cousin(3rd, 4th, or 5th) and the 2 of you find each other attractive, and both of you were close enough to actually have feelings for each other. You hang out, and the topic of it comes up, and your cousin is up to it. Would you do it if no one knew about it?

If she were my 3rd cousin, I may. 4th or 5th definitely, we're so distant it wouldn't even matter.

I'm asking because recently I was at a family gathering, and a lot of my relatives brought along some friends(ie, people not related to me), which wouldn't make it a "family gathering" anymore and just a party. I was sitting at a table and this girl I have never seen before sat next to me. I figured she was a friend of one of my relatives. Yadda yadda yadda, we flirt but then we find out we're related(3rd cousins). She still seems interested in me, and Vindictive God help me, I may go for it.

So what about you, Escapits?
no, because I'm a HUMAN not an ANIMAL and I can actually keep it in my pants, because I don't have a rampant sex drive that would cause me to do something that I may enjoy for about an hour or so for a lifetime of regret. if you like your cousin like that, then just get over it; there are tons of other girls out there that are also probably much better matches for you in other regards anyways...


New member
Dec 15, 2010
Yes. I see nothing wrong with it. Where "it" means having sex with a person partially related to me.

Though I do wonder why people are adding needless conditions to the original question and/or thinking about their specific cousins.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
AngloDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
JoystickHero said:
DalekJaas said:
I can only guess most of them are children born of incest, therefore being only part formed physically and mentally they can only answer yes as a result before they start raping there mums, dads and pet dogs. /RANT
Welcome to the Escapist, where people will assume you're a deformed mutant bestiality rapist because of how you voted on a poll.
no...because you agreed that you would have sex with your cousin, which is really f*cked up.
wow. this closed minded attitude is really starting to annoy me.
I can't believe there are people so illogical that they can't understand the scale of different sexual encounters.
So if it's not a brown haired white male, and a slightly shorter blonde haired white female, married in church before even seeing any cleavage, it's wrong? right?

two consenting adults can have sex.
blood relatives should avoid having children.

it is that simple.
......how did you get from me being against incest, to me being against pre-marital sex?

Yeah I'm really "close minded" about incest *rolls my eyes*. You know what other sexual subject/topics I against and therefore in your mind automatically labeled as having a "closed minded attitude" about? Rape, necrophilia, pedophilia, and bestiality.

Also when did I say I was marring someone from my race (white)?
I think it's because, with the exception of the whole rape, necrophillia, paedophilia, beastiality combo you - and only you - keep harping on about, there's absolutely no reason for people of the above categories to not have sex.

I mean, really, if both use protection (or, hell, one's sterile) then what's the problem?
I'm still confused on how anybody concluded my opinion on pre-marital sex and interracial relationships, given the FACT that I didn't even touch on the subjects in my original post (I'm fine with both btw).

There are reasons for cousins to not have sex, like I don't know...their COUSINS. Look at other people's post and you'll see that they also are against the idea. Heck look at the polls and you'll see that the most voted for answer is the one that agrees with me that it's messed up.

You know what another example of my "closed minded attitude" is? I think its disgusting for someone my age (21) or around my age to have sex with someone who is 70 years old.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
JoystickHero said:
DalekJaas said:
I can only guess most of them are children born of incest, therefore being only part formed physically and mentally they can only answer yes as a result before they start raping there mums, dads and pet dogs. /RANT
Welcome to the Escapist, where people will assume you're a deformed mutant bestiality rapist because of how you voted on a poll.
no...because you agreed that you would have sex with your cousin, which is really f*cked up.
wow. this closed minded attitude is really starting to annoy me.
I can't believe there are people so illogical that they can't understand the scale of different sexual encounters.
So if it's not a brown haired white male, and a slightly shorter blonde haired white female, married in church before even seeing any cleavage, it's wrong? right?

two consenting adults can have sex.
blood relatives should avoid having children.

it is that simple.
......how did you get from me being against incest, to me being against pre-marital sex?

