Poll: Your opinion on interracial relationships?


New member
Feb 22, 2009
ravensheart18 said:
Johnnyallstar said:
What kind of self respecting pastey white person would be in a relationship with say.... a gorgeous filipina? Me. Damn straight I am.

Of course, I am in an "interracial" relationship, so I actually disagree with the premise of "interracial", because we are the Human Race, which what really matters. Besides, aren't Irish, Polish, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Italian, and Greek all different? What makes them okay to be together other than a general lack of melanin?

Besides, the only "race" that is provably a "lesser breed" is French... *rimshot*
Well a lot of people traditionally didn't take out of those ethnic groups you mention either.
I'm not sure I exactly understand what you mean. Are you saying a guy wouldn't take a girl out because she is of X ethnicity? Or what?

Bender Rodriguez

New member
Sep 2, 2010
Shittin me? - Black girls are hot!

I support most forms of love...but if a tree wants to date a car i might be against it ^^


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Why on earth should it be weird? I hate that it still considered is.

I'm in one at the moment; I'm white and she's Asian, Bengali to be precise. My parents are fine with it of course - they're pretty cool guys, they kill aliens and...yeah. Her parents, however, don't know, and she doesn't think they're going to be okay with it. I'm not Asian, nor am I Muslim. I am entirely ready to convert, I'm just hoping it'll be enough. Her mother herself was Hindu before converting to Islam for her father, so they're more likely to be lenient, but the rest of her family she believes will not be okay with it. Whether actively or just harbouring hidden resentment I'm not sure, of the two the latter is preferred but obviously I would rather her family and mine get on well, as would she. She really cares what her family thinks, and when we do end up talking about it I can see she's very torn up about the matter. I am willing to accept, adopt, learn about and embrace most of their culture, but I'm not going to lie it bugs me that other cultures aren't prepared to meet in the middle, or even to meet at all in some cases.

Apart from the racist niches of the Western world, we generally widely accept it. It's other cultures that need to reach the realisation that evolution of ideals and ideas can be a good thing, and ultimately lead to greater happiness for its people. For example in Bangladesh obviously there are still arranged marriages, though I'm not sure how common, there is definitely the belief that your first partner should be your last. Whilst idyllic, this is obviously impractical. It is likely to lead their children or relatives into complete unhappiness. How do you know that person will be the right one for you, even if you choose them yourself, if they're your first relationship? A case in point - my partner has had one prior relationship with someone she grew up with in Bangladesh, which lasted four and a half years. Her family 'acknowledged' it, and although she has told them she is no longer with him, they still seem surprised when they ask and she hasn't spoken to/seen him. In fact, the last 2 years of her relationship were only there because she wanted her family to be happy. She was not. It is things like this that I as a Westerner find completely nonsensical, and abhor. Surely her family should want her happiness, and families in general want their offspring to be happy?

Comments and input are welcome, nay, encouraged.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
Well, first off: Be with whoever you want to be: Multiple partners A-OK, gay: A-OK, some animal... WELL... if the animal WANTS to... (ummm)

Second: I don't know that much about genetic diversity. But isn't it GOOD to have interbreeding between ethnecities? Hm... have to look up information on that sometimes.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Swollen Goat said:
The Austin said:
Uhhh... I really don't see how anyone could be offended by them.

That's like taking offence to a BLT because it mixes bacon and tomatoes.
HEY! No tomato of mine is gonna be hanging out with that 'bacon' while I have any say in the matter!

Seriously, I'm all for it. In fact, I'm a little disappointed that the area I live is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo predominately white. I like my own race, don't get me wrong, but some variety would be nice! ~_^
Yeah, variety is nice. And white people tend to have very bad looking skin... everything shows and everything burns...

OT: I support them, considering I'm in one that makes sense. I'm white, my girlfriend is Indian, and my best friend is coloured...


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
I think the entire issue is silly to be entirely honest. Despite occasionally mentioning things said by guys like James Watson (who I incidently don't agree with, though his comments are disturbing given who he is), I don't think there is more than one race to humanity, and thus there is no such thing as an "interracial" relationship as all that is really going to affect is coloration.

