Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops


New member
Jan 3, 2010
0 I should get Assassin's Creed then? Urgh so confused, on one hand I like playing online, got Halo Reach but now everyone is on Black Ops, I LOVE stabbing things and acting like a ninja so I want to get AC but I never played AC2 so I thought I should play that one first but on the otherhand there is Fable 3 and I have heard good things about that, I've still been meaning to get Bad Company and Medal of Honor doesn't look too bad also the new Naruto game looks good.


maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
I just played about 5-6 missions in the game and I have to agree on just about everything. I couldn't even take Kennedy, the most charismatic leader of the 20th century seriously during that very same scene.

That all said, the combat is awful. There is no pleasing or challenging factor surrounding it, run left, shoot someone, run right, shoot another person, repeat steps 1-5 until room is clear. Move forward. Enter area, repeat steps 1-5 until room is clear.

I literally thought that this game couldn't become any worse compared to the others...and then they threw a random, horribly initiated QTE at me. Treyarch is better then this. Every one here knows this. How about they stop spending so much time trying to copy what made Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2 a best seller and start looking back at what made some of their earlier games good.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Outright Villainy said:
Darth_Dude said:
I guess each to his own, although the sales wil tell all in the end eh?
Whatever about the actual quality of the game, I don't think you can seriously suggest game sales are a useful metric for quality, do you?
Uh yes? Good games sell well don't they?


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Justin_Hebert said:
However, it certainly saves me all the time of re-examining my entire worldview, which is something I'd have to do if Treyarch actually made a decent game instead of one that feels rushed, corner-cutted, and flaccid.
Personaly I think that treyarch make the best cod games and realy enjoyed both WAW and BO.

OT I agree that the plot is hard to follow and confusing but it is stronger than MW2 on every level.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
lol, couldn't help notice that the third paragraph of Karratti said seems to fit better with the jumbled mess of a story in MW2.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Wow... I didn't expect it to be that bad. After all, Gamespot gave it a 9.0. And OXM (Official Xbox Magazine) gave it a 95/100, and there are five "critics" on Metacritic who gave it a perfect 100, and one reviewer even admits that it has flaws. Don't flaws bring down the score?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I sense a case of "negative loading"

You're not giving this a 2/5 review because you feel it REALLY is that bad, but because you know so many other critics will rate it +90% you feel the need to under-score to bring the consensus back down.

But two wrongs don't make a right.

2/5 is for a game that is significantly BELOW average only you keep going on about how average it is. You seem to contradict your expectations, on one hand a "mindless shooter" then at other points "aww, it's been 20 minutes since I got to shoot something".

Your review is meaningless... Your opinion is clear but I don't even know you, so what significance is that to me? You haven't explained in any reasonable terms why I should give it any consideration. You just seem like you haven't given this game a chance.

Compared to other critics you have completely omitted elements of innovation and interest in gameplay, and focus on frankly periphery issues like voice acting (which is average, not terrible). Voice acting should not destroy a game anyway, if it did then you are picking a fight with every Resident Evil fan.

DVS Storm

New member
Jul 13, 2009
I mean what the heck....The singleplayer is not really awesome but it is good in fps standarts. Look at the singleplayer of MW2. It was shit. The story was even more shitty. I myself didn't think that the pentagon part was that bad. And seriously the graphics are the usual MW standarts. Not really that good. But the multiplayer is awesome. Much much better than MW2. And no, I'm not a six year old COD geek.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
lemby117 said:
Justin_Hebert said:
However, it certainly saves me all the time of re-examining my entire worldview, which is something I'd have to do if Treyarch actually made a decent game instead of one that feels rushed, corner-cutted, and flaccid.
Personaly I think that treyarch make the best cod games and realy enjoyed both WAW and BO.

OT I agree that the plot is hard to follow and confusing but it is stronger than MW2 on every level.
It can't possibly be as dumb and Shyamalan-eque twist as who the "real" bad guy in Modern Warfare 2 turned out to be.

It doesn't make sense WHY Shepard killed off the Task Force, what had he actually done? Had he ordered the massacre in the Russian Airport? Or had he just allowed it to happen? Had he helped the Russian's invade? Left the back door open? What? Either way the task force knew nothing and they only suspected anything when Shepard tried and failed to kill all of them yet Price suddenly psychically knows Shepard's entire plan even though he only suggested anything to Roach who died immediately afterwards.

For all Price knows is they are wanted for LAUNCHING THAT FUCKING NUKE from a Russian submarine to detonate over Washington DC. Sure it was an airburst, but it was defying Shepard's orders and you can imagine how that might be interpreted the wrong way.

And then Price is like "We're gonna kill him" and I'm like "But WHY??!?"

Sure he tried to kill us but he's also America's best hope of defending against Russian invasion, and bringing Makharov to justice? They killed hundreds of US soldiers (or mercenaries, it's not clear) for a petty personal vendetta and some bullshit ideological babble about "the victor writes the history books". Just because he dies that DOES NOT mean you have won, that just turns his from a hero into a martyr.

Loose Ends was such a stupid level.

Roach COPIES the intel (doesn't destroy the original) and hands it to Shepard without any way he could have viewed it... and then Shepard upon acquiring this calls it "One less loose end" then kills both him and Ghost.


