Rebecca Black is gone.


New member
Jan 18, 2010
SeaMonster1776 said:
Wolfenbarg said:
Are we really celebrating? It was a pretty hilarious meme. In their poorly aimed goal for stardom, they managed to fail as horribly as you possibly could, and still got famous for it. I thought we respected such terrible things in this day and age.
Do we celebrate George W. Bush and congratulate him for what he's done? Or any politician for that matter >.>

Jonabob87 said:
Oh look a guy got suspended on the first page for speaking sense.

GG Escapist mods.

OT: In the end the 13 year old girl put an end to the endless abuse she never deserved in the first place. How dare she have dreams and aspirations.
DO NOT question the higher authority. And also OT: that's the price of putting music or yourself out on a national stage in public eye. If your music is shit, you shouldn't be embarrassed when people call it shit. Ya some people will dislike it and you learn to ignore it, but when you bastardize an industry like she has then yes, all people have the right to ridicule that work of art. I know this all too well from personal experience playing college basketball.
You think that she's bastardised the music industry because her parents PAID MONEY to have a small production company record a music video then put it on youtube?

How does that have anything to do with the music industry? If a record company had released that song it would be at least part justified to be up-in-arms about it, but it's a 13 year old putting a song she wrote on youtube. A CHILD. The fact that the song is bad is irrelevant.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
zehydra said:
Good riddance.

Funny how she got the rights to it. She didn't even write the song.
Same way you get the rights to a logo or any other art you commission. She paid them to write it for her. She owns it. In this situation, she has lead vocal credit so even if Ark did still own it, they can't cut her out unless they commissioned her voice.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Thankfully now we can all listen to the "real" version of the song. Epic.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Jonabob87 said:
SeaMonster1776 said:
Wolfenbarg said:
Are we really celebrating? It was a pretty hilarious meme. In their poorly aimed goal for stardom, they managed to fail as horribly as you possibly could, and still got famous for it. I thought we respected such terrible things in this day and age.
Do we celebrate George W. Bush and congratulate him for what he's done? Or any politician for that matter >.>

Jonabob87 said:
Oh look a guy got suspended on the first page for speaking sense.

GG Escapist mods.

OT: In the end the 13 year old girl put an end to the endless abuse she never deserved in the first place. How dare she have dreams and aspirations.
DO NOT question the higher authority. And also OT: that's the price of putting music or yourself out on a national stage in public eye. If your music is shit, you shouldn't be embarrassed when people call it shit. Ya some people will dislike it and you learn to ignore it, but when you bastardize an industry like she has then yes, all people have the right to ridicule that work of art. I know this all too well from personal experience playing college basketball.
You think that she's bastardised the music industry because her parents PAID MONEY to have a small production company record a music video then put it on youtube?

How does that have anything to do with the music industry? If a record company had released that song it would be at least part justified to be up-in-arms about it, but it's a 13 year old putting a song she wrote on youtube. A CHILD. The fact that the song is bad is irrelevant.
Now forgive me if I'm wrong for I'm not omnipotent as I like to think I am. I'm rather sure that the girl has little to no direction of the song and music video. If this was some homemade video then by all means I wouldn't mind it. But this just goes to show how our culture is bastardizing the music industry and young girls as well. The Olsen twins? Brittney Spears? Kei$ha? Lady GaGa?


New member
Feb 21, 2011
DesiPrinceX09 said:
Excellent! But I'm afraid it's not over my fellow escapists, another great evil (dare I say GREATER evil) still resides on youtube. The song I am talking about? My jeans...Which in my opinion is even worse and even more stupid.

Click if you dare...and judge for yourself which is worse.
Oh my God! Why!


New member
Mar 3, 2011
Well, there will be other sections of the internet which will make sure the video is preserved for prosperity, she never deserved any of the hate she got though. I fail to see why another human being producing a creative work you don't like is grounds for hating them and/or insulting them.


New member
May 19, 2010
It didn't really matter by this point anymore anyway. I mean, it's the cycle of the internet. Things get really popular, negatively or positively (although more of then than not negatively), then they fade away, and people make occassional jokes about it, and then everyone forgets, and another thing comes along, gets popular, etc.


Terrible Person
Oct 18, 2010
SeaMonster1776 said:
Wolfenbarg said:
Are we really celebrating? It was a pretty hilarious meme. In their poorly aimed goal for stardom, they managed to fail as horribly as you possibly could, and still got famous for it. I thought we respected such terrible things in this day and age.
Do we celebrate George W. Bush and congratulate him for what he's done? Or any politician for that matter >.>
George Bush was a public servant who was meant to govern. That's quite a bit different than a harmless web sensation who became popular because she was terrible. This is the same deal as Best Worst Movie. Nobody without a strong sense of irony would make a film titled Best Worst President.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Well, not surprising. It was the most disliked video on Youtube, even beating "Baby" by Justin Bieber. And commenting had been disabled because so many people wrote threats and insults. Good Riddance!

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
This seems to be the perfect thread for it, who the hell is this woman?

Seriously, I have read that name in loads of places but I always forget to search her and my net is being insanely slow today, it's like a stampede of turtles charging up a hill, which is covered in peanut butter with a bag of sugar on it's back.

(btw, loving the new captchas, I can actually read them!)


New member
Mar 4, 2009
CarlMinez said:
What? Why? =/

Well, good thing I downloaded her song on iTunes!
You realise you are now going to hell, right? :D

Terrifying video. The eyes keep me awake at night...


New member
May 27, 2009
shit, what will i listen to every friday now? so sad :(

nah, but really, it was a fun kind of terrible, not the type of terrible you hate, but the type of terrible you laugh at when you're in a bad mood and need cheering up and the world is considerably dimmer in its absence.


My brother answers too!
Dec 22, 2010
NinjaDeathSlap said:
That is all I have to say on this matter.
(P.S. she'd better fucking not release another single)
Too late jefe

Bryan Jue

New member
Mar 18, 2010
bobby1361 said:
She's in that new Katy Perry video, so, she won't be forgotten.
This. I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned it. Though, I guess that just goes to show that they either didn't see the Katy Perry vid, or didn't know she was in it, or just don't care... which is definitely possible.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I feel sorry for her

she will forever go down in history and the woman who made the worst song....EVER