Race selection is back in Dragon Age Inquisition


New member
Nov 14, 2011

Slowly...very slowly, this game is shaping up to being something worth getting. Looks like Bioware are learning from their past mistakes with DA2 and everyone hating the human exclusivity of Inquisition at first.

I am glad I'll be able to play an elf again. Well...if they're less ugly.

Jimmy T. Malice

New member
Dec 28, 2010
Apparently the elves are back to how they looked in Origins. It seems like Bioware are trying to pretend that Dragon Age 2 never happened - a move I wholly support.


New member
Nov 14, 2011

Elves appear to look like this now.

Which is great, more subtle version of DA2 features (ears) whilst not being ugly donkeys and looking more human. In the video of the link I posted it also shows female elves, and male and female dwarves, all looking great.

Joseph Harrison

New member
Apr 5, 2010
While I did prefer playing humans, at least on my first playthrough, I'm glad that the choice is back and I'm getting very excited for this game I'll probably end up reading the game informer issue to see if the game is worth getting excited for. I actually liked Dragon Age 2 but I do hope that DA3 is better cuz DA2 was not amazing.


New member
Oct 3, 2012
"You don't anger the dwarf fans"

Damn Right

(Game looks fantastic, everything who disagrees should buy the newest game informer!)


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
So they said the PC'll be voiced, right?
I wonder if each race and sex will have a different voice. That'd be neat. Also around the 2:33-ish mark looks like we get to see some of it. Closer third person camera, eh...


New member
Dec 21, 2011
I'm still cautiously optimistic at best, their last two big decisions were DA2 and the last hour of ME3, and yeah. I love BioWare so there's always hope that it'll be great, even with guys like Zeschuk, Muzyka, and the genius Karpyshyn gone. I'll definitely be waiting at least until reviews start coming in to decide whether I get it, but it's definitely starting to look more promising than I would have expected.

Jimmy T. Malice

New member
Dec 28, 2010
Inquisition's been delayed a year, partly because of adding in all the playable races. I'm surprised EA went for it, considering Bioware had little more than one year to develop 2. Hopefully this means less copy-pasted dungeons and a wider variety of settings as well.


New member
Sep 11, 2010
SycoMantis91 said:
I'm still cautiously optimistic at best, their last two big decisions were DA2 and the last hour of ME3, and yeah. I love BioWare so there's always hope that it'll be great, even with guys like Zeschuk, Muzyka, and the genius Karpyshyn gone. I'll definitely be waiting at least until reviews start coming in to decide whether I get it, but it's definitely starting to look more promising than I would have expected.
That's exactly my feelings on this, and I imagine there's a lot of others who feel the same. DA2 and ME3 really stained Bioware's reputation, here's hoping DA3 can bring some of that back.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Cool, A new Dragonage, awesome I liked those games. However, there will a return of the endless pro/anti/middling/apathetic/hipster Bioware threads once it comes out though... These forums and Bioware, I swear to Christ.

More on DA specifically, I was one of those retards who liked 2, despite how boring the combat was (didn't notice the copy paste dungeons until someone pointed them out to me) and the ending was really, really interesting. Not having your choices meaning jack shit was the point and that was totally awesome.

Bioware and endings man. Their last two games DA2 and ME3 had so much shit over the ending. Dunno whether to blame the devs or the fanbase or both or magical hallucinogenic pixie dust.

I agree ME3's ending was horrendous with only the Extended Cut helping it to be kind of ok, (except the Refuse ending is just generally shit) but the rest of the game was amazing. Suddenly the last ten minutes erase everyone's memories entirely, 0/10 fuck you.

I would LOVE to see if DA3 manages a worse ending, that would impress the fuck out of me.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
harrisonmcgiggins said:
This game has taken so long to come out, and been talked about so much

That I dont care about it anymore

People talked a lot about Inquisition?




Oh, yay. Races.

Woo, playing an elf, playing an elf playing an elf. Boing boing.

That's what I'm doing.



New member
Mar 4, 2013
But can we please be Qunari. I want horns and muscles out the ass and a borked Kantian philosophy. Plus the lady Qunari are total babes. Babes, y'hear?! Unfortunately we live in the real world where that shit will never happen, so I'll just go back to being a grumpy little Elf, excelling at poverty.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Jimmy T. Malice said:
Inquisition's been delayed a year, partly because of adding in all the playable races. I'm surprised EA went for it, considering Bioware had little more than one year to develop 2. Hopefully this means less copy-pasted dungeons and a wider variety of settings as well.
The environments (or lack thereof) was much less of a problem than enemies spawning out of nowhere repeatedly.
In combination with putting everything on a cooldown, that means pretty much the only way to complete nightmare is to start every fight by running far far away, so that enemy spawns don't pwn your ass.

