Report: Effects of Gaming Worse Than "Smoking on Lung Cancer"


New member
Oct 19, 2008
SonicKoala said:
It's times like these where all you can do is throw your hands up in disbelief and mutter to yourself "what the fuck?". It's astounding how militant these anti-video game protesters are; they seem to genuinely believe that video games are the root cause of literally all of society's woes, regardless of the fact that there is absoloutely no evidence to back up that claim - oh wait, that's not a problem; they'll just make some up.

Perhaps it is because I am a product of this high-tech generation, but I simply cannot understand where this scorn and hatred comes from - is it purely out of ignorance? Are these people so hopelessly stupid and fearful of the many shiny things available today that all they can do is climb to the highest hill and shout about how much they hate everything? It just boggles the mind - the longer this goes on, the more convinced I will become that Michael Atkinson and his supporters have secretly constructed a device underneath Australia that will bestow them with god-like abilities once all video games are destroyed.
remember this happened with Rock and roll, radio, television and movies. All hailed as the end of the civilization and people should look forward to being murdered in the street in broad daylight as a daily occurrence.

I mean radio, music, television, and movies dont have ratings. Right? Right.


The Night Zombie
Sep 8, 2009
thebobmaster said:
SonicKoala said:
It's times like these where all you can do is throw your hands up in disbelief and mutter to yourself "what the fuck?". It's astounding how militant these anti-video game protesters are; they seem to genuinely believe that video games are the root cause of literally all of society's woes, regardless of the fact that there is absoloutely no evidence to back up that claim - oh wait, that's not a problem; they'll just make some up.

Perhaps it is because I am a product of this high-tech generation, but I simply cannot understand where this scorn and hatred comes from - is it purely out of ignorance? Are these people so hopelessly stupid and fearful of the many shiny things available today that all they can do is climb to the highest hill and shout about how much they hate everything? It just boggles the mind - the longer this goes on, the more convinced I will become that Michael Atkinson and his supporters have secretly constructed a device underneath Australia that will bestow them with god-like abilities once all video games are destroyed.
It's a cycle. The 40's had television, the 50's had comic books, the 60's had rock and roll, the 70's had Dungeons and Dragons, the 80's had metal and punk, the 90's had violent movies, and now we have video games. All evils of society.
Yes, it certainly is a vicious and unfortunate cycle. However, the question still remains - why is there this fear? Are these fears simply rooted in ignorance and a blind resistance to modernity, or is there something more? Do these people genuinely believe that what they are doing - spreading rumour and misinformation, instilling fear into the minds of anybody who will listen to their irrational ramblings - is really going to better society? I suppose it could all be just simple scapegoating, but still.... it's alarming how stubborn these people are.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Violent games don't make gamers violent. Depriving gamers of violent video games makes us violent. Once I can no longer kill people in the virtual world, what will I do then?


New member
Aug 17, 2009
ah, but the thing is - there are people out there influenced by this material. I hate the laws in place and michael atkinson just as much as the next guy, but like with all things - they have to compensate for the retards.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
evry day i come closer to deciding that humanity is best ended now, before it makes more catastrophic mistakes. i get home, and i see jonas brothers on tv. i come upstairs, i see this. i open a present. it's filled with anthrax.(ok i made that last one up)


New member
Jul 12, 2009
i like this hear in AUS the kide's and litsen to music about have sex with multiple women and taking drugs and beating and shooting each other but when a game promots that its a no no because the music is harmless and aparenly dose not give of the vibe to take drugs and drink and smoke and contract an std from a random whor where a game dose .

im just waiting for them to blame fucking road rage on it cozz yea tetris made me was to shoot up and drive 120km over the speed limet

sigh im going to get the fuck out of hear and move to japan they have more fun over there

P.s. sorry for spelling i dont have a spellcherker up atm


New member
Dec 28, 2008
So... video games cause lung cancer? I hope so, if I get cancer, I'll get out of track practice for a loooooong time!


New member
May 21, 2009
hURR dURR dERP said:
Is there really anything left to say but "lol, Australia"?
That and I'm going to pitch my PS3 and start smoking. Wouldn't want people thinking I'm dangerous or anything. My parents will be proud of my decision. Life doors will open for me. I'd carry this on a little longer, but it's just so goddamn stupid.

Dear technophoic old people: PISS OFF.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
..........I have been playing M rated games scince I was 4. I'm not violent and I don't do drugs. To put It in my perspective video games don't make violent people, violent people just tend to play vidio games.

(I know they didn't say video games is connected to drugs but they will eventually)


New member
Mar 22, 2009
Ten News is about as reliable as FOX on a bad day. I suppose a TV station can't say TV violence is bad, but can say game violence is....

If you actually watch the 2-3 minute report you will find it used games as a tie in to show violent real life images (ignoring the 'expert' who later said showing these type of images was bad).

Only one 'expert' was called and no actual proof/study/data was provided or quoted.

If failed to mention the 'meta' study (combination of other studies, possibly magnifing those studies flaws/erros) that found games to have a small effect on predisposition to violence (just as poverty and diet do).

It also failed to mention that the 'expert' calls for parents to control the environment their children grow up in, not rely on 'nanny state' laws to do it for them.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
I hope everyone with Lung cancer goes and kicks these people in the teeth.

Otherwise could care less...hilarious fear mongering ignoramuses at large. What else is new?


New member
Feb 28, 2010
So video games are scientifically proven to cause violence. But they fail to mention that violence is scientifically proven to be awesome. Henceforth video games are making our youth awesome. We should celebrate this counter to the "twilight effect" of the media making our youth pussies. We should celebrate by dressing as vikings and challenging the researchers on this particular study to an axe fight. If they call the cops we can challenge THEM to an axe fight. Preferably while listening to death metal.


New member
Nov 30, 2008
Number 1: this guy who says this has no clue about lung cancer AT ALL, and should in no way have made that statement.
Number 2: This guy is an ass and should have just stfu.


New member
Dec 18, 2009
Eatbrainz said:
I've had enough of these fucking 'experts' poncing about and making groundless assumpstions about gaming.
These so called 'exerts' make groundless assumptions about parenting and other things too. Seriously, it almost saddens me sometimes to think that companies and governments pour millions of dollars into these seemingly pointless research projects when they could be spent on the health and education systems among countless other things.

...I just realized that I live in the country that spawned this report. Oh Gods./Facepalm

Edit: totally agreeing with you there fluffles.


Two horses in a man costume
Apr 20, 2009
sigh... the problem will be that while we can all see that report as complete tripe, all the flimsy parents of the world will go "OOOOH GAMES! VIOLENCE! NOOOO!!!" without ever reading the actual damned report which is probably lacking any statistics at all, let alone significant ones that prove their assumptions... and they'll believe it because a)they want to because they're so obsessed with crushing everyone's fun, and b) the news will say so...
