Review: inFamous


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Really do not know. I am terribly hyped about this game cause it's a new franchise, cause I am NOT a GTA and have been looking for a good superhero game and reviews so far have been positive. I do not have a problem with morale, since I always fight the good fight but can I just say what the other guys said? This guy only concentrated on the cons. And if you ask me, the karma system is really good, but for this game only. The way it was implemented it was meant to look like a comic book game and most of the characters in comic books,(with few exceptions that are worth reading like Deadpool)are straight up good and evil. Spidey, Cap, Iron Man etc. And being neutral? Why? Yeah, because it would be nice to have a third option but I do not play like that. Apart from D&D, I do not think another game could get the neutral thing well and the developers have realised that.

I see the problems a more "flexible" person would have with the system but it is their problem. Cole is going to rock anyways and Yahtzee will beat him to death. But I am still gonna get this.


New member
Jan 18, 2008
Gameplay looks great, I'm just tad disappointed with the ambiguity of the moral choices and the banal environment. You're right, rescuing/draining civilian is only based on what can give you faster upgrades.


New member
Jun 13, 2002
I enjoyed this game quite a bit, actually. However, it felt like it was just training me for Prototype.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
harhol said:
Slycne said:
Not in the least, but those are the only PS3 exclusives that we have reviewed. Your quote seemed to suggest that we have some kind of bias against the PS3 and I was simply stating that our reviews of PS3 exclusives show quite the opposite.
Hmmm perhaps I exaggerated then (spending too much time in the News Room has probably warped my P.o.V.)

But I seem to remember the Killzone 2 review being pretty critical despite the "Buy it" recommendation. And the negative review for Siren annoyed me because it was evidently written by someone who didn't like survival horror. Resistance 2's review I thought was harsh because it focussed almost entirely on the single player when the main appeal is the multiplayer.

Just out of interest, why have you covered so few PS3 retail games? You seem to do a lot of network titles and tons of niche 360 titles (Samurai Squad, Star Ocean, Infinite Undiscovery) but a lot of well-known PS3 titles like Uncharted, Disgaea 3, Genji, Resistance, Heavenly Sword, Folklore, Hot Shots Golf, Haze, GT5 Prologue, Motorstorm 1/2, Lair, Ratchet & Clank & Warhawk are not featured.

I am expecting a review of X-edge btw...
Most of the titles you mention were released before we really started doing reviews in earnest. For the record, I am a huge fan of Folklore and Uncharted. You can count on us reviewing Uncharted 2 and if we're ever lucky enough to get a Folklore sequel, damn skippy I'll be all over that like Godzilla on Tokyo.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
I have to say that taking the morality system into account probably wasn't the wisest of ideas. Yes, it's an easy way to tack replayability onto a game, but I don't know of a game that has a morality system that wasn't tacked on or cliche. Morality, by definition, is based off of cliches... good and evil, right and wrong. The only way to have a morality system that isn't cliche is not to include it, and then there's no point in the choices at all.

Only game I know of that had a morally unbiased system was The Witcher, and that was just a case of picking a side, not good or evil. I'll be picking up this game after work, and I've played the demo, so I know I like it. But I'm not playing it for the morality system. It's not that important if the ending isn't changed... it changes the gameplay just enough to make it interesting the second time around. In that respect, it did what it was intended to do.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
I'm still really unsure about this game. The Giant Bomb guys posted a Quick Look, and the reviewer kept saying how much fun it was. But it did not look all that fun. He was constantly getting shot at from random directions, and it just did not look all that interesting. But I haven't played it yet, so...


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I dont own a 360 but both my brothers own a PS3. If one of them doesn't get it then no more Gears for them


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Hahahaha, "ElectroChrist"...sounds intriguing.

Bioshock actually ended up much the same's just you didn't know how important your moral choices were as you made them.

The flashy electricity-based attacks kind of hurts my eyes and I wonder how playing this for hours on end in a dark living room would affect my vision as well as mental stability.
I like the ability to either finish off or heal wounded NPCs, and the sandbox exploration looks interesting.

Just can't get over all those damn electrical visual effects.


New member
May 27, 2009
Yayyy, I watched this because I wanted to know what the game would be like, but I was very happy when I heard Susan start talking. looks a reasonable game. one however that I dont think I'll buy.
if fable2 ever hits PS3 however....


New member
Jan 15, 2009
I heard about this game when I was trying to find more info about Prototype.
I believe that most game designers would like to create a sandbox game but it's probably pretty hard to create one.

