Recommend me some good beers.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
Actually don't. I like it but it's not exactly what most people call a 'nice' beer.

Boag's St. George it alright I guess. I don't really drink many fancy beers being a uni student and all.

EDIT: This has just come to mind, Little Creatures's 'Rogers'. Brewed in Fremantle WA.

Jelly ^.^

New member
Mar 11, 2010
Flabbagazta said:
Jelly ^.^ said:
See if you can import this.

Carlton is Australian swillwater, lower shelf cheap piss... Best of the shit but not one to judge Australian beer on. We have an emerging hand crafted beer market here and mircobrews have been around for ages. Probably in terms of a good export I did find Coopers pale ale in Thailand and while its not our best beer it is one I drink regularly so see if you can get your hands on that
IMO sweaty pub beers aimed at the workers have more character than indie handcrafted wank beers and the double-priced shit they scrape out of the bottom of the vats like Crownies.

Either way though, I'm sure we can all agree that all Australian beer made for the home market is completely misrepresented and disserviced by the existence of Fosters Lager, right? :shudders:

The Human Torch

New member
Sep 12, 2010
DJDarque said:
The Human Torch said:
Avoid American beers, they all taste like water used to clean dishes with.

As far as recommendations:
Palm: Excellent smooth Belgium beer that is best drunk (if possible) from the tap in a round, wet glass. If you can't get it on tap, get the bottle version, avoid the cans. Loses it's foam quite quickly, and even quicker with a 'fat' glass, so be sure to clean your glass properly.

Grolsch: A rather 'common' Dutch beer that excels in it's sharp taste. I don't know what country you are from, so I am not sure if this is available to you, but buy a genuine Grolsch in their trademark bracer bottle and drink it (cold) straight from the bottle. Not sure if it makes a real difference in taste, but it adds to the experience. If properly poured it will keep a very firm layer of foam.

Murphy's Red Beer: An Irish classic that is both smooth and full of character, with an amazingly deep red color and great aftertaste. Again, it tastes the best if straight from the tap, but the bottled version will treat your tongue just fine. Best used with a wet, fish bowl shaped glass.

Einbecker Mai-Ur Bock: A German beer that is originally brewed in a small German city called Einbeck, it's a seasonal beer, aimed at a Spring taste. It has a very light yellow color and a very white foam layer (which unfortunately goes away very fast). There are plenty of herbs used in this beer, and coriander is definitely the most present one. You would think that with all those herbs, it would be a very sharp beer, but it's actually very smooth. Can be drunk from a standard beer glass, but I prefer a straight one.

Enjoy! :D
You sound like you really know your stuff.

Also, since a few of you asked, I am in the southwestern United States.
You are most welcome, let me know if you'd like some more suggestions. Now that I know you are from the southwestern United States I can try and see what's available for you.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
The Human Torch said:
Avoid American beers, they all taste like water used to clean dishes with.
Whilst big-brand beers certainly do taste like dishwater, one would be foolish to dismiss the awesomeness of the American micro-breweries. They produce some of the tastiest beers out there.

My recommendation is: Stay away from anything big-brand, that stuff tastes like it's diluted and stuffed with preservatives.

As for recommendations, it all depends on what you fancy, personally, I really like Stout, IPA and Amber Ale, so some of my favourites are:

Old Number 38 (Stout) from North Coast Brewery
This is one of the richest "normal" Stouts I've ever had, well-balanced, full in flavour, a real joy to drink

Old Rasputin Imperial Stout from North Coast
This thing is tough, coming at 9%ABV, it has a heavy, bitter taste, with coffee and chocolate-y flavours.

Yeti Oak Aged Imperial Stout from Great Divide
This one is like Rasputin taken up a notch, with a very heavy coffee flavour, it goes excellent with dark chocolate.

Modus Hoperandi from Ska Breweries
Very hoppy, well-balanced and refreshing IPA, slight citrus flavour.

Punk IPA from BrewDog
Another hoppy IPA, slightly bitter, with citrus flavour.

Alleycat Amber Ale from Lost Coast Brewery
A perfectly balanced Amber Ale with caramel malt, giving it excellent toffee-like undertones, simply delicious.


