Poll: Would you have sex with your cousin?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
No. Because the likelyness of genetic deformities being passed down is increased significantly as there's a high chance you both share the same gene. It would be amoral to inflict it upon a child knowingly without the child having a say about it.

If it's just some kinky fun, then I have no right to comment; whore.

Kelly Wells

New member
May 19, 2011
Makhiel said:
s2dio said:
7 billion people on the planet and someone's looking at their cousins? Might want to get outside a little more... Maybe leave your backyard.
We are only allowed to have sex with one person ever? I don't understand this argument.
I think its meant to be taken as "have sex with as many people as you'd like, just stay away from family."

Makes sense to me..


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2011
I was feelin' pretty down
'Till my girlfriend came around
We're just so alike in every way
I gotta say

In fact, I just thought I might
Pop the question there that night
I was, kissing her so tenderly, but woe is me
Who would have guessed
Her family crest
I'd suddenly spy
Tattooed on her thigh
And son-of-a-gun
It's just like the one on me

Tell me
How was I supposed to know we were both related?
Believe me, if I knew she was my cousin we never would have dated
What to do now? Should I go ahead and propose
And get hitched and have kids with eleven toes
And move to Alabama where that kind of thing is tolerated?
No no no
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

I had so much on my mind
I thought, maybe I'd unwind
Try out, that new roller coaster ride
And the guide
Said not to stand
But that's a demand
That I couldn't meet
I got on my feet
And stood up instead
And knocked off my head, you see

Tell me
Why'd I have to go and get myself decapitated?
It really is a major inconvienience
Oh man, I really hate it
It's such a drag now
I can't eat I can't breathe I can't snore I can't belch or yodel anymore
Can't spit or blow my nose or even read Sports Illustrated

Oh no, why'd I have to go and get myself all mutilated?
Yeah, yeah!
I gotta tell ya
Life without a head kinda makes me irritated
What a bummer
I can't blink I can't talk I can't sneeze
But my neck is enjoying a pleasant breeze now
Haven't been the same since my head and I were separated
No no no

And thats what happens!
Lyrics belong to Weird Al, comment is mine.

Dr Snakeman

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Um... maybe? If she was very, very distantly related to me. Like, fourth cousin or something.

Still seems kind of creepy, though. I'd prefer to just date people who don't have the same ancestors as me.


New member
May 21, 2010
I looked it up on cousincouples.com and It turns out that 26 US states allow first cousin marriages. As for my christian beliefs, where the do-nots of marriage were listed, it is debatable that first cousins were not listed as unsafe to marry considering that it goes into detail after saying no close relative but does not say anything about cousins. The website stated that 1st cousins do have a 4-6% chance of risk for birth defects while "unrelated people" have a 2-3% chance. Still 94% safe. So I can't argue from a religious point that it's wrong. I still wouldn't marry a first cousin because that's just how I was raised, but since the website stated that there are no noticeable risks for 2nd cousins or more as compared to "unrelated people", and this is your 3rd cousin, I still wouldn't do it, but go for it I guess.

Liquid Paradox

New member
Jul 19, 2009
Yep. Why not? I already don't give a shit about societal implications, and there's really no good reason not to. Not saying I'm specifically turned on by incest, just that I don't really see the point in criminalizing it/shunning it.

Actually, I do understand. The social incest phobia is, like homophobia, an artifact of a time when sex = the devil. Uhh... I feel a tl;dr coming up, so I'm going to stop there unless I get pressed for more for some reason. For now, suffice it to say that if one particular cousin were to express a sexual interest, I would not hesitate.

Dr Snakeman said:
Um... maybe? If she was very, very distantly related to me. Like, fourth cousin or something.

Still seems kind of creepy, though. I'd prefer to just date people who don't have the same ancestors as me.
... Does that mean you only date people with distinctly different ethnicity then you?


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Nah. I think I'd be too weirded out by the whole thing. I can certainly appreciate my cousins' beauty(cuz they're hot, trust me!), but I'd never act on it. Again, that'd just be too weird for me.

If you can do it though, then power to ya! Have fun!


New member
Mar 9, 2010
You know, if everyone believed in the whole "Adam and Eve were the first two humans" we technically would all be cousins... Thankfully that's just a bunch of religious jargon.

No. I wouldn't.

EDIT: My cousin's girlfriend on the other hand, wouldn't hesitate. She looks like Avril Lavigne, when she first got famous.. Hot.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Deathleaper said:
If she were my 3rd cousin, I may. 4th or 5th definitely, we're so distant it wouldn't even matter.

I'm asking because recently I was at a family gathering, and a lot of my relatives brought along some friends(ie, people not related to me), which wouldn't make it a "family gathering" anymore and just a party. I was sitting at a table and this girl I have never seen before sat next to me. I figured she was a friend of one of my relatives. Yadda yadda yadda, we flirt but then we find out we're related(3rd cousins). She still seems interested in me, and Vindictive God help me, I may go for it.

So what about you, Escapits?
Arguably once you reach 3rd (or even 2nd) cousins you really don't have to worry about the biological aspect of inbreeding. Your Coefficient of inbreeding would be less than 1% as a 3rd cousin which is as low a risk as the general population really (in terms of risk of birth defects). Depending on your families view of morals however it may cause some awkward moments/friction

Personally I would date a 2nd cousin if we hit it off. Of course I would strongly consider genetic tests to assure there isn't much risk in inheriting any problematic genetic disorders if we eventually married and decided to have children.

Haukur Isleifsson

New member
Jun 2, 2010
Dags90 said:
Haukur Isleifsson said:
So a third cousin shares your great great grandparents? That's 5 generations. So the people connecting your blood and there were born sometime in the mid/early 18hundreds. Just asking cause you use such different terminology in these matters than we do over here. That would be totally acceptable to me. I have 8 Facebook-friends just that related to me and I never knew before I looked them up in our national genetic database. If I go back 7 generations then I would exclude about half of my FB-Fs, 8 and I would have only 15% left (most of them foreigners). So unless I'm going celibate I sure as hell am going to fuck some cousin sooner than later.
In Iceland, incest is...relative...Isn't pretty much everyone related to each other in some obscure way?

That's pretty impressive that you have records going back that far. The farthest my families records go is to our ancestor who immigrated to the U.S. from Scotland and married a Cherokee woman. That's about the 1860's, he was my grandfather's grandfather.
Yeah we are the most genetically mapped nation on the planet. Which is really cool for genetic science (where we are doing some remarkable things) but really creepy in a Big Brother kinda way.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Yeah sure. First cousin even, if she was at all interested a few years ago I would've definitely hit that.