Poll: Your opinion on interracial relationships?


New member
Sep 26, 2010
To be honest it's just something I never thought about because I don't really care about it. People are people, marry whomever.

Soviet Steve

New member
May 23, 2009
I don't have any issues with it but I've heard other people in Denmark who do, which might seem odd as Denmark is supposed to be very tolerant and progressive (except in the cases of muslims).

In my opinion this is because Danes aren't used to seeing foreigners in the first place, aside from the news about immigrant gangs.

Prof. Monkeypox

New member
Mar 17, 2010
I don't even know why people would still be having arguments about these. The only race I care about is the human race, and there is literally no-reason why a relationship should be based solely on ethnicity, or (more obviously) melanin.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
HalfLife205 said:
Oh, and also I'm British, so when I say Asian I mean the proper type of Asian, i.e. 'Indian' rather than Chinese. They're what's known as oriental, using Indian as a blanket term for all other Asians is offensive and quite frankly ignorant.
Dude.. Oriental is a 19th century word referring, primarily, to the middle east.

It's also fantastically offensive.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Is this an old poll from the 50's or something? You worried about "black folk takin' our womens?" lol

I honestly don't care. I don't openly support them because I'm not really involved or anything but I'm not against them because I don't see how it hurts anyone.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I don't care.

Now, if there's a jackoff protesting against interracial relationships, then I'm gonna argue.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
I really don;t care what color you want to have a relationship with, and I myself really don't care either...I like them all, as long as it's female and attractive, I'm all over it.

However one thing I will say about interracial relationships to make them stand out is that some of THE most attractive people I have ever met were a product of one. People of mixed race tend to be very good looking.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
The only issue I have is when it ties in with gender/race expectations.

Sure, most white male/asian female relationships are all fine and awesome, but then just occasionally you meet some fucking misogynist who is into asian girls because he wants a submissive little asian housewife stereotype. Sure, that pisses me off a little.

Also, white girls who see black guys as their 'bit of rough' or something to scare daddy with.

In other words.. if it genuinely makes no difference, then sure. Love is blind and all that. Having to play out racial interactions and tensions in a relationships can be a bit despicable though.

However one thing I will say about interracial relationships to make them stand out is that some of THE most attractive people I have ever met were a product of one. People of mixed race tend to be very good looking.
Amen to that..


New member
Jan 7, 2008
Dango said:
Why should race matter at all? Love is love, that's all there is to it.
Unless you happen to be gay, then it's wrong.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
SimuLord said:
This is where subconscious racism rears its ugly head with me.

I was raised in a lily-white town (as in, we had one black-white mixed-race family and a few Chinese folks who mainly ran restaurants. According to the Census Bureau via Wikipedia:

"96.94% White, 0.45% Black or African American, 0.08% Native American, 1.43% Asian, 0.01% Pacific Islander, 0.20% from other races, and 0.90% from two or more races." (2000 census)

And my high school was a hotbed of racism thanks to forced busing (or "school integration", if you prefer.) I was a member of a hate group myself (I got better.)

When you've got that drilled into your head from childhood that interracial relationships are wrong or unnatural or a good excuse to vent some teenage-boy frustration and beat the shit out of a black kid without the principal giving two shits (and I'm from the Northeast!)...

Well, it's gonna lead to certain visceral reactions as an adult. And I just can't get past that drilled-in-childhood revulsion at the sight of an interracial couple (and indeed, it's black guy-white girl that triggers that response in me---if I see a black guy with an Asian or an Asian with a white or any other combination, it doesn't register as unusual with me.)

I'm sorry, I really am. I try very hard to move past that. But if any black people (I won't say "African-Americans" because I'm sure an African in the UK or a Jamaican or...you get the idea...reading this would take offense) want to hate me for that, I honestly don't blame you. And if you've any advice for becoming more accepting, I'm open to it.
No problem. I understand. Racism is more than one's ideology about the world. It also comes down to subconscious emotions that strike before logic can intervene. I was raised in white suburbia, so I still get that sting of anger at the sight of hip hop culture. The important thing is recognizing it and making sure it doesn't influence your actions. Good for you.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
s0p0g said:
i oppose them
"bestiality" is just... not right. humans are supposed to mate with other humans, not some other animal; just as animal x doesn't mate with animal y, because it's unnatural, for it won't create any offsprings
also see: biological imperative, and the like

so, and now flame me, because i took the liberty of taking the word interracial literally ^^
Lol. Thought I'd laugh at that before someone ended up taking it seriously. Still, you probably ticked off some furries in the forum.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Skullkid4187 said:
Depends on the races


OT: I clicked I've never thought about it - I know people are still hung up on gays but I really can't believe a thread even needs to be made about this.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
I have no problem with them. I'm more attracted to my own race (Caucasian), but that's just my personal preference. I don't see anything wrong with mixed-race couples. They will probably become more common as time goes on.

SimuLord said:
This is where subconscious racism rears its ugly head with me.

I was raised in a lily-white town (as in, we had one black-white mixed-race family and a few Chinese folks who mainly ran restaurants. According to the Census Bureau via Wikipedia:

"96.94% White, 0.45% Black or African American, 0.08% Native American, 1.43% Asian, 0.01% Pacific Islander, 0.20% from other races, and 0.90% from two or more races." (2000 census)

And my high school was a hotbed of racism thanks to forced busing (or "school integration", if you prefer.) I was a member of a hate group myself (I got better.)

When you've got that drilled into your head from childhood that interracial relationships are wrong or unnatural or a good excuse to vent some teenage-boy frustration and beat the shit out of a black kid without the principal giving two shits (and I'm from the Northeast!)...

Well, it's gonna lead to certain visceral reactions as an adult. And I just can't get past that drilled-in-childhood revulsion at the sight of an interracial couple (and indeed, it's black guy-white girl that triggers that response in me---if I see a black guy with an Asian or an Asian with a white or any other combination, it doesn't register as unusual with me.)

I'm sorry, I really am. I try very hard to move past that. But if any black people (I won't say "African-Americans" because I'm sure an African in the UK or a Jamaican or...you get the idea...reading this would take offense) want to hate me for that, I honestly don't blame you. And if you've any advice for becoming more accepting, I'm open to it.
Its nice to see that there are people out there willing to change their views on such matters. I understand that its hard for you to totally abandon parts of what you learned from childhood, but I glad to see that you are at least trying to overcome your prejudices. I'll admit that I'm not entirely comfortable about male gay couples despite the fact that I have no problems with it, but I'm trying to get over it.

So long as you're trying to get past your ingrained prejudice, I'm fine with your views.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
I've got nothing against it, there's beautiful people everywhere, I tend to lean more towards Greek girls, because I'm a Greek guy, so I just feels more familiar, but hell, a hot Asian's a hot Asian no?


New member
May 20, 2010
Well as we become a global community "race" will eventually disappear anyway, ultimately, probably thousands of years from now, we will have interbred to the point where we're all just one big race anyway.

So why fight it?

Not to mention the fact that race discrimination is abhorrent anyway.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
I support it, they could find their "one" is another color, but if their smart they still search through every race for their "one."


New member
Sep 2, 2009
I have no problem with people who engage in such relationships and feel that the people that do are backwoods dipshits who's opinions don't matter.


The Wizard
Nov 30, 2009
I have no problem seeing humans intermingle with other sentient species. Asari, Klingon, Xenomorph, it's all good, though I'm not sure what some women see in those Xenomorphs.