I love this, even tho I know all my data was leaked. Why? Its because of how unbelievably stupid you would have to be to commit this crime in the first place. The main reason people don't go out and steal something that is one of a kind, or steal millions and millions of junk items from one store is that its pretty damn hard to turn around and sell that stuff.
Its not like stealing a TV from the back of a truck, its a crapload of personal data from people in countries all over the world taken from the same source, and only relevant to that source. There are probably thousands of companies that already know all the information they may have taken as it is.
Who are they going to sell it to? email spammers? Seriously who the hell is going to pay anyone for disposable email addresses, or real ones when only the bottom .000001% of people actually open spam emails as it is. And no one has any hard time getting them b4 this.
Address? Unless they want to go door to door mugging PS3 users specifically or sending (at their cost) junk mail then how is that an issue?
Same goes for phone #. Billing info would also require knowing what bank you had your debit card at, and the pin, and the 3 digit v code to potentially mess with you.
Credit card is much the same although they would know which company your card belonged to.
Now unless they want to road trip to fraudulently use your info to purchase something (assuming they got around everything else) the sudden usage of your card in a state/country you have never been b4 should tip off anyone investigating this since the same info stolen is the same list of people who's accounts will be monitored for anomalous usage by investigators. Assuming the investigators aren't complete morons.
So basically the easiest way to make a quick profit from this stunt is to raid everyone's wallet and try to buy as much psn stuff as possible b4 everyone changes their passwords right? Too bad Sony killed the store right away, so no one could have made a mad binge of fraud like that.
Aside from that I suppose if you actually used exactly the same passwords and security answers etc as your other (financial) accounts then I guess you might have a reason to worry. Thought I'm sure your bank would also provide a measure of security there as well since the hackers wouldn't have gotten EVERY thing they would need to raid your savings or whatever.
When PSN comes back up hopefully they won't be stupid enough to try and buy crap with stolen info b4 everyone is forced to change the password. Since everyone IS going to have to change their password and the hackers can easily get in b4 you and change it b4 you do prepare for mass Q_Q.
Lastly I would think that any other, or even the same, hackers out there would view the new and ZOMG improved Sony security as something that simply HAD to be fucked with. I mean really, if you are already stupid enough to grab at that low hanging fruit, how could you resist coming back for more? Imagine, you could be the guy that ruined Sony! Or ya know, you could try doing something worthwhile like putting porn on all the live feed monitors at fox news. Seriously no one does anything amusing with their hacking anymore.
EDIT: Oh and I'm sure that by making every PS3 user unable to play their games online they have royally pissed off some portion of the hacker community and thereby made themselves an enemy of those that might have been otherwise supportive. "Oh you messed with company x? Nice! Oh you are the dick that made me unable to play killzone online? The feds are on their way to your location *****, and I froze all your bank accounts