Red Dead Redemption Upsets the Irish

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
Furburt said:

Considering this seems to rapidly be going the way of racist insults (none yet, but I think there will be) can I just restate for the umpteenth time that this article quoted in no way represents the views of the Irish people. I would appreciate if the author of this news post could change the title to something like "Irish newspaper complains about Red Dead Redemption", because a lot of people are getting the wrong impression here, not reading the article, and assuming that the entire nation of Ireland is offended by this. We're not.

The newspaper quoted is The Herald, a not particularly well respected tabloid newspaper, whose readership mainly consists of old people and paranoid parents. Speaking on behalf of the general mood of the Irish people, we really don't care about it at all. Of all the Irish people I've shown this to, nary a one got offended or annoyed by it.

We're made of tougher stuff than that, a wee stereotyped character isn't going to get anyone but the most totally PC of people annoyed.

It would be nice to avoid seeing any more comments like these, because they'll just lead to arguments.

Nalesnik said:
They don't really have a right to complain, when they devote an entire holiday to drinking. You reap what you sow. xD
RJ Dalton said:
The Irish are upset about stereotypes, are they? Well, just buy them some Guinness and they'll be alright.
You, sir, are a bastion of intelligent thought.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Furburt said:
Considering this seems to rapidly be going the way of racist insults
First of all, Irish is not a race, it's a nationality.
Second of all, I was fairly certain it would be obvious from the context that I was joking. Whether or not it was funny is subject to debate, but that's why I never tried for a career as a professional comedian.


New member
Nov 10, 2008
Furburt said:
It would be nice to avoid seeing any more comments like these, because they'll just lead to arguments.

Nalesnik said:
They don't really have a right to complain, when they devote an entire holiday to drinking. You reap what you sow. xD
RJ Dalton said:
The Irish are upset about stereotypes, are they? Well, just buy them some Guinness and they'll be alright.
whaaa? We can't tell jokes here no more? What kind of forum is this?


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Geez, the whole world is filled with whiners now it seems. Fuck political correctness!

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
Island said:
Swifteye said:
Island said:
Swifteye said:
Kinda weird that this dude is getting all upset about an irish person being depicted as a drunk. I mean I kinda thought at this point it was pretty common knowledge that drinking and being irish Is a common circumstance (and from reading the history of irish people I honestly can't blame ya).

A game about the rough and tumble wild wild west isn't exactly a field for progressive character models what with angry indians and violent mexicans. Oh and whores.
what kind of stuff does it have about Indians?
well the game is set in the wild west so I have to assume the angry indian stereotype will be in there front and center.
i guess i wont be playing this game, but then i guess i already knew that.
Oh, brother.... look, nearly everything in this game is pretty genuine to the aesthetic of the times. What fucking sense would there be in a Wild West game where women were treated as equals and all races were super PC to each other and robbin and killin and gamblin and drinkin were as fiercely regulated as today? I'll tell you; NOT A GODDAMN BIT.

Stop trying to turn what are essentially toys into excuses for PC diatribes, please. No one is gonna play this game, kill a Mexican or Native American avatar, and then become a racist because of it.

It's electronic 'cowboys 'n' indians', not your fucking soapbox. Trying to turn it into one is an excersize in supreme ignorance. It's like me hating straight lines and rich white guys because I played with an Etch-a-Sketch or a game of Monopoly.

I seriously wonder about some people sometimes....

/sighs and shakes head, dissapoint


New member
May 5, 2010
One, its the not so open-minded west. It is appropriate for such stereotyping. Two, bad enough you are known for being drunks, not helping to be known as drunk babies.


New member
Jan 29, 2008
Wait, Red Dead Redemption has done nothing to offend me.

.....OOOOH, you mean the actual Irish people. Nevermind then, carry on.

Mr Companion

New member
Jul 27, 2009
moose_man said:
Mr Companion said:
I thought Amaricans really liked Irish? Or am I generalising... oh no! I am using a steriotype!
Clearly the entire country of Amarica must now take some time off apologising to Ireland so they can make me apologise to them!
I don't get why it is that important really.
AmERicans. AmERica. Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllling!
Sorry I was not really looking at what I was writing and spell check just kept on prompting me to spell it that way so I simply accepted whatever spell check threw my way.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
johnman said:
They are portrayed as drunks in all media, this is'nt the first or last time it will happen.
I agree with this. Why didn't they complain about the McReary's in GTA 4? It's just like any Italian immigrant being portrayed as a mafia member or an African American being portrayed as a gang member or Mexican's being portrayed as illegal immigrants. It's nothing new and really it's not even in anyway near as bad as they are trying to make it seem. Plus most people in the wild west were fucking psychotic drunks anyway.
Jan 23, 2009
RJ Dalton said:
Furburt said:
Considering this seems to rapidly be going the way of racist insults
First of all, Irish is not a race, it's a nationality.
Second of all, I was fairly certain it would be obvious from the context that I was joking. Whether or not it was funny is subject to debate, but that's why I never tried for a career as a professional comedian.
Whats the difference between a nationality and a race?

Ethnicity and nationality are very very intertwined in europe.

Thing is... if theres not Irish ethnicity, then why did Ireland become a county? What justification did they have?

Sure there's loads of answers to that - but one of them is ethnicity.

Try walking up to a dutch/spanish/italian/german person and telling them that they aren't a race.

I'm not trying to troll or anything, but nationality/race are part of my studies, and I've got an exam on it soon, so all this stuff is rolling around in my head.
Jan 23, 2009
Haseo21 said:
Im Irish, I dont really mind. As I always say, Stereotypes gotta come from somewhere
man... really?

The Irish "drunk" sterotype was created by the British publication "Punch magazine" - in the 19th century.

The publication is famous for being racist/conservative for its time.

The stereotype was used and popularised as the reason for Ireland not to have Home Rule, waay back then.

Nationalist stereotypes were created in the 19th century. All of them as true as the flatness of the earth.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Ireland has the second highest per capita alcohol consumption in the world, behind only Luxembourg.

Really, Ireland, if you want people to stop stereotyping you as a bunch of pissheads, stop being a bunch of pissheads.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
GloatingSwine said:
Ireland has the second highest per capita alcohol consumption in the world, behind only Luxembourg.

Really, Ireland, if you want people to stop stereotyping you as a bunch of pissheads, stop being a bunch of pissheads.
this. its like germans complaining that they are portrayed as nazis in a WW2 game (yeah godwin!)