Portal 2 Details Leaked


New member
Jun 14, 2009
wildpeaks said:
Exterminas said:
How exactly is that co-op thing supposed to work? Are we required to hook uo with some stranger from the internet, or even worse, to invite a friend over?
That worries me too :/

Hopefully, the co-op mode will just be extra maps without story like the advanced challenge maps, otherwise that will be really frustrating (because my rl friends aren't that good at videogames, so we'd never make it to the end).
The scans are right there on the first page, everything is answered there.

Co-op - Extra levels, seperate plot. Play as modified turret/personality sphere. Split-screen on one console, or picture-in-picture over online. Faster, more challenging and more reflex based due to the extra flexibility two players provide.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
StevieWonderMk2 said:
Byers said:
Portal was popular because it was something new and innovative, and because it was short and sweet. Having a 15+ hour sequel with the exact same type of gameplay is gonna murder my will to live.

C'mon, more new original licences instead please.
I can't actually believe this. Not EVERYTHING needs to be 100% new and original. That, and it's still Portal, there's still nothing else like it.
And it's more than a re-hash, read the scans, they're introducing lots of new things. Lasers, deflection, co-op, portalling magic paint, portalling PHYSICS.

I will stake money on this, you are the ONLY person disapointed in a new Portal/
There is something else like it. It's called Portal. Now let's make a new game that there's nothing quite like.

I'll stake money on you being the only person to suggest there's too many new and original licenses and too few sequels in the game industry.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
AceDiamond said:
Byers said:
Portal was popular because it was something new and innovative, and because it was short and sweet. Having a 15+ hour sequel with the exact same type of gameplay is gonna murder my will to live.

C'mon, more new original licences instead please.
Implying a game with co-op where the original had none is "the exact same type of gameplay" is not only mind-boggling but intellectually dishonest. I call it the "Super Mario Bros. Wii Strawman" argument.

Also really after the runaway success of L4D2 I think telling Valve they need more original licenses is like telling Microsoft they need to stop relying on Windows so much.
Adding a gimmicky multiplayer mode doesn't necessarily revitalize the game's concept. I don't think New Super Mario Bros Wii worked well because of how the multiplayer was implemented. It worked well because it's been 15 years or so since we last had an old school sidescrolling Mario game on anything else than a handheld, and fans were starved for it.

And they don't NEED new licenses. Like Blizzard, they'd never have to make another original license again and still be one of the most successful developers out there. Such is the strength and marketability of franchises.
But it would be good, y'know, to see something fresh and original more often than once a decade. Both the game industry and the gamers would benefit from it, from a creative point of view.


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Apr 12, 2008
Woodsey said:
Hardly, considering no one knows who/what he is, what he wants/needs, who he 'works' for, etc. etc.
Other than the force being some sort of molecular crap, does anyone know what the force is?

"We need a nuke to fire."


"We need a way to put Freeman in to the future."


"We need a conflict after the main conflict. It needs to be myste..."



New member
Apr 21, 2009
TheGhostOfSin said:
Ekonk said:
Yodobama said:
So wait, what about Chell getting dragged off?
What happened to that?
I dunno, maybe they're trying to keep it fresh here and set it hundreds of years away so it's not questioned why Chell isn't there, and we'll learn more about Chell in HL2:Episode 3, whenever it comes out (Episode 3 looks like it's heading down the Duke Nukem Forever Path though.)

Also, hunderds of years after and it's still there meanst that we can at least positive the Combine haven't blown earth up or anything.
We never knew where portal was set in the HL universe, so maybe hundreds of years in the future for portal is when HL2 happens?
Well, that's not really true. In Portal, you can see spreadsheets about how Aperture Science is better than Black Mesa - and Black Mesa hasn't been around for centuries.

Also, GLADOS says at one point that the outside world has changed a lot since Chell last saw it and that GLADOS now is 'the only thing standing between us and them'. 'Them' most likely being the combine.


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
Why does the robot made out of a personality core make expect it to say "Shepard Commander" at any moment?


New member
Jun 14, 2009
Byers said:
StevieWonderMk2 said:
Byers said:
Portal was popular because it was something new and innovative, and because it was short and sweet. Having a 15+ hour sequel with the exact same type of gameplay is gonna murder my will to live.

C'mon, more new original licences instead please.
I can't actually believe this. Not EVERYTHING needs to be 100% new and original. That, and it's still Portal, there's still nothing else like it.
And it's more than a re-hash, read the scans, they're introducing lots of new things. Lasers, deflection, co-op, portalling magic paint, portalling PHYSICS.

I will stake money on this, you are the ONLY person disapointed in a new Portal/
There is something else like it. It's called Portal. Now let's make a new game that there's nothing quite like.

