if you want to know if pc gaming is truly dead, watch blizzard's stock on the 27th and watch it skyrocket as koreans buy sc2 by the bus-load as well as lots of people here. Who wants to get owned by be when that comes out btw? Anyone?
basically this.Banana Phone Man said:PC gaming is not dead at all. Console gaming is just more popular becuase it's easier. You don't have to make sure a console has has the specs to handle a game, you just plug it in and go. That's in my opinion anyway.
I clicked comments just to see how many posts in this pic would beDr. Awesome Face said:
someone had to post it.
And no PC gaming is not dying. Its just not getting quite as much support at the mo
the question of the day should be:The Escapist Staff said:Question of the Day, July 3, 2010
Epic and Microsoft have claimed that it has not abandoned the PC, and it will save PC gaming, respectively. Do you think PC gaming is a lost cause?