Red Dead Redemption Upsets the Irish


New member
Jan 9, 2010
the game spent alot of time makeing sure it was being historicly correct to the year 1911 and during that time the irish immigrated to amarica in large numbers and grew the reputation on there own to be violent and drunks who nobody wanted to hire/make friends with so as the italians. for example today americans like to do the same for mexican immigrants yes its bad but its how the history will go down as.rockstar has the reputation for being crude but you must also consider that this isent grand theft auto and they arnt trying to insult people in every cut scene.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
I love hearing rumours of people getting the nicks in a twist over how a character was potrayed.

If this ever happens to me in this way, il post a thread.


Possessor Of Hats
Apr 6, 2008
King of the Sandbox said:
Furburt said:

Considering this seems to rapidly be going the way of racist insults (none yet, but I think there will be) can I just restate for the umpteenth time that this article quoted in no way represents the views of the Irish people. I would appreciate if the author of this news post could change the title to something like "Irish newspaper complains about Red Dead Redemption", because a lot of people are getting the wrong impression here, not reading the article, and assuming that the entire nation of Ireland is offended by this. We're not.

The newspaper quoted is The Herald, a not particularly well respected tabloid newspaper, whose readership mainly consists of old people and paranoid parents. Speaking on behalf of the general mood of the Irish people, we really don't care about it at all. Of all the Irish people I've shown this to, nary a one got offended or annoyed by it.

We're made of tougher stuff than that, a wee stereotyped character isn't going to get anyone but the most totally PC of people annoyed.

It would be nice to avoid seeing any more comments like these, because they'll just lead to arguments.

Nalesnik said:
They don't really have a right to complain, when they devote an entire holiday to drinking. You reap what you sow. xD
RJ Dalton said:
The Irish are upset about stereotypes, are they? Well, just buy them some Guinness and they'll be alright.
You, sir, are a bastion of intelligent thought.
I'm quoting this because it took about six posts for it to be ignored. I'm starting to think some of the people posting have had the eyes drop out of their heads, but more likely their brains.

As for the people thinking this is a backlash against the article itself, it's not, it's against the idiocy of certain posters as mentioned in the quoted post falling under the assumption that somehow the country's opinions are represented by what amounts to a fairly bog-standard daily rag. And, it's not the stereotype that's bothersome really, but the whole air of hypocracy: Fox News prints article after article about how games are destroying our youth, unnaturally addictive. A major newspaper corporation, and yet it's a given I've seen for many American gamers on this forum that that in no way means the company is speaking on -their- behalf.

But this? Oh the Irish are just being whiners. When nothing of the sort is happening beyond a minority of stuck-up killjoys, and they by the by are not exlusive to this country.

Pah, I need a drink.


Lock 'n' Load
Feb 22, 2008
I'm surprised they were coherent enough to complain, pissed up to the eyeballs as they are.

Following there logic RDR says that all women are rape-fodder and all Americans, Mexicans, hell... freakin EVERYBODY is a wanton murderer.

Unless of course it's just a game involving the odd stereotype for entertainment purposes.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
The Irish constantly get the piss taken from them. More than any other nationality in my experience.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I'm not Irish I just found the guy to be fucking annoying and without any merrit to the story, but then the same can be said about West Dickens and Seth. All three of them were pretty mediocre characters.


Possessor Of Hats
Apr 6, 2008
Fangface74 said:
I'm surprised they were coherent enough to complain, pissed up to the eyeballs as they are.

Following there logic RDR says that all women are rape-fodder and all Americans, Mexicans, hell... freakin EVERYBODY is a wanton murderer.

Unless of course it's just a game involving the odd stereotype for entertainment purposes.
You're doing that on purpose, aren't you? -_-


Lock 'n' Load
Feb 22, 2008
GothmogII said:
Fangface74 said:
I'm surprised they were coherent enough to complain, pissed up to the eyeballs as they are.

Following there logic RDR says that all women are rape-fodder and all Americans, Mexicans, hell... freakin EVERYBODY is a wanton murderer.

