Red Dead Redemption Upsets the Irish


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
so where is the outrage from the Jewish community from the racist shopkeep in armadillo? or the chinese when Abraham Reyes called them an inferior race?

WTF is wrong with these ppl? a portrayal of the old west that is completely PC? man any irish who take offense need to take their heads out of their asses! D:.<


Possessor Of Hats
Apr 6, 2008
DTWolfwood said:
so where is the outrage from the Jewish community from the racist shopkeep in armadillo? or the chinese when Abraham Reyes called them an inferior race?

WTF is wrong with these ppl? a portrayal of the old west that is completely PC? man any irish who take offense need to take their heads out of their asses! D:.<
And yet you yourself are offended at the idea of people being offended. Is this what encountering irony actually feels like? *Sighs* all warm and fuzzy. ;)

To re-iterate though, I'm not personally offended at the portrayal. I'm offended about being presumed to be offended (straightforward, non?) by dint of association, several others have pointed this out already as well but, lo, by virtue of a single article by a moderately popular news-site we're now all thin-skinned whiners ontop of being drunkards. Thanks a lot!

You know...I rarely find myself so intrigued with a topic. :3


New member
Feb 25, 2010


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
GothmogII said:
DTWolfwood said:
so where is the outrage from the Jewish community from the racist shopkeep in armadillo? or the chinese when Abraham Reyes called them an inferior race?

WTF is wrong with these ppl? a portrayal of the old west that is completely PC? man any irish who take offense need to take their heads out of their asses! D:.<
And yet you yourself are offended at the idea of people being offended. Is this what encountering irony actually feels like? *Sighs* all warm and fuzzy. ;)

To re-iterate though, I'm not personally offended at the portrayal. I'm offended about being presumed to be offended (straightforward, non?) by dint of association, several others have pointed this out already as well but, lo, by virtue of a single article by a moderately popular news-site we're now all thin-skinned whiners ontop of being drunkards. Thanks a lot!

You know...I rarely find myself so intrigued with a topic. :3
its ironic to disagree? o_O love your assertion that because im angry i'm simultaneously offended lol learn the difference between the 2 please.

I care not that they think its offensive, but if/when they demand a change because of it is where i draw the line. Rockstar should have the freedom to make the game as offensive as they want! The question in the end of the article is what got be riled up. "Could "Irish" be removed from future versions of the game? There's certainly a precedent for it." That angers me greatly.

For fuck sake its just getting ridiculous how PC everything has to be now >.<

DTWolfwood rages!


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Anyone with half a brain wouldn't take offense at the use of a stereotype in a game like this. Unfortunately, I don't think the staff of the Herald have half a brain between them. I'm more offended that the tone of the article implies that the opinion of a rag like the Herald represents the beliefs of the entire country!

Don't taze me bro

New member
Feb 26, 2009
This is just a newspaper creating controversy for the sake of selling a story. They succeeded. I mean... does anyone really take this seriously?


Possessor Of Hats
Apr 6, 2008
DTWolfwood said:
GothmogII said:
DTWolfwood said:
so where is the outrage from the Jewish community from the racist shopkeep in armadillo? or the chinese when Abraham Reyes called them an inferior race?

WTF is wrong with these ppl? a portrayal of the old west that is completely PC? man any irish who take offense need to take their heads out of their asses! D:.<
And yet you yourself are offended at the idea of people being offended. Is this what encountering irony actually feels like? *Sighs* all warm and fuzzy. ;)

To re-iterate though, I'm not personally offended at the portrayal. I'm offended about being presumed to be offended (straightforward, non?) by dint of association, several others have pointed this out already as well but, lo, by virtue of a single article by a moderately popular news-site we're now all thin-skinned whiners ontop of being drunkards. Thanks a lot!

You know...I rarely find myself so intrigued with a topic. :3
its ironic to disagree? o_O love your assertion that because im angry i'm simultaneously offended lol learn the difference between the 2 please.

I care not that they think its offensive, but if/when they demand a change because of it is where i draw the line. Rockstar should have the freedom to make the game as offensive as they want! The question in the end of the article is what got be riled up. "Could "Irish" be removed from future versions of the game? There's certainly a precedent for it." That angers me greatly.

