Bat Vader said:
I can see the door swinging both ways with this. I can see it being a PR stunt but at the same time I also believe them when they say some publishers wanted them to change the character male.
Well, you've also got to see it from the publishers pov too. Say what you will about them being evil money grubbing bastards. It's not a solely bad trait. Remember Me didn't do that well, and this dev lobbied so hard for a female protagonist, and that was honestly the only bit of marketing I saw for it, that it had a female protagonist and that it was a cyberpunk setting, nothing else.
And as we all know, it basically bombed. It had a few nuggets of cool design, but was mostly squandered potential.
And now a year later, here they are again, the majority of their next game marketing being that they have a female protagonist and, as one poster up above put it, quick load(a pc staple since the beginning of time) being a central game mechanic.
There's nothing wrong with female protagonists, I welcome them when they're done and aren't the central reason presented for someone to buy said game(Mirror's Edge, for all its flaws, doesn't shove it in your face that you're not playing a white guy), and I'll believe that publishers said to change the gender, but can you completely blame the publishers for not wanting a repeat of the last time around with this dev?
I'm sorry and annoyed that it happens, but in this particular instance, I don't care. They were given a chance, and the game failed.