Yeah I'm really "close minded" about incest *rolls my eyes*. You know what other sexual subject/topics I against and therefore in your mind automatically labeled as having a "closed minded attitude" about? Rape, necrophilia, pedophilia, and bestiality.

Also when did I say I was marring someone from my race (white)?
firstly, I was throwing your closed minded nonsense back at you.
secondly I've already addressed the 4 other acts you mention less than an hour ago, in this thread.
third, this is the same bullshit argument that homophobic religious people use to degrade homosexual relationships. you realize how pathetic it is to associate consentual sex between two adults with any of those.

it is consentual sex between adults.
please explain the problem.

chase miller

New member
Apr 20, 2010
(yahtzee reference)

short answer no.
long answer noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


New member
Aug 2, 2008
RickRoll said:
Deathleaper said:
Lets say you have a distant cousin(3rd, 4th, or 5th) and the 2 of you find each other attractive, and both of you were close enough to actually have feelings for each other. You hang out, and the topic of it comes up, and your cousin is up to it. Would you do it if no one knew about it?

If she were my 3rd cousin, I may. 4th or 5th definitely, we're so distant it wouldn't even matter.

I'm asking because recently I was at a family gathering, and a lot of my relatives brought along some friends(ie, people not related to me), which wouldn't make it a "family gathering" anymore and just a party. I was sitting at a table and this girl I have never seen before sat next to me. I figured she was a friend of one of my relatives. Yadda yadda yadda, we flirt but then we find out we're related(3rd cousins). She still seems interested in me, and Vindictive God help me, I may go for it.

So what about you, Escapits?
no, because I'm a HUMAN not an ANIMAL and I can actually keep it in my pants, because I don't have a rampant sex drive that would cause me to do something that I may enjoy for about an hour or so for a lifetime of regret. if you like your cousin like that, then just get over it; there are tons of other girls out there that are also probably much better matches for you in other regards anyways...
And if they don't regret it because two consenting adults had some one-on-one contraceptive fun? Seriously, I don't understand why the animal comparison came up.

Seventh Actuality

New member
Apr 23, 2010
Volf99 said:
I'm still confused on how anybody concluded my opinion on pre-marital sex and interracial relationships, given the FACT that I didn't even touch on the subjects in my original post (I'm fine with both btw).

There are reasons for cousins to not have sex, like I don't know...their COUSINS. Look at other people's post and you'll see that they also are against the idea. Heck look at the polls and you'll see that the most voted for answer is the one that agrees with me that it's messed up.

You know what another example of my "closed minded attitude" is? I think its disgusting for someone my age (21) or around my age to have sex with someone who is 70 years old.
The fact that you have no measure for what's morally wrong beyond what people have told you is EEEWWW ICKY and can't distinguish consensual sex from rape suggests you should probably be chemically castrated right now to save time.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
JoystickHero said:
DalekJaas said:
I can only guess most of them are children born of incest, therefore being only part formed physically and mentally they can only answer yes as a result before they start raping there mums, dads and pet dogs. /RANT
Welcome to the Escapist, where people will assume you're a deformed mutant bestiality rapist because of how you voted on a poll.
no...because you agreed that you would have sex with your cousin, which is really f*cked up.
wow. this closed minded attitude is really starting to annoy me.
I can't believe there are people so illogical that they can't understand the scale of different sexual encounters.
So if it's not a brown haired white male, and a slightly shorter blonde haired white female, married in church before even seeing any cleavage, it's wrong? right?

two consenting adults can have sex.
blood relatives should avoid having children.

it is that simple.
......how did you get from me being against incest, to me being against pre-marital sex?

Yeah I'm really "close minded" about incest *rolls my eyes*. You know what other sexual subject/topics I against and therefore in your mind automatically labeled as having a "closed minded attitude" about? Rape, necrophilia, pedophilia, and bestiality.

