Red Dead Redemption Upsets the Irish

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Furburt said:
RJ Dalton said:
I'm not disputing that, as a stereotype, it has merit, because it does, what I'm saying is that due to the fact that the current discussion on here is a serious one, if you make a joke like that without signposting it (perhaps such as saying /sarcasm, or the like), it's very possible that you'll be misinterpreted. The post you made has so many layers of what you're trying to say, according to you, that it would be very difficult for a person to interpret it correctly without just taking it at face value. It would be fine on a lighthearted thread, perfectly fine, but when you post on a thread like this, the general rule is to take every post, unless it explicitly says so, as a genuine expression of a persons opinion. Taken that way, your post is quite offensive, although I realise now that it isn't.

I'm just trying to make sure that no serious arguments happen here.
What we need is an irony mark on the keyboard.

Johnny Cain

New member
Apr 18, 2010
A pointless and trivial detail to complain about, since the stereotype has (oddly) been embraced as a humorous characterisation by both Irish traditionalists and popular media.

Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
Johnny Cain said:
A pointless and trivial detail to complain about, since the stereotype has (oddly) been embraced as a humorous characterisation by both Irish traditionalists and popular media.
What's your basis for that statement?

Johnny Cain

New member
Apr 18, 2010
Lono Shrugged said:
Johnny Cain said:
A pointless and trivial detail to complain about, since the stereotype has (oddly) been embraced as a humorous characterisation by both Irish traditionalists and popular media.
What's your basis for that statement?
Living there?

Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
Johnny Cain said:
Lono Shrugged said:
Johnny Cain said:
A pointless and trivial detail to complain about, since the stereotype has (oddly) been embraced as a humorous characterisation by both Irish traditionalists and popular media.
What's your basis for that statement?
Living there?
It's just I know loads of Irish who HATE the way the media paints a picture of drunken, molesting bombers and it's unfair to paint a picture of everyone with one brush it doesn't matter if you ARE Irish not all Irish think like that.

Johnny Cain

New member
Apr 18, 2010
Lono Shrugged said:
Johnny Cain said:
Lono Shrugged said:
Johnny Cain said:
A pointless and trivial detail to complain about, since the stereotype has (oddly) been embraced as a humorous characterisation by both Irish traditionalists and popular media.
What's your basis for that statement?
Living there?
It's just I know loads of Irish who HATE the way the media paints a picture of drunken, molesting bombers and it's unfair to paint a picture of everyone with one brush it doesn't matter if you ARE Irish not all Irish think like that.
True that, no media can please everyone at once.
It still seems a rather trivial detail to get up in arms about. The saddest thing is they'll probably have to modify future versions of the game. How's that going to affect playing the game online? Will they patch the apparantly offensive material out of the game?


New member
Oct 12, 2009
For a start the newspaper hasn't played the game because they assume he's 'the' town drunk which for those that have played Red Dead Redemption know There are lots of drunks found in all the towns of the game.

Besides, The person who thinks Irish is the prime example of an Irishman will surly have his/her ass handed to them when trying to prove this theory in the real world. :L


New member
Dec 2, 2009
I'm Irish, and I can care less what a video games company does.
P.S Irish is a fucking annoying charater

Boba Frag

New member
Dec 11, 2009
The Herald newspaper is a RAG.

It's a bigoted tabloid. I haven't played the game myself, but come on. It's a western based game.
Westerns are ALL about the stereotypes.

I'm Irish and I get fucking weary of that stereotype as I personally drink very little, but at the same time, socialising with drinks is a big part of my society's cultural life and a big part of social interaction.

The thing that pisses me off about American and English perceptions is that they seem WAY MORE LIKELY to drink far too much and behave like absolute baboons. This is speaking from a few regrettable experiences. Some American students for example have absolutely no control of themselves.

Notice that I said "some", though. Some of the most fun nights I've had were quiet gatherings where most people there were students from the US and they were absolute pillars of responsible drinking.

I also don't think that anyone from England would be as stupid as the two buffoons I encountered. I know they were an extreme exception.

In all, I think that the article should have checked other Irish media for a broader view of Irish opinions on the game. Many of my friends are reall, really, looking forward to it. Once I'm done with Dragon Age I actually might give it a go myself... eventually... damn this long game! :p

I hate the drunken Irish stereotype, but I don't take it personally. Yes, I will bite your head off your shoulders if you try applying to me in a rude personal way.

However, if you're only joking, which most people are, then fine. I have many, many stereotypes I can throw back at you :p

Stereotypes will persist as long as people know of other tribes out there, but have little to no real contact with them.

Boba Frag

New member
Dec 11, 2009
Furburt said:
eggy32 said:
Lono Shrugged said:
I'm Irish and I don't mind as long as I can hate and stereotype everyone else equally. (especially plastic paddies) The Herald is a shit paper anyway so ignore it.

What I do hate is people thinking it's like a good stereotype to have.
What the hell is a plastic paddy?
A non-Irish person (typically American), who, despite possessing only a small to middling amount of Irish heritage (a grandmother, for example), makes it abundantly clear at any opportunity they can that they have Irish roots, and are Irish.

Very annoying to genuine Irish people.
RJ Dalton said:
What we need is an irony mark on the keyboard.
Or a Sarc-mark.
Yeah... agreed... especially in the town I live in... Bloody Blarney castle.... >_<


New member
Dec 14, 2009
"adding that the character "sours the launch" for gamers with Irish heritage."

Only for hypocrites. Not one Irish person offended by this stereotype, would also be offended if they portrayed a British guy as a tea drinking, cricket playing, sexually ambiguous, monocled fop, or if there was an obnoxious, unwashed French onion salesman, who cowered at the sight of a water pistol. Why? Because if something """offensive""" isn't being aimed at their own ethnicity, people like this dumbbell at, couldn't give a eff. Makes me sick.
Mar 26, 2008
Umm all of the Irish people I know (albeit three different families) have outrageously quick tempers and love the sauce. Two even grow potatoes in their backyards!

Talk about challenging the stereotype.


New member
May 20, 2010
When will people realize that using stereotypes in a videogame is just as much an expression of free speech as if someone had posted it anonymously? Unless the game is outright calling ethnic groups by well known slurs, for the sake of trying to be antagonizing, why do they have to pander to every group's complaint? When do we reach the point at which we decide "Fuck you, if you don't like it, don't play it." The game's developers didn't seem like they were specifically trying to insult all Irish people, merely a fictional character. Honestly, the public opinion's morals are way out of sync with the average person. If you asked someone if they were a bad person for trying marijuana in their youth, they would most likely say no, because it doesn't necessarily represent them now. However, Obama for example was criticized for having admitted to trying marijuana in his younger days, and that is just ridiculous. As a group, our morals are unbelievably more rigid than if you asked someone individually, and it goes too far in some cases, as in the OT.

Legend of J

New member
Feb 28, 2010
Wow knew this was going to happen another attack on rockstar.

However not as offensive as half the comments posted in this topic saying all irish are drunks etc.

Im irish and i rarely drink and potatos yeah i worked on a farm which delt in it but that was a welsh farm.


Prelate Invigilator
Jul 15, 2009
0 The Hearld used to be a real hasn't been in a much loner time.

And for the record, you can't get Red Dead Redemption in the shops here for love nor money, so we obviously didn't care that much...or at all...


New member
Oct 24, 2007
Wow, where do you know these people :)
I am Irish, not the game character, but the Irish have a sense of humour, anyone who gets their backs up about this is basically the new Irish rich radical who basically is afraid of their child accepting the steriotype.

Begor bejaysus and all that :)