Question of the Day, June 26, 2010


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
Jandau said:
And If I absolutely had to pick one, it'd be Jacob, since he's less of a douchebag.
You know in high school I read the Bible, the Torah, The Qur'an, and several other holy books just so I'd know wtf I was talking about when I debated my religious studies teacher (fun fact I'm not an atheist, but a Christian, she just drove me up the wall).

So a few years ago when Twilight first started coming out and everyone started freaking out about it, I didn't really pay attention, but after watching the movie I basically said "what dribble" and I was told "omfg you can't talk about if you haven't read the book" so just like in high school I went out and read the books (I didn't pay for that crap, borrowed them off my sister).

So when I laugh mockingly at someone saying Jacob is "less of a douchebag" I know what I'm talking about. Dude pledged to marry a baby... yes... a baby... not long after said baby's father ripped her (literally) out of her mother...

Twilight is fucked. Stalking is not dating, domestic violence is not romantic, and the author needs to be committed to a mental hospital.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Why isn't there a none option? Anyway, there's no way I'm going with Mr. Sparkle so it has to be Jacob I suppose.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
Quad08 said:
Guess what? People enjoy Twilight.
Anyone who likes it needs a psych eval. Seriously, I've had female relatives tell me how "romantic" it is... Unlike a lot of guys I actually like romance... and let me tell you stalking a chick is not freaking romantic, it's creepy as all hell.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Team Calumon for sure.

In all seriousness, though, I don't get this at all. Considering that this is based off of a series of books that have already been written... shouldn't everybody already know who she goes with?

Space Jawa

New member
Feb 2, 2010

After all, he protects the island. And we all know how bad it would be if that jerk the MiB gets his way.

Wait, what?

Oh, you meant Twilight Jacob? Eh, in that case I don't care.


New member
May 21, 2009
Now that I've actually read the books, I'm on Team Jacob. The whole thing between Edward and Bella was completely assumed and just sort of put there for you to accept; that's just how it is. With Jacob, he worked for everything, you could see the build-up, and it made a Hell of a lot more sense.

That being said, Bella deserved neither.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
The people who vote may be actually scared to post here afraid of verbal retaliation.

I go for Team Jacob, never liked this "dude" Edward; the only reason girls love him is because he thinks and acts as if we has a girl. Grow a pair, Vampy...


New member
Mar 21, 2009
Jack and Calumon said:
Team Calumon!

Calumon: Everyone on my team gets cake!

Well, since most of you want Calumon so much. I quickly threw up a poster!

Calumon: Don't stop Believing!

Edward? Never heard of him!
Cake you say?


New member
May 5, 2009
tkioz said:
Quad08 said:
Guess what? People enjoy Twilight.
Anyone who likes it needs a psych eval. Seriously, I've had female relatives tell me how "romantic" it is... Unlike a lot of guys I actually like romance... and let me tell you stalking a chick is not freaking romantic, it's creepy as all hell.
Anyone who is a christian needs a psych eval.

I like twilight, I'm 21 heterosexual male university student and I like it. Just because you think it makes you more of a man to consider yourself superior to Twilight fans doesn't make it so. Go back to church and express your opinions there.

It's a crappy piece of literature and it spawned decent films, and I enjoy them. Go team Edward.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
errrm maby Team of Muse fans who actually LIKE the songs... and not just because they're on twilight??
God I hate those people >:) Its thanks to them that I coudn't get tickets to any of their upcoming gigs!!!


Feb 22, 2009
Jack and Calumon said:
Team Calumon!

Calumon: Everyone on my team gets cake!

Well, since most of you want Calumon so much. I quickly threw up a poster!

Calumon: Don't stop Believing!

Edward? Never heard of him!
Team Calumon!
Are we like Team Rocket? That would be badass.:)


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
Belladonnah said:
tkioz said:
Quad08 said:
Guess what? People enjoy Twilight.
Anyone who likes it needs a psych eval. Seriously, I've had female relatives tell me how "romantic" it is... Unlike a lot of guys I actually like romance... and let me tell you stalking a chick is not freaking romantic, it's creepy as all hell.
Anyone who is a christian needs a psych eval.

I like twilight, I'm 21 heterosexual male university student and I like it. Just because you think it makes you more of a man to consider yourself superior to Twilight fans doesn't make it so. Go back to church and express your opinions there.

It's a crappy piece of literature and it spawned decent films, and I enjoy them. Go team Edward.
So the behaviour exhibited in the books and films to a lesser degree is acceptable? Stalking? Emotional abuse? Physical abuse? Attempted rape?

Nice jab at my religion by the way, I don't go to church, don't need to to be a Christian. As for it influencing my opinion, I'd have the same opinion even if I was an atheist, the entire series of books is misogynistic dribble somehow written by a women.


New member
May 5, 2009
tkioz said:
Belladonnah said:
tkioz said:
Quad08 said:
Guess what? People enjoy Twilight.
Anyone who likes it needs a psych eval. Seriously, I've had female relatives tell me how "romantic" it is... Unlike a lot of guys I actually like romance... and let me tell you stalking a chick is not freaking romantic, it's creepy as all hell.
Anyone who is a christian needs a psych eval.

I like twilight, I'm 21 heterosexual male university student and I like it. Just because you think it makes you more of a man to consider yourself superior to Twilight fans doesn't make it so. Go back to church and express your opinions there.

It's a crappy piece of literature and it spawned decent films, and I enjoy them. Go team Edward.
So the behaviour exhibited in the books and films to a lesser degree is acceptable? Stalking? Emotional abuse? Physical abuse? Attempted rape?

Nice jab at my religion by the way, I don't go to church, don't need to to be a Christian. As for it influencing my opinion, I'd have the same opinion even if I was an atheist, the entire series of books is misogynistic dribble somehow written by a women.
I don't deny it, I gave up reading the first one after 1/3rd, but I like the movies. I guess I still need a psych eval.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
tkioz said:
So when I laugh mockingly at someone saying Jacob is "less of a douchebag" I know what I'm talking about. Dude pledged to marry a baby... yes... a baby... not long after said baby's father ripped her (literally) out of her mother...

Twilight is fucked. Stalking is not dating, domestic violence is not romantic, and the author needs to be committed to a mental hospital.
I agree with the last paragraph completely. However, I'm judging it by the movies, since I will NOT waste time with the books. Too many books I actually want to read for me to waste time with that drivel. But I'll take your word on Jacob being just as fucked up as everyone else ;)