Rebecca Black is gone.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
SeaMonster1776 said:
I don't know whether this warrants celebration or mourning. But Rebecca Black's video "Friday" has been removed from YouTube due to copyright claims by Rebecca Black herself. Apparently she realized if she let this go one she wouldn't be able to go anywhere without being laughed at.
Apparently Rebecca Black is after ARK. Good for her!


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Well you can hardly blame her, yeah the song was bad and she couldn't really sing but she got a whole universe's worth of abuse hurled at her over twitter and youtube for what amounts to just a boring song, it's hardly something to hurl a death threat at, hopefully she'll do the smart thing and run to Siberia and live in an abandoned science research facility where there is no internet.


Terrible Person
Oct 18, 2010
Are we really celebrating? It was a pretty hilarious meme. In their poorly aimed goal for stardom, they managed to fail as horribly as you possibly could, and still got famous for it. I thought we respected such terrible things in this day and age.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Her video basically sums up the internet and YouTube in particular, you can hate/like something/someone and you can slag it off all you like or endorse it how u want, and either way it gets famous whether you like it or not :L:L

Oh YouTube.......your so backwards :p


New member
Aug 29, 2008
SeaMonster1776 said:
You know, even though her song was probably composed from the lowest bowels of 4-chan, cant we all agree we got a good laugh from it in one form or another and so therefore should be thankful that the world was given this gift of laughter?
I'm actually completely with you on this, a buddy from college told me that himself and his housemates came back from clubbing one night and one of them put on Friday 'for teh lulz' and he said it was probably the hardest he'd laughed all week, watching 4 drunken idiots jumping around the kitchen singing the song.

Must say I found it rather hilarious aswell, few days later I showed my brother, he was abroad and hadnt heard of it at all. He nearly fell off his chair ^_^


New member
Jan 18, 2010
Oh look a guy got suspended on the first page for speaking sense.

GG Escapist mods.

OT: In the end the 13 year old girl put an end to the endless abuse she never deserved in the first place. How dare she have dreams and aspirations.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Oke, now she has suddenly became a real person again. Get singing lessons, don't sign with auto-tune whore studios anymore and make a comeback.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Good riddance.

Funny how she got the rights to it. She didn't even write the song.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:

Now I have to buy it to hear it?


I'm coming with my 99c, iTunes.
Why would you want to hear it? I heard a bit of it on the Colbert Report and I've already heard enough.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
I heard she's actually a decent singer Live, when she's not being auto-tuned. Let's just hope her next song is less horrid.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
monkey_man said:
Anyway, I say good riddance. Now Bieber has to go as well, with all the other YouTube sing stars. and the internet will be safe(r).
When has Youtube EVER been a safe place? Holy shit man I spent 3 hours last night tripping balls on self hypnosis and watching Lady GaGa related videos.

KiKiweaky said:
SeaMonster1776 said:
You know, even though her song was probably composed from the lowest bowels of 4-chan, cant we all agree we got a good laugh from it in one form or another and so therefore should be thankful that the world was given this gift of laughter?
I'm actually completely with you on this, a buddy from college told me that himself and his housemates came back from clubbing one night and one of them put on Friday 'for teh lulz' and he said it was probably the hardest he'd laughed all week, watching 4 drunken idiots jumping around the kitchen singing the song.

Must say I found it rather hilarious aswell, few days later I showed my brother, he was abroad and hadnt heard of it at all. He nearly fell off his chair ^_^
Although I have to say that's the beauty of college, getting drunk and laughing at the most random of things is all that life is about, at least for 4 years in your late teens and early twenties, then it's on to more sophisticated things like laughing at politics hmm good sir. Cheerio then. But no I can really relate to that lol.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
SeaMonster1776 said:
I don't know whether this warrants celebration or mourning. But Rebecca Black's video "Friday" has been removed from YouTube due to copyright claims by Rebecca Black herself. Apparently she realized if she let this go one she wouldn't be able to go anywhere without being laughed at.
I believe I made a thread about this yesterday. [] Kthx.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Wolfenbarg said:
Are we really celebrating? It was a pretty hilarious meme. In their poorly aimed goal for stardom, they managed to fail as horribly as you possibly could, and still got famous for it. I thought we respected such terrible things in this day and age.
Do we celebrate George W. Bush and congratulate him for what he's done? Or any politician for that matter >.>

Jonabob87 said:
Oh look a guy got suspended on the first page for speaking sense.

GG Escapist mods.

OT: In the end the 13 year old girl put an end to the endless abuse she never deserved in the first place. How dare she have dreams and aspirations.
DO NOT question the higher authority. And also OT: that's the price of putting music or yourself out on a national stage in public eye. If your music is shit, you shouldn't be embarrassed when people call it shit. Ya some people will dislike it and you learn to ignore it, but when you bastardize an industry like she has then yes, all people have the right to ridicule that work of art. I know this all too well from personal experience playing college basketball.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
I still haven't heard the whole thing. Oh well, I'm still certain ToddInTheShadows will review it eventually.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Lilani said:
SeaMonster1776 said:
I don't know whether this warrants celebration or mourning. But Rebecca Black's video "Friday" has been removed from YouTube due to copyright claims by Rebecca Black herself. Apparently she realized if she let this go one she wouldn't be able to go anywhere without being laughed at.
I believe I made a thread about this yesterday. [] Kthx.
My apologies Lilani I didn't see your thread since it drifted off last night. By all means you can take credit for the ending of Rebecca Black's reign.