Question of the Day, September 22, 2010


New member
Mar 21, 2008
Other, because there's no "None".

Do you really think that a celeb. based MMO would be interesting at all?

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
TheComedown said:
Other, only because there is no None option, and of all the people in the world to base an MMO of those are some of the worst. I would sooner rip out my eyes then even sit through a trailer.
Well that makes just about anything I'd say superfluous - seriously, why those 'celebrities'? There's nobody on that list I even "barely tolerate", let alone "do not actively loathe with nigh on every fiber in my being" - that is a list of the things wrong with the modern music industry, and I cannot help but feel that I am being trolled somehow.


New member
May 17, 2010
Salvador Dali, the Monty Python cast, Edward Norton/Brad Pitt (Fight Club!), Johnny Depp (Pirates/Alice/Willy Wonka/Fear & Loathing crossover combo) or Harrison Ford (Indy/Bladerunner/Star Wars/Fugitive/Air Force One mixup)


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Lady GaGa, excellent customization abilities I'm sure. But if it actually has her music in it, I'm not buying.

I already voted GaGa, but now that I think about it, Mel Gibson all the way.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
as much as I hate Lady Gaga
and as much as I just don't give a toss about MMORPG's

I'd have to say that a Lady Gaga MMORPG would have a kind of sick twisted appeal to it that WOW couldn't hope to match.

imagine the wsag like the Meat Suit
or the bracers of ripping off Ace of Bass

you could Imagine how good everything would look if the level of artistic design she puts into her videos went into the environments in her game
it would look pretty sweet

and your Bard character could sing her songs to grant the party power ups
like singing "My Telephone" would grant the party +10 to the "oh god kill me now" stat
and singing "Alejandro" would give the party +10 to the "ripping off Ace of Bass" stat


New member
Aug 5, 2009
I just can't bring myself to pick any of your outrageous options.
Or to think of other ones.

Chase Yojimbo

The Samurai Sage
Sep 1, 2009
Non of them. As far as im concerned, the only man that deserves an MMO devoted to him, is Sean Connery. though he may not sing, he beats the hell out of every other person.

The Stonker

New member
Feb 26, 2009
TheComedown said:
Other, only because there is no None option, and of all the people in the world to base an MMO of those are some of the worst. I would sooner rip out my eyes then even sit through a trailer.
Because why should we as gamers choose to let garbage be fed through us?
And that goes for all MMO's btw am I the only one who is freaking over Civilization V?
Now the MMO craze must seize to exist because my game idea must come forth.
The adventures of Fred the sandwhich!
What you do in that game is that you can choose between different equipment as in cornbread,seasoned bread and if you finish the KFC dungeon then you can get the mouldy bread!
But remeber you must finish the extra hard raids (which you must do with other sandwhiches) to get pepperoni or become the all mighty french toast!

Captain Booyah

New member
Apr 19, 2010
DSK- said:
Scobie said:
Does Nikola Tesla count as a celebrity even though he's been dead for a while? If so, him. Would a Tesla-based MMO not be the greatest thing ever?
This could work. Think of the minigames!
This, this, this, a million times this! Considering all the badass and awesome stuff that he did and meant to have did, it's surprising how little fiction there is about the guy. The only real notable thing I can think of is The Prestige, and even then he had more of a bit part.