Not having enough time to do the art properly makes it a rush job.
Having a combat system that's retarded makes it a bad game.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
norashepard said:
Plus the lady Qunari are total babes. Babes, y'hear?!
Of course, to make them playable they would also need to add a bunch of new classes, like the shopkeeper!

Why kill giant spiders when you can soothe their berserk animalistic rage by selling them adorable garden gnomes! Why stab bandits when you can convince them to buy T-shirts with amusing phrases like "Koslun is my homeboy!" or "I went to Seheron, and I all got was a forced conversion and this lousy T-shirt!"

Speaking seriously, I think this is one of the reasons Qunari aren't ever likely to be playable. There's a reason we haven't seen a single female Qunari in game (beyond the time required to model and animate them).

endtherapture said:
Which is great, more subtle version of DA2 features (ears) whilst not being ugly donkeys and looking more human.
It looks like what they've done (beyond increasing the detail) is to make the eyes a bit smaller and less almond shaped and the brow more defined.

Personally, I liked the DA2 take on elves for the same reason I liked the Skyrim take on elves. They're not humans, I don't think they necessarily have to look like humans or conform to what we think is attractive. Virtually every fantasy setting has elves as basically petite humans with pointy ears, I think it was bold to try something different, but too bad. I don't play elves so I can deal.

Weirdly, for exactly the same reason I'm actually glad to see dwarfs looking more human in proportion. They look like they could be sneaky little rogues as well as beefy warriors, which is a nice change from how dwarfs are presented in most fantasy and fits in well with the Dragon Age conception of them,

Overall, I wasn't expecting this and as one of the aforementioned dwarf fans I'm really pleased to see it. I would have dealt without, but I think it adds a lot.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
Jimmy T. Malice said:
Inquisition's been delayed a year, partly because of adding in all the playable races. I'm surprised EA went for it, considering Bioware had little more than one year to develop 2. Hopefully this means less copy-pasted dungeons and a wider variety of settings as well.
Inquisition has been in development for 5 years, so I hear. In a vid that I saw, it seems that repeated dungeons are completely out, which is exciting news. Even more exciting, you aren't restricted to just one land. Orlais, Free Marches and Eastern Fereldan are all in.

So far, Inquisition is shaping up real nice. The one and only thing that I need to see is the return of the Arcane Warrior specialization. If I saw Arcane Warriors return, that would be an instant pre-order for me. I was so sad that DA2 didn't include them. Force Mage was nice, but I still don't particularly care for Blood Mage or Spirit Healer. Allow me to become an Arcane Warrior/Force Mage, however... Dream come true. I'm also very happy I can resume playing as an Elf.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Exius Xavarus said:
Orlais, Free Marches and Eastern Fereldan are all in.
Tevinter is also in. Looking forward to that one.

From what I've heard, it seems like the plot is going to involve you travelling across Thedas and dealing with the consequences of the continent-spanning war which started at the end of DA2.

Exius Xavarus said:
So far, Inquisition is shaping up real nice. The one and only thing that I need to see is the return of the Arcane Warrior specialization.
At first I was doubtful because Morrigan is in (which probably means shapeshifter) and I don't think they'll make the mistake of having two melee specializations for mage again, but if they build on the system in DA2 where companions have unique specializations then it leaves the field open for arcane warrior to return since it was clearly popular (just not with me). Lorewise it's tricky to justify, but then Reaver didn't make any sense in DA2 either.

One thing I really, really hope (but which may be controversial) is that we end up limited to one specialization instead of two. Two was overkill in Origins and extremely overkill in DA2, and picking two out of four (or worse, two out of three) specializations doesn't really make them feel unique. It would also make replaying the game less repetitive as you'd be having the opportunity to experience new specializations as well as new classes and roleplaying options.

Upbeat Zombie

New member
Jun 29, 2010
I had recently beaten DA 2 and while I think it was still a pretty good game. It definitely seemed like a step away from the original in quality. I disliked the artwork and lore changes they had made.

But Hawkes story by itself was pretty good.

So I'm hoping Bioware will put some more time and effort into Inquisition.