Poll: Would you have sex with your cousin?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
No way. I'm not judging anyone who did, but I just don't see my cousins that way.. They are my family.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
If it was good enough for Thomas Jefferson, FDR, Martin Van Buren...

... H.G. Wells, Albert Einstein, John F. Fitzgerald...

BTW one of the reasons why marrying your cousin is considered taboo in the US was because of a guy named Lewis Henry Morgan WHO WAS MARRIED TO HIS FIRST COUSIN! IRONY!

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
lithium.jelly said:
Why the hell not? In most places outside of the USA, sex, romance and even marriage between 2nd cousins or more distant is considered quite acceptable and there's really nothing weird or wrong about it. American culture is full of the weirdest hangups.
yeah disgust at the idea of having sex with a family member, a "weird hangup". You know what other "weird hangups" that we have? We are ALSO disgusted by rape, pedophilia, necrophila and bestiality,you know...."weird hangups".

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
lithium.jelly said:
Why the hell not? In most places outside of the USA, sex, romance and even marriage between 2nd cousins or more distant is considered quite acceptable and there's really nothing weird or wrong about it. American culture is full of the weirdest hangups.
yeah disgust at the idea of having sex with a family member, a "weird hangup". You know what other "weird hangups" that we have? We are ALSO disgusted by rape, pedophilia, necrophila and bestiality,you know...."weird hangups".


New member
May 6, 2009
Your third cousin shares 1/256 of your dna. I'm fairly sure your safe. There is no logical reason - genetic or moral or otherwise to not have sex with a third cousin of yours that you have never seen before. Tecnically everyone who is alive today is a cousin of yours to some extent, just all intermediate family members are dead.

For a third cousin, you share two great great grandparents. I'm fairly sure the chain between you and her is broken. So I can't for the live of me see why you wouldnt


New member
Mar 25, 2009
the only bad part of incest is the children.
if you don't have kids, what's the problem?

Volf99 said:
lithium.jelly said:
Why the hell not? In most places outside of the USA, sex, romance and even marriage between 2nd cousins or more distant is considered quite acceptable and there's really nothing weird or wrong about it. American culture is full of the weirdest hangups.
yeah disgust at the idea of having sex with a family member, a "weird hangup". You know what other "weird hangups" that we have? We are ALSO disgusted by rape, pedophilia, necrophila and bestiality,you know...."weird hangups".
you're saying that having sex with a distant relative is as bad as any of those?
that's pathetic. have you actually given this thought? ...or are you just going to be EVERYTHING media has conditioned you to be?

as I say, the only bad part about incest is the children, and if it's this distant that's barely even a risk.

Rape, often violent, stigma often causes the recipient to become depressed.
Paedophilia, children can be controlled/tricked easily, therefore any consent is questionable.
Necrophilia, what's wrong with that? who does that hurt? ...and if the relatives gave consent, or you were the relative?
Bestiality, whats wrong with this either? who does it hurt? nobody, and frankly, animals come on to you rather a lot.
But the last two are still much further down the list than your damn 3rd cousin.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
Maybe. If it wasn't for the fact that all of my cousins are guys. And either 5+ years younger than me, or 10+ years older.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Macgyvercas said:
l3o2828 said:
Incest, therefore no.
According to the law, 4th cousin and beyond is legal, since by that point you're so distant that blood ties are almost nonexistant.
"according to the law, 4th cousin and beyond is legal" and it's also not against the law for me to dump my parents into a retirement home when their old, but that doesn't mean I would do either of those two things because they're "legal".

Seventh Actuality

New member
Apr 23, 2010
Third cousin? Fuck, I'm just surprised that anybody would care about connections that distant. I'd go right ahead. Same for second cousin, I actually know my first cousin and don't think of her that way, but for anybody who didn't...sure.

I love how we're five pages in and there's not one rational argument for why it's wrong yet (the "Not me, but for anybody else it's up to them" answers notwithstanding. You people are sane and cool). Posting shit like this:

DalekJaas said:
Waaghpowa said:
The results say 6 for yes. So either people are deliberately fucking with the poll, or people are freaks. My money is on the first.
No welcome to the Escapists, where people take free speech to the point where you will find a lot of people will argue FOR incest which is just abhorrent. I can only guess most of them are children born of incest, therefore being only part formed physically and mentally they can only answer yes as a result before they start raping there mums, dads and pet dogs. /RANT
Volf99 said:
yeah disgust at the idea of having sex with a family member, a "weird hangup". You know what other "weird hangups" that we have? We are ALSO disgusted by rape, pedophilia, necrophila and bestiality,you know...."weird hangups".
...is pretty much just supporting the "yes" side.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
I couldn't get over the fact that she'd be related to me - no matter how distant. I do not like the idea of meeting the parents over my own family-gathering.