For fuck sake its just getting ridiculous how PC everything has to be now >.<

DTWolfwood rages!
Nono, it's ironic (as far as my understanding of irony goes) to on the hand claim to be angered by people assuming they have the right to be offended, and well, actually being offended by that yourself. I guess, one, because yeah, they -do- have that 'right' as do you, as even without getting into free expression and all that, you can't really say 'Hey you! Stop being offended!' and force compliance, being you know a thought or feeling before it's expressed, though I'm sure you got that bit. ^^'

And two, I'm not saying you're wrong to disagree (I do actually agree with most of what you wrote, if not so strongly), I was just commenting on the minor amusement it caused me. :3


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
GothmogII said:
Nono, it's ironic (as far as my understanding of irony goes) to on the hand claim to be angered by people assuming they have the right to be offended, and well, actually being offended by that yourself. I guess, one, because yeah, they -do- have that 'right' as do you, as even without getting into free expression and all that, you can't really say 'Hey you! Stop being offended!' and force compliance, being you know a thought or feeling before it's expressed, though I'm sure you got that bit. ^^'

And two, I'm not saying you're wrong to disagree (I do actually agree with most of what you wrote, if not so strongly), I was just commenting on the minor amusement it caused me. :3
Well aware that your use of irony was correct. Im pointing out that im not offended but angry that its quickly becoming minority rules. Apparently the opinions of the few is enough to change something nowadays. Ill be damned if i sit back and see that happen.

Shit u can see that with what California (mainly just the governator) is trying to do (and succeeded in doing) getting the Supreme Court to look into the ban of videogames sales to minors. Constitutional or not, the expressed feelings of the few are affecting the many. And that is just wrong in a democracy!

So everytime i read something like this i just get angry. not quite to the point of belligerence tho.


New member
May 13, 2010
My good fellows, you will never be able to get rid of stereotypes and they will continue to be used regardless. Now if you will excuse me, my tea is getting cold and I fancy some scones. Chocks away!


New member
Mar 20, 2009
WHAT?!?! Speaking as an Irishman born and bred..

...WHAT?!?! What the fuck is wrong with these people?!?! How insecure about yourself and your heritage that you're angry at a stereotype?!?!

Dear god get a life people!!


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I don't see what the deal is, Rockstar is known for creating characters and walking-talking caricatures, racist, hostile or otherwise.

Then again, i ain't Irish. It's always funny until they pick your nationality.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
I always laugh at comments like these because by the same logic the complainant is using I should be offended by Groundskeeper Willie which I am not.
Irish is a stereotypical Irishman, anyone with two braincells to rub together should be able to deduce that not every single person in the Emerald Isle is like that. Unfortunately these people are also a relative rarity.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Therumancer said:
Bocaj2000 said:
to the OP, it's not the stereotype that disgusts me, it's more of the fact that Rockstar did it for the sole purpose of controversy. This is how they advertise, and it's just getting desperate and sad.

In their next game, I bet they'll have a banker named Shylock.

(Yes, the game is rated M, but the makers of it should be just as mature as the audience. I thought Irish jokes ended in middle school.)

RowdyRodimus said:

Stereotypes don't fit 100% of a given group but they are usually always based on something factual.
Are you really that dense? (btw You just contradicted yourself.)

Actually, he didn't. He's right.

Stereotypes are part of what sociology is all about.
I'm still picking up my brains from the floor.

Seriously though this made sense. Psychology was one of my favorite courses in school and this hooked me in. Thanks for the info.

Also, sorry for the rage post:/
Sep 17, 2009
Weren't the Irish discriminated against in 1911 America (when the game takes place)?

I think they are looking for something to complain about, when in reality Rockstar may have just been trying to be "period".

DTWolfwood said:
so where is the outrage from the Jewish community from the racist shopkeep in armadillo? or the chinese when Abraham Reyes called them an inferior race?
People really need to understand that in 1911 racism was much more rampant and outspoken then it is now. Rockstar was just portraying how some old westerners thought.

I am of Jewish and Irish decent and I wasn't offended by Irish and I thought the shopkeep was funny.


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
Have the mexicans complained about looking like an alamo mexican fighter riding a donkey into battle?


New member
Jan 2, 2009
I hope they don't just remove the character of Irish, I hope they remove all the missions you have to do for him too. Also maybe they will remove that annoying Seth and West Dickins if I complain about them...


New member
Jan 23, 2009
Stereogames in video games? Almost every video game character ever follows one stereotype or another. Someone needs to grow a sense of humor and not take video games seriously.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
AMMO Kid said:
I hope they don't just remove the character of Irish, I hope they remove all the missions you have to do for him too. Also maybe they will remove that annoying Seth and West Dickins if I complain about them...
I don't see how you could find them annoying, they were great characters!