Unless of course it's just a game involving the odd stereotype for entertainment purposes.
You're doing that on purpose, aren't you? -_-
On the contrary, being English my filthy, disjointed teeth kept hitting the keyboard whilst I drank tea. Pure coincidence that the these random key presses resembled words and were grammatically correct :)


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Jbird said:
But really, it has to originate from somewhere, and the only person you need to blame is the jackass who started it.

So, screw you, ancestors of every known stereotype.
Well it's not even ancestors. There are plenty of Irish that advocate the stereotype even now.

Pay attention to 6:00.

Yeah, blame it on Bono.

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
cousinletsgobowling said:
MalevolentJim said:
It does grate on me,as an Irish person.But it just proves how pathetically ignorant Americans can be towards the Irish,so I can let it slide.

At least he's not as annoying as The Saboteur..Man he drove me nuts. >.<

Stabby Joe said:
BTW how popular is Family Guy in Ireland?
Very.I sure as hell love it.That particular episode isn't as bad as every Irish stereotype the Fuckin' Simpsons have...
Is it by rockstar north?If so you have us scots to blame not the americans
Nah, RDRed wasn't handled by North. Though I don't doubt the character would have still been there even if it was.


New member
May 11, 2010
actually we americans don't have to apologize to anyone after all were one big pot of races i mean probably americas fault that Caucasian is now considered all the white races lol


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Woodsey said:

Get over it; there's really nothing to complain about, other than a minor stereotype which virtually every country has in one form or another.

Jbird said:
I personally don't advocate the use of stereotypes, considering I hate how Hollywood portrays people from Louisiana as being super-Cajun coons who live on the boondocks. But really, it has to originate from somewhere, and the only person you need to blame is the jackass who started it.

So, screw you, ancestors of every known stereotype. I hope you're proud of the damage you caused.
You didn't seriously just say "coons"?
I don't think he knows what the word means ;)

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
medicvalues said:
actually we americans don't have to apologize to anyone after all were one big pot of races i mean probably americas fault that Caucasian is now considered all the white races lol
I agree with you on that. Despite being a white male, age 18-35, I hate being identified as the prototypical Amercian. It's always be my understanding that we are a melting pot, and anytime I try to picture Americans, it's a diverse mix of everything.

Billion Backs

New member
Apr 20, 2010
Why be offended about things like this?

It's just a joke. I'm Russian, and you bet I love the whole "secret communist striving for world domination" vibe. Embrace it, dude.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
What? Everything uses some sort of stereotype, and everyone laughs, except for the victims. Just like on those hate pages for ZP; apparantly Yahtzee stops being funny when he insults YOU.
If people just forgot about these things which cause no lasting harm, everyone would be happy. Ok, so I admit the 'Kill Haitians' thing could inspire racial violence (I guess?), but other than that, WHO CARES?


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Arehexes said:
Woodsey said:

Get over it; there's really nothing to complain about, other than a minor stereotype which virtually every country has in one form or another.

Jbird said:
I personally don't advocate the use of stereotypes, considering I hate how Hollywood portrays people from Louisiana as being super-Cajun coons who live on the boondocks. But really, it has to originate from somewhere, and the only person you need to blame is the jackass who started it.

So, screw you, ancestors of every known stereotype. I hope you're proud of the damage you caused.
You didn't seriously just say "coons"?
I don't think he knows what the word means ;)
Well apparently we all have different meanings for it. Someone uses it to shorthand raccoons, I have always thought of it as a racial slur to blacks and others use it as a nickname/ethnic slur for Cajuns.

So at least that's clear...

Player 2

New member
Feb 20, 2009
Worgen said:
Im more surprised the mexicans arnt complaining, I mean so far every char in mexico is as stereotypical of a western as Ive ever seen, the army is full of rapists and the revolutionaries are the perpetual victims
They probably are complaining, but guy who writes for this website just can't read Spanish, meaning we'll never know (unless we bother to go look ourselves but who wants to do that?). I personally am shocked at all these examples of Irish sober enough to use a keyboard, why would videogames lie to me?