New member
May 21, 2010
DJDarque said:
This request is pretty simple. The only beers I've tried are Hoegaarden and Blue Moon. They were alright, but not fantastic. So I'm simply asking that you, my fellow escapists, recommend me some of your favorite beers.
If you like flat beer (stout)
Guiness, Kilkenny, Boddintons

If you like a crisp beer
Harp, Tuborg, Heineken, Becks, Sleeman's, Smithwick's


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
DJDarque said:
This request is pretty simple. The only beers I've tried are Hoegaarden and Blue Moon. They were alright, but not fantastic. So I'm simply asking that you, my fellow escapists, recommend me some of your favorite beers.
Nothing beats a "Victoria"

yeah, its even better than "Corona"

the group of brewers "Cuautemoc Moctezuma" make several of the most tasty beers in the world, but they focus mainly in Mexico, i dont know if you can get them out of MX, but if you EVER come to México, ask for a Victoria, its amazingly good


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Harvest pale is the best beer i have ever drunk and it had deservingly won numerous awards
Leffe, Witchcraft and ofcourse Guiness are also great.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Depends on how dark, how hoppy, or how sweet you prefer your beers... being from the southwestern US, you should be able to get Californian microbrews, though. They're a little less common in the Northwest due to our having a microbrewery at every street corner.
So, keeping that in mind, I'd listen to this guy if I were you:
Arachon said:
As for recommendations, it all depends on what you fancy, personally, I really like Stout, IPA and Amber Ale, so some of my favourites are:

Old Number 38 (Stout) from North Coast Brewery
This is one of the richest "normal" Stouts I've ever had, well-balanced, full in flavour, a real joy to drink

Old Rasputin Imperial Stout from North Coast
This thing is tough, coming at 9%ABV, it has a heavy, bitter taste, with coffee and chocolate-y flavours.

Yeti Oak Aged Imperial Stout from Great Divide
This one is like Rasputin taken up a notch, with a very heavy coffee flavour, it goes excellent with dark chocolate.

Modus Hoperandi from Ska Breweries
Very hoppy, well-balanced and refreshing IPA, slight citrus flavour.

Punk IPA from BrewDog
Another hoppy IPA, slightly bitter, with citrus flavour.

Alleycat Amber Ale from Lost Coast Brewery
A perfectly balanced Amber Ale with caramel malt, giving it excellent toffee-like undertones, simply delicious.
That amber ale sounds like the most accessible beer for a person new to real beer. Unless you know you like dark or bitter beer, I'd wait on trying out the Russian Imperial stouts and the India Pale Ales. Also, look for other offerings from those same breweries. Most folks getting into beer start with pale ales of some sort (just not India Pale Ales-IPAs are very hoppy, which is synonymous with bitter), and most breweries offer a regular pale ale alongside their heavier brews.

**edit** forgot to mention, if you like your beer sweet, find a pale wheat beer or an imported brown ale.

Personally, though... I'm generally all about heavy beer. this [] is about as light a beer as I bother drinking anymore, and this [] is what I've been drinking lately.


Aug 24, 2009
Everyone is so knowledgeable. XD

I need to get out and try some to see what I really like.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
I'm not exceptionally knowledgeable to the world of beer, but I'm partial to Kilkenny or Guiness myself. Also, I'd recommend German beer; the laws regarding the production of beer in Germany don't allow all the additives that you'd usually get in beer elsewhere (see: Reinheitsgebot []), and the result is that you don't get as bad a hangover as you would drinking beer from another country. They taste better too. I like me some Weizenbock, personally. It's very yum-yums :)


New member
Nov 28, 2010
Wuffykins said:
Honestly, I would say come to Quebec, we have the delicious beers!

No, really. More than a few microbrew (and not-so micro) have won world championships. Local brands like Boreal, St-Ambroise, Unibroue are pretty well known. Plus there's a bunch of the smaller places in Montreal that serve some quality drinking brews as well.

Personal Suggestions:
Boreal Blonde, Rousse, and Noire (sorry, more familiar with the French names, still veeeeeery good.)
St-Ambroise Oatmeal Stout (if you like darker beer), and they have an Apricot Wheat Ale that is very good for summer afternoon drinking.
Unibroue's known for stronger beers like Maudite, Fin Du Monde, and a very good white ale called Blanche de Chambly, though they are definitely thicker than most and thus not good 'WE'RE GETTING FUUUUUCKED!' brews despite the high alc%.