Take "Metal Saga" for the PS2 for an example of a sandbox rpg. You could end the game in so many ways. I ended my first game by agreeing with the playable characters mother and settled down to be a mechanic like her. The problem with the game was that there was nothing really driving you to play through the game other than to find more tanks you could drive and endnings you can get. You really didn't acquire an attachment to the character(s).

The x-box game "Crackdown," while fun in some ways that you actually do get one grand jungle gym for you to play in, you never feel for the guy you play. Story feels like it was put in only after they finished tweeking the gameplay and the control.s

in the upcoming Prototype game... oh god. I hope this game is like crackdown but with a great story.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
I bought the game as it came out, without having played the demo, but based on several reviews as well as PS3 Magazine's "People, we have another must buy!" comment and 9/10 score.
And I have to say...Wow! Are they paying PS3 magazine to write good reviews or what? This game is a big disappointment. With so few games out for the PS3, I mainly stick to 360 and PC, so I was looking forward to the first decent game since MGS4. Looks like I'll have to wait a bit longer. I wish....oh how I wish I had read Jordan's review before buying this waste of time. This has to be one of the most frustrating games I've played this year.
First of all, let?s talk a little bit about how it looks. It looks...awful. Aside from some nice lighting effects, and fairly decent explosions, the city itself as well as the character designs might as well be on a PS2. Load up GTA4 or Assassin?s Creed...then load up inFamous and see just how poor it looks. I had to drag my chair three feet from my massive TV just so I could see what was going on. Not that there was much to see. It seems that the main character Cole needs glasses, because aside from being able to see the next building over, the city surrounding him is just a complete blur. Surely this isn't down to a lack of draw distance processing power of the PS3! So I can only put this down to half-heartedness on the developer?s part.
Okay, so it looks pretty awful, but what does that matter if it plays well? doesn't. I believe PS3 Magazine said that the climbing aspect put Assassin's Creed and POP to shame. Which is true, if your idea of complex free running is holding down the X button and watching your character scale with impossible agility and complete lack of challenge as he changes direction mid-air Sonic style and can literally climb anything! At first, I was being careful to time my jumps and balance on beams. Than I realised that you need not put any thought into it what-so-ever. You can literally hold down the X button, watch him jump and land with precision on practically anything with zero challenge to the player. Although Assassin Creed's free running was also fairly easy, you at least had to put some thought into what you could climb. And there was a feeling that it was somewhat of a struggle for Altair as he pulled himself up onto a ledge. There's no feeling of realism with Cole's climbing.

But at least the city is colourful, diverse, interesting and just feels 'alive'. Oh no, wait a minute, I'm thinking of GTA4. The city in inFamous is dull and bland, with no atmosphere or consequence to any actions. The people who inhabit it aren't people at all, but simply mannequin like fodder who I found myself beating and shooting with no satisfaction or point other than the fact they were in my way. They might as well not even be there. The cars move without purpose of realism, as you stand in front of one just watch as it jolts pathetically forward waiting for you to get out of the way or until you send it hurtling across the street with once again, no consequence to such action.
OMFG! How boring can this game be? Within ten minutes I was trying to explore the city while snipers lined every rooftop taking random pot shots at me. I mean, what the fuck are they all doing up there? Waiting for me? Just running through the city is frustrating as you are shot from every direction from various ledges by bland growling enemies who all seem to shop at the exact same store and buy the exact same fucking clothes. That's what a game needs to add a little flavour...copy & paste enemies. Fucking laziness!
Oh...but at least the lighting powers are fun...right! Right? Wrong! Running around like a blue arsed fly while multiple enemies shoot at you with sniper rifles (with superb accuracy considering how fast you can run I might add) while you shoot a bolt of lighting in their vague direction and wait for the little writing to pop up saying 5xp Take Down just so you know you killed the annoying faceless little cretins. And why bother ducking behind cover? Cause you're only going to get shot from behind, and as you scan the blurry horizon for the hooded little fuck for 20 seconds and you finally see him on a rooftop fucking miles away, you let loose you shitty little lightning bolt and wait for the 5xp Take Down again so you know the ****'s dead. Just give me a fucking gun! Screw the lighting! Their guns are better than my shitty little lightning bolt! least there's variety with the missions. Go into the sewer, jump the gaps, restore the power...then ten minutes later, just do it all again in a slightly different sewer. Find the gold citizen who wants you to help him kill the reapers so his medical clinic (beds on a rooftop...) can operate properly. Oh yeah, sure...I mean, I'm an evil mutherfucker with red lighting and negative karma cause I go around mercilessly killing anything that gets in my way...but sure, yeah, I'll help you! Just then I receive a phone call from who-ever-the-boring-ass-sidekick-guy-is telling me they're putting posters of me up and that crime is reducing in the city. What?! I'm a total chaos causing nuclear explosion of a criminal nightmare for this city...and that's turning out to be a good thing?! NO CONSEQEUNCE!

