Poll: Would you have sex with your cousin?


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
Never met any family past second cousins, or at least I wasn't aware of them if I did, but still, 1st or 2nd cousins, Hell No! I have a few cousins I would consider attractive, but it would be FAR too weird being family, and I grew up close enough to my cousins that it would be totally awkward even if we weren't related.

Though more distant than that, and I would consider it. It's far enough removed that there would be less of a hang-up, and not having spent my childhood with her would further decrease any possible yuck factor. I could see it as possible but still not a definite yes.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
Well one of my uncles married his 3rd cousin and both of their children are normal. I think they found out after they were engaged though.

I'm not sure if I would go any closer than 4th as just someone having the label of cousin makes it weird.


New member
Oct 12, 2011
Tractus Vesica said:
Only 38% said no? Jesus Christ, go back to Alabama you inbreeding hicks.
IF two third cousin's closest relative (great-great-grandparent) held a recessive gene of some misformity, there would be a one in 512 chance of them birthing such a misformed child, and guess what? The chance that this is true and no other family member showed it is an even smaller number (by many orders of magnitude). This wouldn't cause deformities.


Salvation a la Mode
Apr 1, 2010
First cousins, eeeeww - even though one of my first cousins is rather attractive in an objective sense - I just can't think of her like that.

But 3rd and beyond? I don't know.
I don't even know any of my 2nd cousins if I have any so ... yeah, by the time youre at 3rd or 4th chances are I wouldn't even know she was a cousin.

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
My parents are cousins. Not by blood, though - my mom's uncle married my dad's aunt. Completely regardless of this, my answer to the question is yes.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
I'm going with no, not from any moral perspective as I've never given that any thought, but because none of my cousins are particularly attractive. Plus most of them are married.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
I don't see why not. I am related to everyone else on the planet(hell, I am related to a banana), I am nailing some form of cousin or aunt every time I have sex.

Rodrigo Girao said:
My parents ARE cousins. What's wrong about it anyway?
Inbreeding increases the odds of recessive genes being expressed exponentially(even multiple).

Jarimir said:
The CDC a few years back said that even 1st cousins are genetically diverse enough to have kids with each other and not increase the chances of genetic disease by a factor any greater than a random pairing.
That is true to a point. It takes a few generations, but it happens. All(ok, most) the royals in Europe were related and interbreeding for a long while, and they were getting serious defects from it.

Guardian of Nekops

New member
May 25, 2011
Deathleaper said:
And who the hell said I would have kids with her or pursue a relationship? I am NEVER having kids, period.
Well, if a long-term relationship is off the table and you use protection (as, you know, you always should) then the science of whether your genes are viable or no goes out the window.

Families are different. In the less close-knit families, it's possible that you never even MET your third cousin, so weirdness becomes less of a factor... do keep in mind that stuff can get weird if family reunions bring you together after things go sour, which has been known to happen...

But, at the end of the day, if all you're looking for is a fling with someone you click with, and you two get along really well... it all boils down to whether YOU have a hangup about it. As long as you don't cause a scene or have kids (and I think the science says you're even fine to breed, at that distance... don't quote me on it, though) it's really not anybody's business but yours.

So, since you're interested enough to ask... sure, go for it.


New member
May 9, 2010
Man, I just stumbled into a weird thread.

Well, um...
Maybe, I guess? I dunno. Under the right circumstances, and if no-one really knew/cared, sure.

...this is a weird thread....


New member
Mar 24, 2011
Zen Toombs said:
l3o2828 said:
Incest, therefore no.
In my opinion, incest is VERY squicky, but what is the moral problem with it?
Incest? well it's a mostly biological thing. /you know that diseases kids get from parents who are blood related? yeah that./
But theres also the sociological side: while in my country marrying your 2cnd/3rd cousin is allowed, i still was thought by society while its common i should be squicked by it /well kinda/

But i honestly find it squicky despite knowing theres no biological nor sociological issue with marrying your cousin...

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
Don't do it man, if your own guilt doesn't do you in your folks will if they find out. Unless you live in Alabama thats a big no no.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
Macgyvercas said:
l3o2828 said:
Incest, therefore no.
According to the law, 4th cousin and beyond is legal, since by that point you're so distant that blood ties are almost nonexistant.
As i said before, i understand it's legal and biological issues wont likely pop up in that case,BUT...i still find it disgusting , but to each his own, i accept incest, it's just that i dont want to practice it myself.

Herr Uhl

New member
Sep 25, 2010
A no, not because it would be insect, but because it would lead to many complications. Same reason I wouldn't sleep with one of my friends' ex's.

There are plenty of people that aren't my cousin that I could have sex with.


Not a Premium Member
Sep 17, 2011
Me personally? No.

But if someone else wants to go for it (ie. the TC), then hey, power to ya. There's nothing inherently wrong with it and it's your life so do what you want.


New member
Oct 9, 2010
as long as he doesn't end up calling me every five minutes to ask if i want to go bowling afterwords


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Zio_IV said:
Me personally? No.

But if someone else wants to go for it (ie. the TC), then hey, power to ya. There's nothing inherently wrong with it and it's your life so do what you want.
This. If having sex with your cousin is your thing, then it's not my place to judge.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
For me this is sort of a touchy thing cause ive always had a crush on my cousin and she's technically not related to me (not by blood or biology I mean) and even though I might want to sleep with her I wouldn't do it just cause it'd ruin our family relationships and it just it just wouldn't be right also it'd make for a really awkward morning after