I'll stake money on you being the only person to suggest there's too many new and original licenses and too few sequels in the game industry.
I'm not saying that. I'm saying that there is ONE game that does what Portal 2 does. Not everything needs to be totally new, you can develop existing ideas (which Portal 2 seems to have in abundance) and improve on the original concept. Heck, I'd say it would be BAD for there to be no sequels, sometimes the first game is flawed and is best improved and refined (*cough* Assassin's Creed)

In short: I agree, innovation is preferable to mindless derivative copies. But this is not derivative. At least, from the one magazine scan we have.


Dec 25, 2008
StevieWonderMk2 said:
wildpeaks said:
Exterminas said:
How exactly is that co-op thing supposed to work? Are we required to hook uo with some stranger from the internet, or even worse, to invite a friend over?
That worries me too :/

Hopefully, the co-op mode will just be extra maps without story like the advanced challenge maps, otherwise that will be really frustrating (because my rl friends aren't that good at videogames, so we'd never make it to the end).
The scans are right there on the first page, everything is answered there.

Co-op - Extra levels, seperate plot. Play as modified turret/personality sphere. Split-screen on one console, or picture-in-picture over online. Faster, more challenging and more reflex based due to the extra flexibility two players provide.
Yes, however what I meant is that it depends on what they mean by plot, whether is just having extra maps (like the challenge maps) in a specific order, or a complete storyline like portal prelude did in its mod.

For example, look at L4D/L4D2 in online expert campaigns: it gets harder not only because of the difficulty setting, but because each player has 1/4 chances to screw up (however it's ok because 3/4 people are still there to save it) for the whole group, and in co-op, that would increase to 50% chances.

Anyway, we'll see when it's released, no point wondering about it now.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
*coughs politely*

Good, Valve, good, but erm... ARE YOU EVEN WORKING ON HALF LIFE EPISODE 3? Seriously, just acknowledge something is happening on that front.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Hundreds of years? Wow, this should be interesting. Plus it leaves Chell open to tie into the Half-Life series somehow. Very interesting, Valve, veeeeery interesting.
Also, the co-op robots are cute.
Now, HL2EP3! Where is it???


New member
Aug 6, 2009
>"The single player mode of Portal 2 takes place hundreds of years after the first, and it would appear that Aperture Science never came back to reclaim the facility, as it appears overgrown and almost jungle-esque"

I dunno, that sounds like shenanigan info to me. lol

>"Portal 2 will have the same writers as the first game"

Too bad Kim Swift is gone, though. :(


New member
Feb 20, 2010

From what I have seen it looks like Valve have done what they need to do to keep it fresh and interesting. I am very much looking forward to this.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Sounds great!
There are only two question I wonder about. Will there someday a Valve game that sucks? And is Jonathan Coulton doing the ending credits in this one?

ZeroDotZero said:
In a few years, we will be waiting for Portal 2: Episode 3.

Mark. My. Words.
Valve. We define episodic content to a whole new meta level!
Man, I think you're sooo right on this one.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Disaster Button said:
The blown up scans of the Portal 2 details make for a pretty interesting read:

Ooooh, thank you.
This explaines a lot.

No mention of Cave Johnson. I'm guessing he is onboard the Borealis.

Dr. Paine

New member
Oct 26, 2009
SnowCold said:
Bricks have been shat.

I... I was guessing a lot. I did NOT think centuries would be a play- years later, maybe, even a decade. But hundreds?

Sheet. But I'm betting on some G-Man appearances.

Whatever. Chell and GLaDOS are still the key characters, the setting looks like it'll made my jaw drop to the floor, and I have strong faith in the story.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Disaster Button said:
Yodobama said:
So wait, what about Chell getting dragged off?
What happened to that?
I dunno, maybe they're trying to keep it fresh here and set it hundreds of years away so it's not questioned why Chell isn't there, and we'll learn more about Chell in HL2:Episode 3, whenever it comes out (Episode 3 looks like it's heading down the Duke Nukem Forever Path though.)
You play as Chell in the single player campaign, chances are that her being dragged off was so she could be cloned or put in stasis or something. Time portal? oh snap

Anyway this looks like its going to be so good. But does the time jump mean that its ahead of Half Life?

Edit: The blown up scans of the Portal 2 details make for a pretty interesting read:

Haha, I love the third one. :)

If permission to look at this diagram has been granted, please do so now, unless the box labelled "DO NOT LOOK AT THIS DIAGRAM" on the 'Diagram Forms Sanction' form you should have received from your supervisor is checked, in which case you should remain at your workstation not looking at the diagram until such a time as you are instructed by your supervisor to discontinue not looking at it.
Gold. Pure gold.

I hope they make more of these mock experiments, they're just hilarious. Based on these alone, I am looking forward to Portal 2. There's a lot of potential to completely screw up a sequal to Portal, but at least I know it's in the right hands; if anyone has the ability to do it properly, it's Valve.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
fuck yeah more Portal!


Cant wait for some more 'thinking with portals' challenges.