Plus, there's plenty of people in the world, I'd rather not. There's no reason not to so long as no kids are involved, but it's just not for me.

Volf99 said:
lithium.jelly said:
Why the hell not? In most places outside of the USA, sex, romance and even marriage between 2nd cousins or more distant is considered quite acceptable and there's really nothing weird or wrong about it. American culture is full of the weirdest hangups.
yeah disgust at the idea of having sex with a family member, a "weird hangup". You know what other "weird hangups" that we have? We are ALSO disgusted by rape, pedophilia, necrophila and bestiality,you know...."weird hangups".
Oh for God's sakes, that's completely different. None of the above is between two consenting adults who want to have sex. That's the same argument homophobic Bible-bashers use when they run out of things to say.

So long as no-one has kids, there's really no reason for people not to. I personally wouldn't but each to their own.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
FilipJPhry said:
I was weirded out once when a girl who shared the last name as me asked me out. I assumed we were cousins, and it turned out we weren't related. Still, it'd surely have felt odd going out with someone sharing the last name as me. So I declined.

In your situation, I wouldn't go for it. Your family will frown upon this, and God help you if your children are born with deformities.
Now imagine if you presented her to your parents. They would think you married someone without telling them. It would be hysterical.

OT: No, most of my cousins are a lot younger than me. There's one older, but he's a guy and one is the same age (and is hot), but honestly, I don't do family no matter what. It is completely legal to marry a first cousin as long as you didn't grow up together over here.


Senior Member
May 9, 2010
Seventh Actuality said:
Third cousin? Fuck, I'm just surprised that anybody would care about connections that distant. I'd go right ahead.
I agree, this is not backed up but I would find it easy to believe that quite a few marriages are from people who are 4th or 5th cousins, and totally unaware of it.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Use protection and you have nothing to worry about except your own conscience.

And the possibility of it getting out and you both being banished....hmm.

I only have one cousin that i "would" given the option but she's married with a kid now so its a bit late, all the others are male or just not my type.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Volf99 said:
JoystickHero said:
DalekJaas said:
I can only guess most of them are children born of incest, therefore being only part formed physically and mentally they can only answer yes as a result before they start raping there mums, dads and pet dogs. /RANT
Welcome to the Escapist, where people will assume you're a deformed mutant bestiality rapist because of how you voted on a poll.
no...because you agreed that you would have sex with your cousin, which is really f*cked up.
wow. this closed minded attitude is really starting to annoy me.
I can't believe there are people so illogical that they can't understand the scale of different sexual encounters.
So if it's not a brown haired white male, and a slightly shorter blonde haired white female, married in church before even seeing any cleavage, it's wrong? right?

two consenting adults can have sex.
blood relatives should avoid having children.

it is that simple.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Once you get to second cousin it's perfectly legal in the US, and statistically speaking at first cousin the risk of deformity is fairly low. Most people don't even know their cousins beyond the second cousins and if you excluded every cousin up to the fifth cousin and you family has lived in your area for more than two generations, you have to wait for someone new to move in so you can have someone.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
duowolf said:
Sure I don't see why not. It isn't aginst the law and has never been seen as wrong in my country. It's only the USA that seems to have a problem with.
wrong, look up South Korean law on the subject.


Sep 22, 2009
When I first read this thread title I was like:

But then I was like "Oh".

If they're like a distant cousin who I've never met before, never grew up with, and didn't know was family until after we met, then it wouldn't be weird, I guess. Plus, in my situation, children aren't exactly a concern, so there's not that moral conundrum.

Realistically, once you go back enough generations, we're all distant cousins, anyway. The smaller the community, the closer the relation. Lots of couples between people of the same ethnic, national and cultural ancestry and background are probably fourth or fifth, etc. cousins without knowing it.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
I say yes. Honestly, as long as you know that you shouldn't have children , you can have all the sex you want - why not? There are enough ways to avoid pregnancy, and then we still have the "pill after" and abortion as a last resort. Really, as long as you are not squicked out by it, why not?
Though most people WILL find it gross, especially if you have known each other for a long time - it is human instinct, after all. So don't expect a lot of happy faces the next time your family gathers.