I've talked about this too much. The only reason I'm even talking so much about it is because for some reason game reviewers seems to be praising this pathetic lazy turd of a game.
Remember how Spiderman was fun - swinging through a detailed city for a couple of hours though every other aspect of the game was shit, but the swinging was so fun you could forgive the rest of the game? Well inFamous is like that...but without the fun swinging part.
Rent it, explode a few cars, traverse a few rooftops, complete a couple of missions, try your hardest to feel evil and then throw the controller down in frustration and break the DVD in two using the case of a better game.
A generous 7 out of 10, and one of those points is kudos for managing to somehow get good reviews from supposedly unbiased game reviewers.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Its a safe game. Its not a world shattering epic game but its better than most of the stuff out there. I say get it because the game its cool the environments are great but if you Didn't like FALLOUT3 or got tiered of it really quickly you wont like this game. Trust me i LOVED Fallout3, But After 20 hours of BLAND BLAND grayish green coloring brown skies and a lack of compelling story I had to step away. The game has that sense of GREAT monotony that fallout3 has. Yeah to some extent that Constant elements are good but you will see your self starting all over again about half way trough because your skill choices where "Boring" then you do it again because you get bored of your skill choices. The karma system is very similar to that of fallout as well. not as appose to the skills but some of the missions and enemies you will be facing are very influenced by how hard you blew up megaton :p.

I personally liked infamous but i felt too much dejavu when playing and reminded me Waaay too much of the Exhausting-thrill-experience that was fallout3.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
First, the negatives : the graphics are good but not great and feature too much Next-Gen Grey. You'll hate Zeke. The sewer bits feel out of place, though they're quite short. Like every video game ever made, the story sucks. The much-maligned Karma system isn't that bad, but the choices lack weightiness, and like must good/evil games the story's structure basically assumes that you're a good guy, which is too bad since I'm trying to play as the nastiest SOB on the planet (why would such a mean dude care about finding Zeke's friend? Well, the story says I must.) But really, if you want to explore the dynamics of good and evil on the human psyche, why are you playing a video game? Go read Dostoevsky or something.

Topher complained about pot-shotting enemies and climbing mechanics...the former's a bit annoying at the beginning, when your character is underpowered, but this subsides after a few hours when you've got some XP. As for climbing, I'm a bit bewildered by his complaints, but's not Assassin's Creed, but for me it doesn't need to be (why on earth one would expect realism there is beyond me).

The real fun of Infamous begins when you begin chaining together Cole's powers in massive, gleeful bouts of destruction. Playing on the second island today, I jumped off a high building and electro-glided near a gas station, where I was unexpectedly met by half a dozen baddies. Being without cover and under heavy fire I reacted quickly, throwing two electro-grenades (which stick to living targets) and using a "force push", which took out several baddies, some civilians, and a few cars. Then the grenades exploded, killing more baddies and civvies and simultaneously setting off the gas pumps, which leveled the entire station. Suddenly three more baddies arrived, and I, drained of power and nearing death, zapped wildly and dove behind a nearby car for cover. Just as I regained my health one of their grenades caused my cover to explode, again leaving me in dire straights as I desperately picked off the remaining enemies. It was just a Big Dumb Video Game Moment, and it was altogether pretty awesome.

Normally I dislike repetitive games (aka most of them), but Infamous passes because the encounters are lighting quick (pun!) and you can chain together attacks creatively to mix things up. I suspect that Topher won't get far enough to do that...shame. Basically, if you're looking for a solid Michael-Bay-of-a-game (I mean The Rock Michael Bay, not Transformers), you'll like Infamous. Also, if you measure your self-worth by your chosen console's sales figures, Infamous is an appropriate standard to overhype ridiculously or flame jealously!


New member
Mar 24, 2008
worst review i have seen. You can get to the best powers with a mix and match of good and evil. Shows how much reviewer actually knows... sheesh...

I got it, and i like it, alot. Soon as i cleared it, i started a new game. I never usually do that!


New member
Jun 9, 2009
My girlfriend was away and a mate lent me his Xbox 360 & Gears of War 2 for the weekend. It was like discovering Quake II all over again ? just awesome. Then my girlfriend came home and ? surprise! She had bought me a PS3 with inFamous, which she assured me had come highly recommended by the Sony sales assistant. Playing infamous after Gears of War 2 was like being called out of your New Year?s party to help clean bed pans at an old age home.

I am not going to bang on about it. Suffice to say I think it will eventually live up to its name.