Rage Cuts Single-Player When You Buy It Used


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
Mike Kayatta said:
... what I don't understand is why Willits is trying to downplay the fun-factor of running through the sewer missions Rage is locking with an online pass. If it's true that "most people will never even see it" and that skipping the section doesn't "detract" anything from your experience, then why would this actually affect whether or not a gamer buys the game new or used?
Because they're testing the strategy on a rather innocuous piece of the game. They're not going to jump head-first into something like this. That's all that's happening here--testing the waters.

I suspect we'll hear a big uproar about it... but the numbers will show pretty average new sales, with fewer used copies moving.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Ech, I really don't care, if I buy it first hand, I won't play online. If I buy it second hand, I get it cheaper, but I wouldn't have to pay $10 for something I wouldn't use.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Sounds good.

Pc players cannot even start the game without a serial key.

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
I swear game companies have some kind of hatred for money, what did money ever do to them?
Did developers learn nothing from Spore? Loaded with DRM, most pirated game the year it came out.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
cainx10a said:
If you buy it used, you ain't supporting the developers, just like the pirates do. Don't see anything wrong with it, as long as this new little feature doesn't affect the legit buyers.
Nope, you just support the retailers. I honestly feel like it would be interesting to see retailers fight back this shit. Like just choosing not to carry it. It really could be quite the ***** for a developer and publisher if a large brick and mortar like gamestop just decided to not stock your game because you are being an unimaginative dick about your DRM instead of finding a way to reward first hand buyers instead of punishing used buyers.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Scizophrenic Llama said:
Or you could, you know, buy the game new and actually support the developer? Rather than the, "Fuck you, I want to buy your game at a cheaper price, and not let any of the money go back to you, and you're a piece of shit for wanting to make a profit off of the sale of one of your games." attitude you've got going now.

I don't get why people are all up in arms about this. RAGE is going to be a massive game by the way all of the news stories seem to say about it, if it's a good game it'll be worth the money to buy it new. If you really want to save money and buy it used, then you're paying for a lesser experience. I see no issue in this.

You really want to blame somebody: Blame GameStop for not giving a portion of their 100% gain on a used game being sold back to the developers.
First off, game-wise, I've never bought anything used. That is because I like my games to be new and shiny with the game-box looking new and actually having everything inside(like the instruction booklet).

But, I can see why people buy used. They don't care about those materialistic things that I care about, they just want the game itself. Let's say people that don't normally get to buy games all the time, because they never have the free income to get them regularly like some people do, come into a store like GameStop and look around. They only have about fifty dollars available to spend. It's been awhile, so the they think back on what they wanted to play over the past few months. They remember that there were two games they wanted that came out six months before. They find out that both games' prices haven't went down all that much and they are forty dollars a piece; they also find out that both games are 20 dollars a piece used. They of course are going to buy both games used because it is more game for their money and if they just bought one game new and saved for the other, it could be another 4 or 5 month before they can afford one again.

I would say that people that use the used market the most are probably kids that only have a small amount of money they get from an allowance or chores. A kids aren't going to care where the money goes, they are going to see that they can get both games for half the price used of getting both new.

Besides, as people have pointed out, no other industry works like the publishers want it to work for them.

I've bought used books from a half-price bookstore many times. Are you saying that the store should keep a record of ever book sold and that Stephen King should get a portion of the money that was received when I bought his book "On Writing" used. No other media or retail item argues over the fact that some people buy used and they don't see money from it.

Writers maybe a little disappointed that a person didn't buy a book used an they don't get money from it, but they see it as they have gotten some recognition. The people that buy those writers' books used are still reading their books. If the writers have more than one book, then there is the possibility that when there new book comes out, these people that bought their one or so previous books used, will buy the new book new, since it will be awhile before people can buy it used. Writers look at a used buy as still getting recognition/publicity. If the used buyers love the books, they will spread the word and then other people will buy new usually because that is what most people do since there really aren't that many used bookstores around these days, at least ones that will have multiple copies of a new book, or a popular book.

So, publishers need to understand that they aren't special, sales-wise, the media is the same. If some people buy their game used, they don't get the money from it, but they do get the recognition/publicity if the game is loved and the players spread the word.

Long story short:

In the end, just think clearly about it, it really is just common sense. Movie companies don't say a word when people buy the movies from some used store, or rent it at a rental store. Authors don't complain about used book sales. Car companies don't whine when some guy buys one of their old used cars from some small private dealer.

Other people work to make those things and they don't see the money from used sales. So I ask you, why are video games different, why should they see a profit from used sales? Because if you say they should, that means all those other companies should see profits from used sales. So if I buy a used Monopoly set at a yard-sale, does that mean that Hasbro/Parker Bros. should get a portion of the three bucks I paid for it?


New member
Jun 1, 2008
I'm confused. What triggers the 'used' part of the game that locked the part of single player? I mean, if you let your friend borrow the game, will it immediately lock up that part and never let you have it again? If you create a new profile or start the game anew, will it lock up and throw away the key of that section as well?

I've never been aware of a used game store randomly doing something to the CD that would magically trigger this.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
This is really dumb.

This sounds similar to a publisher of a book tearing a few chapters out because someone bought the book used.

Or maybe taking a few scenes out of a movie because your friend gave you the DVD.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
MianusIzBleeding said:
suitepee7 said:
that sounds... pretty shitty. now i will probably miss this game entirely. meh


ToastiestZombie said:
I thought bad things when i read the title, but now I know that its only small parts of the SP taht are being cut for used palyers. In my opinion this is the right way to do DRM.
no, it is not the right way to do DRM, because it is punishing gamers who have still legitimately bought a copy of the game, but could not afford to do so first hand.
Yes it is
The pre-owned market hurts the developers since they dont see any of the money made from it.

