Remove one game from existence


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Lars said:
Well, if I could remove a game from existence. No questions asked and no wrong done. I'd kill WoW.

This game is the most harmful thing to have happened in the gaming genre. It butchered the lore of Warcraft and turned millions of people into mindless husks. WoW isn't a game. It's a place you meet up and grind indefinetly. I think people can do better than this, regardless if they like it or not. Might as well just remove the game from existance. Also, dumb corporate people always try force game-makers to make their MMO like WoW instead of creating something original. Too much money is wasted into projects that can't compete with WoW, and because of it, those studios get closed down shortly after. Why can't game companies just focus on making good managable games? Start out small and then build up the player base? Actually, maybe that's what newer companies get for being stupid in the first place.

Ah well. Guess it's a good thing WoW exists. Survival for the fittest and all that.

It's not like my friends play that dumb game to begin with so what do I really care anyway?

So I guess I wouldn't remove any game. :p

How much innovation can MMOs have before they're just completely different games though? I understand your frustration with WoW as pretty much everyone is trying to recreate their success but even the 'fresh' MMOs are bland. Idk this is probably just my fanboy talking as I love WoW with a passion... bored with it but it'll always have a place in my heart <3

Anyways if I could remove any game? Well not out of hate but i'd definitely remove one for the lulz. How about... Mario. Just any and all mario games ever. Imagine a gaming world with no mario

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Shadowstar38 said:
Sonic 06. Do I even have to get into why?

COD4 may have popularized boring shooters, but if it want COD, developers would have latched onto something else.
How is it that the sort of modern warfare gun-porn thing has really moved into the mainstream recently?

It can't be just CoD, I'm sure; I mean, it's always been a market, but never the mass market.

Then again, I'm not one to pay much attention to actual society, so I could be quite out of touch.

Ashadowpie said:
it would be Call of Duty for me, if it wernt for that game, we wouldnt have those obnoxious boys calling people fags or jews instead of just calling them stupid.

Right, CoD is responsible for that, sure...

Lunar Templar

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Sep 20, 2009
Aris Khandr said:
Goldeneye. And just like that, the console obsession with FPS games is gone. I wonder what this generation would have looked like in that world.
i see your Golden Eye,

and raise you Wolfenstien 3D

FPS's don't even GET to exists :D


New member
Oct 11, 2010
nocturne, and not because its a bad game, but because it was a fantastic game that was I really enjoyed, and will never find out what happens as there will never be a sequel and i wont be bugged by all the loose ends,

also the bloodryne series would never have existed, which i would consider a juicy bonus haha


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Postal. Imagine if people COULDN'T point to any game as a straight-up "murder-simulator".


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Portal. I found it to be very mediocre and linear, and the memes that still continue to this very day are very annoying.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Blizzard, it's just in this hypothetical situation it would be interesting to see how things developed.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Well it would be League Of Legends, i played it alot awhile back, when i first tried out the game i got all my friends into playing it. We had loads of fun for almost a year. But then i started to grow tired of the game and how some of my friends started to rage during matches and become those people you hate in multiplayer games so i quit the game...My friends have not.

One year later, im still playing games on my own while hearing them swear over skype. So it would be league of legends just to get my friends start playing games with me :p. That or just travel back in time and never mentioned the game for them.

Second would be COD4, as the second post stated, it ruined multiplayer gaming and the FPS gengre, i loved the old school quake/unreal type of gameplay. Thank god Tribes:ascend came and rescued me.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Sober Thal said:
ICO, damn all that games sexism/male elitism!!! Have you seen the people defending this woman bashing male superiority game?!
Damn, beat me to it.

Absolutely right though. How people could not have seen the sexist filth oozing from this horrendous piece of trash these past 10 years is unbelievable.


New member
Aug 21, 2011
I'd remove the game that got me interested in computer games in the first place so that would be Rockman on the Vic 20...maybe then i might have found something more challenging than computer games to occupy my time...and internet forums lol


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
I have to agree with anyone who said they wouldn't want to remove anything. There are no games I feel have objectively hurt the industry or myself. There are games which have been a waste of money or redundant, but people still find enjoyment in a lot of these titles. I haven't met anyone who actually liked Superman 64, but even that game isn't as bad as people make it out to be. It's boring and it's so hard that most haven't seen more than one stage. Progress is a process of trial and error and removing the errors from existence isn't smart. Now this might just be me being crazy though.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Remove Pong... remove them all?
But seriously, right now it'd be GT4: bought it years ago, PS2 broke... Bought a 'new' one last year (second hand) and it wouldn't run on mine, then dad got a 'new' one, and it runs, so finally able to play it after like 7 years... and the penalties on the special races and the ideas behind the endurance races and the mixed realism, and then the fact that I have to fucking beat it, shit physics and unfairness be damned!

Aurora Firestorm

New member
May 1, 2008
I have some candidates!

Chrono Cross. It wasn't *technically* meant to be a sequel, so we still leave room for Chrono Trigger to have a legitimate storyline sequel. And now the company doesn't have the excuse to not ever touch Chrono again, of "oh but we diiiiiiid give you a sequel, hur hur hur." And then we wouldn't have this "Schala is a blonde scrappy kid" abomination, and Magus wouldn't turn into a loser who can only equip one spell per battle or whatever. Whoever turned Schala into Kid deserves a place in the Special Hell for people who talk in the theater.

World of Warcraft, the original one, so we could see what other MMO would have popped up in its place. Because frankly, WoW seems really silly and shallow.

Final Fantasy 2, so Square/Squeenix would have GONE ON TO OTHER THINGS DARNIT. (Like making that real sequel to Chrono Trigger.) Alternatively, FFVII, just to spite all the fans who are causing Squeenix to pump out endless weird extensions of that game. Why has this one game spawned so many freaking side games?

If you want to do Science to the world, you go back and take out a major pillar of gaming. Try Super Mario Bros., just to see what would have come up had that not been around. I don't hate the games; I'm just curious. Or the first Zelda game.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Eddie the head said:
Are you Mephisto or something?

Who? ME?! Naaaaaah...

RyQ_TMC said:
I'd remove one of the big hits which made a crapload of money - I don't know, Battlefield 3 maybe? GTA IV? - and then release the exact same game under my name. Of course, I'd copy all the assets and source code first. Even considering all the cash that was spent on marketing, I'd still be a happy little mouse.

You broke my one rule. Your punishment must be severe...

Good luck posting in the forums without your EYES...


Matthew Kjonaas

New member
Jun 28, 2011
nikki191 said:
actually what game's removal would be the most destructive to the largest group of the first mario?
maybe the first doom since it was the first FPS which would either make set the creation of the current FPS back bye years or stop them from ever being made.


New member
Feb 16, 2012
The "D-souls" Series tbh. They created the most annoying fanbase I've ever witnessed. The amount of people of circle-jerking about the game is just too much. Not to mention the fanbase are actually PROMOTING shitty cash in PC ports.

But if fanbases are ignored? Probably Civ 5. It was a HUGE step back from the greatness that is Civ 4.


Mushroom Camper
Sep 30, 2009
Danoloto said:
i see your Golden Eye,

and raise you Wolfenstien 3D

FPS's don't even GET to exists :D
Technically if you're going that route you would need to get rid of the early dungeon hack games like Alkabeth, which in turn inspired ID to create Catacomb 3D (action oriented dungon hack), which in turn led to Wolfenstein.

My choice however would probably be Diablo 3, because when all is done, the seven seal are broken, the angels sound the final horn of judgment and my life is laid bare before me, my purchase of that game will stand as a black mark damning my eternal soul to the very pits of corporate hell it was concieved in.