Question of the Day, August 16, 2010


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Hell yeah, deep fry those suckers you've got yourself some good eatings.

Fly soup anyone?


New member
Dec 20, 2009
im a veggie so i ethically kick all yo' asses! hence i am the LAST person to hold the responcibility of eating bugs for a year (well, in the last GROUP of people), because it could only INCREASE my carbon footprint


New member
Dec 20, 2009
Misterian said:
Wouldn't it be simpler if I went vegetarian?

I tried veggie burgers before, doesn't taste that bad.
you know alot of people think the "substitutes" taste like cardboard but thats just because the dont store fat as well as meat, if you butter them before you cook them they get really juicy


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Jarrid said:
interspark said:
Jarrid said:
I'd eat more (than my current zero) bugs if the UN let me eat a vegan at least once.
why would you want to eat a vegan?
Because carnivores and omnivores eat herbivores.
I like that logic. Let's see if we can't start a petition or something to make eating vegans legal.

ot; I fail to see how the 2 are related, but I eat bugs anyway. I love chocolate covered cricket!


New member
May 6, 2010
Well... I would eat bugs if I could stand the appearance of them...

But other than that, I'd rather eat human flesh. I hear it tastes like pork.

What, I'm not allowed?

Not even just a LITTLE taste of a famous celebrity?


Oh fine...


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Well, if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. I'd just hope I wouldn't develop an eating disorder from all the vomiting I'd wind up doing after meals. :(

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
In b4 UN bashing.

But yeah I think I could slowly phase them in to make up the majority of my diet, but it's not like I'm gonna suddenly dive into a bowl of cockroaches for breakfast tomorrow.

porschecm2 said:
Cattle take up too much land? Too much land that needs to be used for what? Anyone who thinks there's not enough land needs to go to the Western United States. Travel through Wyoming and Nevada, and then tell me we're overcrowded. Eating bugs because cattle are unsustainable is patently ridiculous.
Too much land that could be better used for forest, or at the very least crops. Humans aren't the only consideration for land use, y'know.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Jarrid said:
I'd eat more (than my current zero) bugs if the UN let me eat a vegan at least once.
Good idea. You know, crazy PETA seems to create at least one new picture a year with some woman sectioned off with lines like a meat cuts chart. They think it will shock people into becoming vegetarians. Little do they know that it just makes people hungry.

On to the subject at hand. I'm definitely not going to garner much support, but I am tired of the Global Warming crap. The Earth naturally warms and cools and we can do nothing about it. We may move it along a little faster than the norm, but nowhere near the incredibly fudged reports that come from Global Warming people that worry to much and blow it all out of proportions. I haven't seen one reasonable statistic come from that camp of scientists.
A few years ago, the worriers stated things like we only have a hundred years left to change or do something. With that amount of time I am definitely not worried, especially with how fast the human race has been advancing. I would bet that within at the most 40 years, we will have found a reasonable non-crazy way to reduce emissions; not by eating bugs, not by giving up gas in cars (we have tons of coal reserves that we can turn into synthetic oil, which would cut our gas prices nearly in half. But we have the Global Warming worriers and people that are in bed with OPEC to thank for that not happening like it should. If we did, we would be able to break our dependence on OPEC because we have vast amounts of coal), or any other crazy thing they come up with. Until science creates a solar powered car that can do everything a internal combustion car can (meaning speed and performance), or a car that runs on water that is normal and not gimmicky and said (speed and performance), we will not be stopping the use of gasoline anytime soon. Save your corn for the livestock to eat.

On the whole live stock thing, it is a moot point. Bare with me on this explanation. Yes it is sad that we killed off the buffalo in this country, but they farted too. We replaced those buffalo with herds of cattle that picked up farting where they left off. And think of this, we fart as well, and there are more of us now than there were in the past. But in the past, we didn't take up as much land, and on that land that we hadn't developed were more animals. Millions upon millions of animals that farted as well. We killed them and took up the land that they lived on, and started farting in their place. So I would say that if there is an excess of farting on this planet, then it is a very very small percentage that isn't even enough to be thought about. If you really want to save us from the farts, stop eating beans.

Wow that is one of the funniest explanations I have written. Probably because of the fart to word ratio was pretty high.


New member
May 17, 2010
Snails, locust, roaches, yumyumyum! Raw, deep fried, cooked, roasted, grilled.... dammit! Now i'm hungry!

Atm 10 kg of food for livestock results in 1 kg of meat, while 10kg of food for bugs, creates 9kg of bugmeat. Thats 800% more food for the same effort!

Its not only more efficient, its better in every way!


New member
Feb 10, 2008
I don't care whether they're related or not, they're still pretty damn tasty. I had fried maggots once, they're delicious.


Certified Deviant
Jul 17, 2008
As long as I could cook them, and garnish them with a salad, dip them in chocolate, and put them in lollipops....

And they must be regulated by the USDA...


New member
Jul 21, 2009
Weellll.... protein is protein, so...I don't have anything against eating insect meat, but since things with >4 legs tend to feak me out, it would have to be fairly heavily processed.

I mean, here's a question, how much extra processing would a mass of insects need compared to the equivalent weight of meat? I have to admit that a lot of my meat ends up being minced, in a spag bol or a chili or similar, so a pack of tarantula mince rather than beef or turkey probably wouldn't make a difference to me.

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
Mannayz said:
Well... I would eat bugs if I could stand the appearance of them...

But other than that, I'd rather eat human flesh. I hear it tastes like pork.

What, I'm not allowed?

Not even just a LITTLE taste of a famous celebrity?


Oh fine...
Eat the rich. The poor are tough and stringy.