People who complain about this DRM/Code practice obviously dont care about the market as much as they claim.

Bitching about content being locked is like buying half a bottle of pop off someone then bitching that you didnt get the whole thing.
Save up the money and get the game new and quit whining
i'm not whining, i'm just saying that is a reason i would not purchase the game. if anything it would sway me towards pirating a version of the game with all the content. the problem i find, with a LOT of games, is that after a while, the game stops being readily available new.

so i have a choice, either buy a game i'm not 100% set on new, or wait for a little while, and get it preowned. and then some content is removed, fine, i'll just get a game which has all the content still in it.

quite frankly, if the problem is devs not seeing money off of used sales, then try to get a deal with trade-in stores, don't punish the gamers for it. if it costs £40 new, and £30 preowned with £10 of content blocked, what is the fucking point.

Traun said:
A new copy is 60$, a used one is 55$. I don't see your point.
not all the time. if i don't buy a game on release, then it's probably because something better is out at the time, and i would rather buy that new. by the time i come to purchasing the other game, it would be down significantly from used stores. as i'm from the uk, a new game is around £40, and used is normally near abouts the £20-£25. so money can be a big difference preowned.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Okay....not to redact my last statement, but over here: http://www.nohighscores.com/node/1385
It seems pretty clear that this is not a lock-out of the single player mode like Escapist is reporting, but more or less a lockout of one region....tantamount to a DLC area, and that it will be purchaseable. I still think it stinks for the used market, and will still wait until Rage is dirt cheap on Steam in the not too distant future, but it's not quite the single-player lockout that the article is making it out to be, going by other news sources.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
Quaidis said:
I'm confused. What triggers the 'used' part of the game that locked the part of single player? I mean, if you let your friend borrow the game, will it immediately lock up that part and never let you have it again? If you create a new profile or start the game anew, will it lock up and throw away the key of that section as well?

I've never been aware of a used game store randomly doing something to the CD that would magically trigger this.
you probably have to register the game online with a unique code, making each machine the deciding factor. alternatively, it would be linked with your online account (PSN id or XBL account)

so, yes, if you borrowed the game off a friend, unless you also borrowed his account details, it would be locked out, until you purchased it yourself on your own account.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Anyone else find this title very misleading? I know your suppose to have a title that grabs peoples attention but, when I read that title I thought the game would have no single player when bought pre-owned. I had to read the article to realize it only meant the some single areas would be missing if you bought it pre-owned.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Sniper Team 4 said:
(Whistles) That's a pretty gutsy move there id. I always buy whatever game I want brand new because I'm worried about a used copy being damaged in some way, but to cut out the single player? Hm...not sure how I feel about that. Multiplayer I can understand, but single player...coming from someone who loves single player over multiplayer, this sounds like a dangerous slope, although they haven't fallen down it yet.
Its pretty much the same as Dragon Age's Dlc character thing and it seems piece of the game.the core experience is left intact and they are just blocking a optional small


New member
Nov 25, 2010
the title is deceptive.

I read it thinking 'whoa, they're cutting out singleplayer? what a dick move', now i see its one piece of one part of one level that isn't even a main part of the game anyway.

Still not cool to cut stuff like this, but no where near as bad as you made it sound.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
suitepee7 said:
Traun said:
A new copy is 60$, a used one is 55$. I don't see your point.
not all the time. if i don't buy a game on release, then it's probably because something better is out at the time, and i would rather buy that new. by the time i come to purchasing the other game, it would be down significantly from used stores. as i'm from the uk, a new game is around £40, and used is normally near abouts the £20-£25. so money can be a big difference preowned.
My point is that Game Retailers have created a whole industry around selling as much second-hand copies as humanly possible. Second hand has always existed, up until several years ago no one cared. Why do they now? Because retailers are being extremely hostile against publishers.

Here's the thing - the second hand market is causing massive losses to publishers, let me give you an example between our industry and the book one.

Recently A Dance with Dragons came out - 30$, I have two stores nearby - Barns & Nobles and a local one.

The local one reduced the price with 30% - everyone is happy. The store gets more customers and sales, the customer receives a great product for a cheaper product and the publisher sales his product.

A win-win situation all around.

Here's what happens when a new game comes out.

Gamestop orders enough copies for the pre-orders and several for the store. The idea is that soon these copies would be bought out and customers will be forced to buy used. In fact sometimes Gamestop would put brand new copies as used ones.

The customer saves a negligible amount, the retailers hogs up all the money and the publisher is left on dry land.

While bookstores have their own way of encouraging used book sales they don't try to cut in the pay the first week, or hell - the first month of sales. This is why book publishers are reluctant to go digital - they have a great relationship with retailers.

On the other hand thanks to Gamestop schemes the used game sales could, and have gone on occasions, to nearly 50% of all the copies sold.

In gaming used game sales aren't "hey I sold my own copy of the game", it's a industry in it's own right. It's large, it's massive and it's trying to squeeze as much as possible.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
So basically, anyone who buys it a month or two later (it's not going to go below $50 in used game stores for a while unless it's a terrible game) will get shafted on a separate part of the campaign. Huh. Interesting. So basically if I can't shell out an extra ten dollars to buy a new copy, I miss something. I don't know why people even buy used games a month or even weeks after the game comes out, because if it's only ten bucks cheaper, you can stand to wait until you have an extra ten bucks. Ask a friend, take out a mortgage on your house. I have never gotten a used game (that I didn't return the next day), and the game I did buy was a very single-player focused game. This isn't really a problem for me, but I suppose someone with constantly limited funds would have trouble buying new. And saving their money. Gotta pick your battles.