Off the top of my head, that's what I mainly drink. And I think I'll go drop by my local corner store for a case if you don't mind.
Boreal is just freaking awesome, the red and the dark are the best.

DJDarque said:
This request is pretty simple. The only beers I've tried are Hoegaarden and Blue Moon. They were alright, but not fantastic. So I'm simply asking that you, my fellow escapists, recommend me some of your favorite beers.
Since you've tried the Hoegaarden tour the rest of Belgium, then move through Germany. I also recommend Dos Equis


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I don't know if you'll be able to get your mitts on these since you're down south, but as a Portlandite, naturally my first recommendation is going to be the fine brews of Deschuttes; I'm partial to their Obsidian Stout and Black Butte Porter. My personal favorite, though, is 1554, from a Colorado brewery called New Belgium; they also do a lighter beer called Mothership Wit that my parents really like, so look into that if dark isn't really your thing.

The Human Torch said:
Avoid American beers, they all taste like water used to clean dishes with.
A common myth. As has already been mentioned, this only applies to big-name brands like Coors and Budweiser. We Americans are notoriously cowardly and will avoid anything that's even in the same county as threatening (see also: those new "no-hit" pinatas they've dreamed up), which is why all of our most popular brands tend to be bywords for crap among foreigners and choosy types. Risk-takers are a niche market over here, but for those of us willing to go looking, the rewards are ample and satisfying.

pyramid head grape

Feb 4, 2011
A cold one.

ok really now have a big drink of this


please don't !!!


Aug 24, 2009
pyramid head grape said:
A cold one.

ok really now  have big drink of this

please don't !!!
I think I'll pass on that one.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
The Human Torch said:
Murphy's Red Beer: An Irish classic that is both smooth and full of character, with an amazingly deep red color and great aftertaste. Again, it tastes the best if straight from the tap, but the bottled version will treat your tongue just fine. Best used with a wet, fish bowl shaped glass.
Y'know, that's what I don't get. I tried a couple of beers (because I want to find a beer that I actually like) a while ago, Murphy's being one of them, and you describe it as something amazing, while all I thought was "Well, another glass of fizzy bitter water, how...meh."

I don't get beer at all. The only one I like so far is Heineken Old Brown, because it's nice and sweet. I think I had a sip of Guinness once too which I thought was pretty good.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
If you want good beer you'll have to go to Belgium, the Trappist Westvleteren has even been awarded with the "best beer of the world" award.

Here's a list of Belgian beers if you're interested:


New member
Apr 18, 2008
Jelly ^.^ said:
Flabbagazta said:
Jelly ^.^ said:
See if you can import this.

Carlton is Australian swillwater, lower shelf cheap piss... Best of the shit but not one to judge Australian beer on. We have an emerging hand crafted beer market here and mircobrews have been around for ages. Probably in terms of a good export I did find Coopers pale ale in Thailand and while its not our best beer it is one I drink regularly so see if you can get your hands on that
IMO sweaty pub beers aimed at the workers have more character than indie handcrafted wank beers and the double-priced shit they scrape out of the bottom of the vats like Crownies.

Either way though, I'm sure we can all agree that all Australian beer made for the home market is completely misrepresented and disserviced by the existence of Fosters Lager, right? :shudders:
I agree wholeheartedly with you about Crown, "Premium" lager my ass.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
I live in the same area you do (SW US), so I know a few microbreweries I think you may like.
My dad, my brother, and my cousin are into the whole beer drinking thing, so I picked up a few things from them.

You should try out Stone Brewery:

Double Bastard
Arrogant Bastard
Russian Stout
to name a few...
Stone only ships out its stock once a year, so you can't find it all year round, but some places may have enough to last a while though. Their beer tends to be heavier with a stronger flavor and alch content. It's a bit too much for me to handle (I'm not much of a beer drinker like my dad), but you might like it.

Also, definitely try Four Peaks:

Kilt Lifter
8th Street
Arizona Peach Ale
check 'em out -> [a][/a]
I love anything four peaks puts out, especially that peach one. I would say you just have to try them.

Stone resides in San Diego, I believe, while Four Peaks is in Tempe, Arizona (just miles where I live! Yay!)