Red Dead Redemption Upsets the Irish


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Woodsey said:
Arehexes said:
Woodsey said:

Get over it; there's really nothing to complain about, other than a minor stereotype which virtually every country has in one form or another.

Jbird said:
I personally don't advocate the use of stereotypes, considering I hate how Hollywood portrays people from Louisiana as being super-Cajun coons who live on the boondocks. But really, it has to originate from somewhere, and the only person you need to blame is the jackass who started it.

So, screw you, ancestors of every known stereotype. I hope you're proud of the damage you caused.
You didn't seriously just say "coons"?
I don't think he knows what the word means ;)
Well apparently we all have different meanings for it. Someone uses it to shorthand raccoons, I have always thought of it as a racial slur to blacks and others use it as a nickname/ethnic slur for Cajuns.

So at least that's clear...
We hear it as a way to put down black people, I think we can get a better word for cajuns, i won't even try to come up and post ideas here though :p


Lock 'n' Load
Feb 22, 2008
Billion Backs said:
Why be offended about things like this?

It's just a joke. I'm Russian, and you bet I love the whole "secret communist striving for world domination" vibe. Embrace it, dude.
In Russia, World Domination strives for YOU!

I'm new at this.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Stereotypes wouldn't exist if great segments of the population weren't interested in being sheep and doing what everyone else was doing. Besides, I'm sure there are Irish people out there who love that there's a drunk Irish guy in this game.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
HA! Get off your high horse Ireland, there are so many other steryotypes in RDR that it's not even offensive anymore. What about most of the mexican population in the game? some of the dialogue I've heard is so ovveracted that it's hilarious.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Soxfan1016 said:
Basically one line in every set of dialogue that comes from an NPC with a lesser part (Storekeepers, poker tables, five finger, etc. refers to the "secret Jew agenda" and yet they feel the right to get upset about this?
Yeah, I never got that? Why did they put it in there?


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Awh, the lil' widdle Irish newspaper is complaining, how cute!

I seriously hope Rockstar give them the big F- you
Aug 17, 2009
Why does Rockstar keep putting stereotypical characters in their games? They're not funny, and they're not very good for creative writing or character depth. And the stereotypes aren't just ethnic. There's the stereotypical "Macho man who seems to be repressing his homosexuality" in Brucie, and their most typical stereotype: the "Gangster who fancies himself as Scarface/Escobar.".

The character types in Bioware games might be a little repetitive, but there's enough difference between HK-47 and Shale that they aren't boring.
Jul 5, 2009
Stabby Joe said:
Dam, so close without any news worthy controversy.

BTW how popular is Family Guy in Ireland?
If you go to a metal concert, all your gonna hear queuing and leaving is people shouting Buttscracher!!


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Why don't they moan about all those movies where they are portrait as drunken murderers. People will ***** about anything these days.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
DividedUnity said:
USSR said:
I swear, no one has a sense of humor anymore.
Yeah but this stereotype is actually believed by alot of people which is why theyre getting so pissy.

OT: The whole game is stereotypes. Its like every western you ever saw rolled into one big package. Besides I've only met that one Irish drunk but I've pushed a bunch more of seemingly American drunks into puddles.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Oh, get over it. There's no point in trying to fight a massive tide. Besides, I believe a little offense is a good thing (which is why the religion and politics forum is still alive).


New member
Jan 22, 2010
okay, i'm Irish and i just got done playing Red Dead Redemption and the people who should be pissed are the mexicans, every mexican character in that game with a speaking role was portrayed as either an evil rapist, a moron, or an arogant womanizing prick. I guess they we're trying to parody the termoil of mexico's history at the time but all i know is that i hated the mexican chapter because almost everyone in it was an unlikeable ass or utterly usless. The only person that seemed to have any deacancy in the chapter was an elderly white guy who ends up leaving the country because he take it it just me or is that a bit harsh? Pretty much every race and creed portrayed in this game is done so in a negative light but the mexican's seemd to have gotten the worse.

I don't really find the drunk Irish character offensive...just lazy, not just the character but the concept. every one and their mother have already done this joke before. I don't know why any Irish would be surprised that rockstar of all people decided to portray them in this light.
Sep 4, 2009
Wait, we're upset about this?

I must have missed the memo since I was so busy soaking myself in whiskey, moaning about the English for having the nerve to exist, starting fights over who owns a field and two sheep and a pig, defending a holiday that exists to service the brain damage industry and turning a blind eye to the holy child molesters. Oh, and being illiterate (I got my pig to type this, sure now you can see why its worth fighting over)...

Concerning the source: The Herald is a tabloid rag that sells on the back of its sports coverage. I'd sooner believe the graffiti on a public toilet for fact checking than it. Taking that publication seriously for me would be like taking PETA animal cruelty campaign concerning the effects of Pokemon on childrens' psyches.

Next game related moral panic in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ...


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Can't say I don't think Irish isn't a over the top stereotype. This is nothing new for Rockstar. There's no need to get your panties in a twist about it though, it's not like he's the only rediculous stereotype in the game.

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
Island said:
King of the Sandbox said:
Island said:
Swifteye said:
Island said:
Swifteye said:
Kinda weird that this dude is getting all upset about an irish person being depicted as a drunk. I mean I kinda thought at this point it was pretty common knowledge that drinking and being irish Is a common circumstance (and from reading the history of irish people I honestly can't blame ya).

A game about the rough and tumble wild wild west isn't exactly a field for progressive character models what with angry indians and violent mexicans. Oh and whores.
what kind of stuff does it have about Indians?
well the game is set in the wild west so I have to assume the angry indian stereotype will be in there front and center.
i guess i wont be playing this game, but then i guess i already knew that.
Oh, brother.... look, nearly everything in this game is pretty genuine to the aesthetic of the times. What fucking sense would there be in a Wild West game where women were treated as equals and all races were super PC to each other and robbin and killin and gamblin and drinkin were as fiercely regulated as today? I'll tell you; NOT A GODDAMN BIT.

Stop trying to turn what are essentially toys into excuses for PC diatribes, please. No one is gonna play this game, kill a Mexican or Native American avatar, and then become a racist because of it.

It's electronic 'cowboys 'n' indians', not your fucking soapbox. Trying to turn it into one is an excersize in supreme ignorance. It's like me hating straight lines and rich white guys because I played with an Etch-a-Sketch or a game of Monopoly.

I seriously wonder about some people sometimes....

/sighs and shakes head, dissapoint
explain to me how i simply saying that i wasn't going to be playing the game was me getting on my soapbox. also explain to me how you derived from that simple statement that i thought playing the game was going to turn people in to racists. i as well never said in that three sentences that i wrote that i thought the old west was a pc utopia if it had been my grandmother wouldn't have been born on a reservation. i suggest you either get off of your soapbox or actually argue with someone who has at the very lest said the imaginary things you have made up so you don't seem crazy.
Oh, that's my mistake. I wasn't talking to you directly. I was replying to the ethnic representations in the game and how some were offended by them in general. My intention was to quote you to point to this, but I can see how it can be misinterpreted now. My bad.