1) it's only a fucking copy, the original is still back at the house, swarming with Makarov's men or the Russian Military
2) why didn't they just rip the fucking hard drive out of the computer or take the entire thing, it's not like this was supposed to look like didn't want the their presence noticed.
3) if Shepard wanted the data destroyed, why not just bomb the fucking building, hit it with napalm. Why did he order a copy made and brought to him?
4) why did he kill these loyal soldiers who suspected nothing of him, hell there wasn't even a hint of this betrayal? Just invite them onto the helicopter and discretely at a later date destroy the drive, if they ask them anything tell them the info was useless and send them on another mission to catch Makarov.
5) if he had to kill them, why kill them WITH HIS OWN GUN! Smart thing to do would be to just leave them there for the militia to kill, or order them killed from range... make it look like friendly fire. Less witnesses.
6) I mean the US Army/Air-force pilot "say, what's that burning smell and OH MY GOD, Shepard MURDERED those two British special forces personnel! Burning their bodies, didn't even try to arrest them! Not self defence at all"

This is the problem with conspiracy theories based around killing off "loose ends" every one you kill you have to kill 5 more for those who witnessed said killings or who committed the killings themselves. How can Shadow Company keep this secret but not Task Force 141?!?!


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I don't agree with the statement that the voice acting was bad, most of the characters come of as fairly believeable (except for JFK), The writing itself isn't that bad, but the story is hard to follow. Still better than the MW2 campain.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
hold on... the storyline does make sense, perfect sense. You just have to, you know, pay attention!

Captain Pirate

New member
Nov 18, 2009
C95J said:
hold on... the storyline does make sense, perfect sense. You just have to, you know, pay attention!
It's pretty damn simple to follow.
I hate it when reviewers claim a story is terrible, and the fact is it's not, just they weren't paying attention.
I would be fine if he said he didn't like the story, but it is by no means terrible.

Frankly, I just flat out totally disagree with the review. I stopped watching after he slammed the single player up to 'It looks awful.'
The voice acting was great, the story is amazing, the graphics are great (Except in places; Explosions look terrible and some NPC faces look bad close-up.), and the variety of gameplay rocks.
The only bad thing is that it was a little short.
I really think this review labels the Campaign too harshly.

Way better than the MW2 Campaign.
(MW2's story actually makes good sense, but the thing is I had to look way into it all over the internet and re-plays before I came to that conclusion. For a single playthrough, it's a cluster-mind-fuck and therefore fails because I story should be easy to understand and present itself well first off.)


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Knight Templar said:
Usurpurus said:
Very objective review there...Not
Have you ever seen a review that was objective?
Reviews are not bland listings of facts, they are a persons opinion on something.
Uh, the whole point of a review is an objectivve look at something. An opinion is an opinion.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
Captain Pirate said:
C95J said:
hold on... the storyline does make sense, perfect sense. You just have to, you know, pay attention!
It's pretty damn simple to follow.
I hate it when reviewers claim a story is terrible, and the fact is it's not, just they weren't paying attention.
I would be fine if he said he didn't like the story, but it is by no means terrible.

Frankly, I just flat out totally disagree with the review. I stopped watching after he slammed the single player up to 'It looks awful.'
The voice acting was great, the story is amazing, the graphics are great (Except in places; Explosions look terrible and some NPC faces look bad close-up.), and the variety of gameplay rocks.
The only bad thing is that it was a little short.
I really think this review labels the Campaign too harshly.

Way better than the MW2 Campaign.
(MW2's story actually makes good sense, but the thing is I had to look way into it all over the internet and re-plays before I came to that conclusion. For a single playthrough, it's a cluster-mind-fuck and therefore fails because I story should be easy to understand and present itself well first off.)
yep, I'm gonna go ahead and agree completely with this.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Well, I rented the game and have been playing it a bit, mostly singleplayer. I cant say I'm impressed at all at this point. The multiplayer is pretty decent though. The short review from me is that it's a rental, not a purchase.

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
Never liked the COD single player much anyway. If this is bad for a COD campaign then it's something I will steer clear of.


New member
Nov 12, 2010
well, just got this game a few days ago, and kinda of agree with you about the campaign, almost all of the characters were bad stereotypes (the tough commander, the traitorous bad guy, etc.) and the Bowman guy on your team didn't have a personality at all if you ask me, and the set pieces felt just like they're trying to copy all the good stuff from MW2 (I'm looking right at you, motorcycle chase scene) and the whole plot bugged me because it didn't feel like a COD game(the numbers), however, despite my distaste at the game, a few parts of it did keep me anticipated and guess at what would happen, at least theres multi, and at least you can get bots cause for some reason my LIVE just doesn't want to find me other people to play with, or my wifi doesn't, either one :(


New member
May 21, 2009
ProfessorLayton said:
No matter what you say, there will be thousands of people who will claim that it's the greatest game they've ever played. Kind of sad, really...
Out of curiosity, why should we change our opinion based on what Russ Pitts says? Basing your opinion on someone else's sounds kind of sadder.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Iv played & loved the story,all do it is short & doesnt give you long periods with the good stuff(black bird mission).Cod was always about the single play for me & these days its taking a back seat to the MP,but i will say this..ZOMBIES RULE & Zork is in there if your really looking for an interactive story!
BTW the dude above me is spot on