Punch-Out!! Boxer Accused of Uttering Islamic Phrase


New member
May 12, 2009
avykins said:
Christ people are racist fucks. So excusing the fact that the guy is obviously full of shit and just hearing what he wants to hear there's the fact that all it was saying is "God is good"
Yes, perhaps muslim suicide bombers do say that. So no one has ever said "praise Jesus" while doing something fucked up and horrible?
The point is that even if it is saying god is good then who cares? Are you then going to go cry about the word God being in the US national anthem or a bible being used in the courthouse or even just mormons going door knocking? If not then stfu.
Even better, doing the motions to make the symbol of the cross on their chest.
Yeah, like people haven't ever done some terrible acts after doing that.

I haven't played any baseball games for years, but I'd imagine that motion has been included at some point.
Athletes have their quirks, boxing is no different. It's barely a coherent utterance anyway.

Undead Dragon King

Evil Spacefaring Mantis
Apr 25, 2008
Namulith said:
So Bald Bull is a terrorist. So what? You're beating the crap out of him right?
That's the first thing I thought of when I read this article. Even if was a radical Muslim in first place (which is almost certainly not), you're still beating the living crap out of him. If anything, the Islamophobes would love this even more. "Yay! We get to beat up a Muslim guy!"

Bat Vader

Elite Member
Mar 11, 2009
WNxSajuukCor said:
Allah Akbar? It's a trap! XD
Concentrate all your fire on that super star destroyer.

Seriously though. I don't see harm in this saying. It is just someone praising god in a different language. It may be used by terrorists but you can't condemn something just because someone who means harm uses it as well.

It would be like saying DOOM is bad because you kill people in it.


New member
May 9, 2009
Bored Tomatoe said:
Because an Islamic Character who mentions his god is a terrible thing.
I think this means something about the people accusing the character of uttering the phrase: Overt Racism! All Muslims/Middle Easterners are terrorists, apparently. Since when did the KKK start getting interested in video games?


New member
Dec 31, 2008
theSovietConnection said:
EDIT: Having watched the video, I'd never have thought it sounded anything like "Allah Akbar" if he hadn't said anything, so I honestly doubt he's saying that. Besides, the only reason this is a problem is because it's Islam. If what he were saying was something Jewish or Catholic, he wouldn't be complaining.
I agree with you. Additionally, some people seem to have a hard time with the notion that not all Muslims are terrorists. Even if this character were saying "Allah Akbar" why is an entire religion being accused?


New member
Jun 22, 2008
BTW...I believe the proper phrase to use is Muslim, not Islamic. Yay grammar!

Anyway, I see no problem with a character :

a. speaking in Arabic

b.Talking about Got

c. Speaking in Arabic about God.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
conservatives dont play video games, they dont have the mental fortitude to accept other ideas and creativity


Survivor, VDNKh Station
Jan 14, 2009
minarri said:
I agree with you. Additionally, some people seem to have a hard time with the notion that not all Muslims are terrorists. Even if this character were saying "Allah Akbar" why is an entire religion being accused?
Yeah, I do grow tired of hearing about how all Muslims are immediately terrorists. Hell, at my old high school, I got accused of being a Middle Eastern terrorist because I had a beard. And this was in Canada.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
theSovietConnection said:
Yeah, I do grow tired of hearing about how all Muslims are immediately terrorists. Hell, at my old high school, I got accused of being a Middle Eastern terrorist because I had a beard. And this was in Canada.
That's almost unbelievable. Even ignoring the absurdity of high school, it's incredible that facial hair has managed to be associated with killing people. When does common sense come into the equation? People can be so asinine.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
RAKtheUndead said:
lwm3398 said:
gotta point this out, Nazis were socialists,socialists are communists,communism killed 10 times the people as Nazis,yet the Nazis contribute to those numbers that are ten times the amount that they killed...question mark face :?
Nazism was socialism in name only; Newspeak at its most egregious.
Much like how nowadays we get Right-Wingers trying to tell us that Fascism is a Left-Wing ideology.

Anyway moving on. This is stupid. This is absurd. This whole thing. I'm very glad I bought Punch-Out today just so I can enjoy this game and enjoy the fact that maybe, via chaos theory, this guy might suffer an embolism for it.


Survivor, VDNKh Station
Jan 14, 2009
minarri said:
That's almost unbelievable. Even ignoring the absurdity of high school, it's incredible that facial hair has managed to be associated with killing people. When does common sense come into the equation? People can be so asinine.
Yeah, my old school really seemed like a bastion of ignorance at times. Glad I got out when I did.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Having played up to (and beaten) Bald Bull, I still cannot figure out why anybody would say "Allah Akbar" after whiffing on a punch, especially when "Akbar" sounds more like a strangled groan of disappointment/surprise at my ability to dodge such a punch.

I'm more surprised this guy didn't go after Glass Tiger for his turban and saying something that might have sounded like "jihad" if I were a man with no brain (i.e. this idiot)


New member
Mar 8, 2009
Ahhh he says "Ah be" which actually means "dammit" and then something after it which I dunno but is not Allah or Akbar.

You ever notice the SAME group of people keep thinking there's these same words in everything?
Why don't we investigate them since they apparently know Islamic so well to recognise it in any babble from a baby or a bald psychotic Turk?