I believe so called "race conflicts" are actually cultural and sociological conflicts, and as some people know, I have no problem at all with declaring some cultures flat out better than others. Nor do I have any real problem with the persecution and attempted extermination of certain cultures and ideals. I use the Nazis as an example of this, as we took them from a massive global movement, down to a radical fringe. Even after the war, decades were spent hunting down the remnants. You can't support doing that, without basically supporting cultural and idealogical bigotry, and acknowleging that sometimes that kind of thing is
going to be nessicary. In this case I'm more consistant than most liberals who will claim that such actions/bigotry are wrong under any circumstances out of one side of their mouth, while at the same time attempting to quash anything they disagree with (hate speech, the KKK, Neo Nazis, and other groups), I tend to at least be consistant by saying I feel that door is open.

Ah well, this is getting well off topic. The bottom line is that I am of the opinion that the very idea of something being "interracial" is at the root of a lot of problems. It's more about how people think and behave, and ideals that try and divide things along racial lines, than an issue with any kind of real, material meaning.

The Salty Vulcan

New member
Jun 28, 2009
Uhhh why wouldn't I support them or even for that matter be ok with them? I know that this is a legitimate question but well, it seems like this kinda question came from the 60's.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Let people do whatever they want.

Hell I think incest is okay because people should be able to do whatever they want.

EDIT: Did I come off as someone who thinks interracial relationships are disguisting?....


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Summerstorm said:
Well, first off: Be with whoever you want to be: Multiple partners A-OK, gay: A-OK, some animal... WELL... if the animal WANTS to... (ummm)

Second: I don't know that much about genetic diversity. But isn't it GOOD to have interbreeding between ethnecities? Hm... have to look up information on that sometimes.
Yes, it is good. Just look at animals. Pure-breads are the genetically weakest by far in cats and dogs. Interbreeding spreads useful genes and helps to weed out utterly pathetic ones. It also creates good genetic diversity, which helps prevent defects and genetic diseases.


New member
Feb 5, 2010
one of my best friends who is white, is married to his black wife and they have four amazing children and couldn't be happier.

this may sound corny, but love doesn't notice racial boundaries. why should relationships?


New member
Nov 22, 2009
brandon237 said:
Summerstorm said:
Well, first off: Be with whoever you want to be: Multiple partners A-OK, gay: A-OK, some animal... WELL... if the animal WANTS to... (ummm)

Second: I don't know that much about genetic diversity. But isn't it GOOD to have interbreeding between ethnecities? Hm... have to look up information on that sometimes.
Yes, it is good. Just look at animals. Pure-breads are the genetically weakest by far in cats and dogs. Interbreeding spreads useful genes and helps to weed out utterly pathetic ones. It also creates good genetic diversity, which helps prevent defects and genetic diseases.
The difference being we don't count as different breeds of humans? Although I still agree in principle, it is to far a lesser extent than that found in animals.


New member
May 29, 2009
I'm in one. I'm white, she's black. Which is very unusual as I tend to not find blacks attractive. Something about their facial structure just doesn't do it for me. She's got a lot of other stuff in her, so she kind of looks less 'black' per say.

I also don't have very many non-white friends. It's not like I avoid black people, I just never seem to be in the same circle of friends as one. Really, I like black people. They're hilarious.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
Being the result of one and having engaged in my share, I support it. It seems like the only people who really care try to cite some half-baked idea of "keeping the bloodlines pure" or people who are being plain mean.

Admittedly, being a half-Filipino growing up in southern Missouri has made me feel a little self-conscious whenever I'm dating a white girl, just because not everyone back home really approved of such a thing. Never publicly said anything bad about it, but you kinda get a feel for what they're thinking now and then. It's disheartening. :/


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I wouldn't say that I support them or oppose them. I would consider myself to be celibate, so I don't plan on ever being in a relationship with anybody, meaning I have a rather detached view on romance. That being said, I don't see why skin color or ethnicity should be a factor in determining anything. If you have feelings for somebody else, then that's all that matters.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
The Hairminator said:
lSHaDoW-FoXl said:
White people are really fucking dull so we desperately need more blackness and Asians.
Now that's just racist.
Nah. I genuinely feel white dudes are boring. *innuendo!* Crappy jokes aside (and more jokes incoming) I really don't think there is a single person in the escapist that honestly thinks someone shouldn't sleep with another over their ethnicity. White people having relationships with only white people and blacks having relationships with only blacks is incredibly dull and bland.