Also when did I say I was marring someone from my race (white)?
firstly, I was throwing your closed minded nonsense back at you.
secondly I've already addressed the 4 other acts you mention less than an hour ago, in this thread.
third, this is the same bullshit argument that homophobic religious people use to degrade homosexual relationships. you realize how pathetic it is to associate consentual sex between two adults with any of those.

it is consentual sex between to adults.
please explain the problem.
my answer has NOTHING to do with homosexuality or religious people. I didn't mention anything about sinning or God or the bible, but thanks for ignorantly trying to declare that I'm cut from the same cloth as those religious extremist. Also why did you bring up race? Last I checked homophobia and religious extremism is NOT exclusive to Caucasians.

The problem is they are related by blood and they are cousins. Now I wouldn't, but if one is adopted then I guess that's a different story....


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Volf99 said:
There are reasons for cousins to not have sex, like I don't know...their COUSINS. .

There are reasons that Jews should be mudered, like I don't know... "their" JEWS.
seriously? that's how you think?

There are reasons we slaughtered our own children, like I don't know... "their" our CHILDREN.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Volf99 said:
AngloDoom said:
Volf99 said:
garjian said:
Volf99 said:
JoystickHero said:
DalekJaas said:
I can only guess most of them are children born of incest, therefore being only part formed physically and mentally they can only answer yes as a result before they start raping there mums, dads and pet dogs. /RANT
Welcome to the Escapist, where people will assume you're a deformed mutant bestiality rapist because of how you voted on a poll.
no...because you agreed that you would have sex with your cousin, which is really f*cked up.
wow. this closed minded attitude is really starting to annoy me.
I can't believe there are people so illogical that they can't understand the scale of different sexual encounters.
So if it's not a brown haired white male, and a slightly shorter blonde haired white female, married in church before even seeing any cleavage, it's wrong? right?

two consenting adults can have sex.
blood relatives should avoid having children.

it is that simple.
......how did you get from me being against incest, to me being against pre-marital sex?

Yeah I'm really "close minded" about incest *rolls my eyes*. You know what other sexual subject/topics I against and therefore in your mind automatically labeled as having a "closed minded attitude" about? Rape, necrophilia, pedophilia, and bestiality.

Also when did I say I was marring someone from my race (white)?
I think it's because, with the exception of the whole rape, necrophillia, paedophilia, beastiality combo you - and only you - keep harping on about, there's absolutely no reason for people of the above categories to not have sex.

I mean, really, if both use protection (or, hell, one's sterile) then what's the problem?
I'm still confused on how anybody concluded my opinion on pre-marital sex and interracial relationships, given the FACT that I didn't even touch on the subjects in my original post (I'm fine with both btw).

There are reasons for cousins to not have sex, like I don't know...their COUSINS. Look at other people's post and you'll see that they also are against the idea. Heck look at the polls and you'll see that the most voted for answer is the one that agrees with me that it's messed up.

You know what another example of my "closed minded attitude" is? I think its disgusting for someone my age (21) or around my age to have sex with someone who is 70 years old.
No-one did, it was a comparison of backwards views of no logical grounding besides people going "ew!"

Your argument comes down to: "I find it gross, so no-one should do it."

Just saying "THEY'RE COUSINS!" is exactly the same as saying "BUT HE'S BLACK!"- it doesn't mean anything and it's flailing around at best. The fact that more people disagree with than agree also isn't a valid answer, since fifty years ago you'd probably be racist and homophobic because everyone else was too.

Again, so long as the seventy-year-old is of sound mind, why shouldn't she? Because you find it disgusting? Should people not have sex with people you don't find attractive, or have fetishes for things you don't like?

See what I mean? If you give me a shred of evidence your way, then you'll at least dig yourself out of a pre-school defence and come across sounding like an adult. Right now you're sounding half your age.


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
Second or third cousins? Pfft. That's not close enough to even worry about one iota.

Hell. I'd do my first cousin. She's such a cute little nerd. :3