Saddest Fictional Death


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Oct 10, 2009
CK76 said:
"Bridge to Terabithia"

Leslie did nothing to "deserve" the fate, Jesse is left all alone with only emptiness and misplaced guilt. There is no vengeance, no relief, no explanation, just randomness. The sense of loss is tangible and it just seems cruel to a lonely sympathetic character to lose something so dear. The only thing we're left with is sometimes we just endure life.
This, very much this, I shed a tear when I saw that scene.


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Sep 9, 2009
Knife-28 said:
CK76 said:
"Bridge to Terabithia"

Leslie did nothing to "deserve" the fate, Jesse is left all alone with only emptiness and misplaced guilt. There is no vengeance, no relief, no explanation, just randomness. The sense of loss is tangible and it just seems cruel to a lonely sympathetic character to lose something so dear. The only thing we're left with is sometimes we just endure life.
This, very much this, I shed a tear when I saw that scene.
It was also a book, you know. -_-


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Jul 12, 2010
Mine? Sturm Brightblade from the original dragonlance series.
Goodnight sweet prince.


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Oct 10, 2009
thevillageidiot13 said:
Knife-28 said:
CK76 said:
"Bridge to Terabithia"

Leslie did nothing to "deserve" the fate, Jesse is left all alone with only emptiness and misplaced guilt. There is no vengeance, no relief, no explanation, just randomness. The sense of loss is tangible and it just seems cruel to a lonely sympathetic character to lose something so dear. The only thing we're left with is sometimes we just endure life.
This, very much this, I shed a tear when I saw that scene.
It was also a book, you know. -_-
Yes, I know, I just say the movie first.


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May 3, 2010
Boromir's death. Damn mankind's susceptibility to corruption! Damn it! "Be at peace, son of Gondor."


Kid makes a post...
Jun 1, 2009
scrambledeggs said:
If ANYONE knows what I am talking about, I willy be a happy chap,
but Nathaniel from the Bartimaus trilogy. It's such an amazing ending to a trilogy.
What's worse is that he never had a truly happy life. The only 2 people he loved were either murdered in the first book, or were so disgusted by what he became they turned their back on him. All he had left was an untrustworthy demon (who he realises isn't so untrustworthy).

Just as bad is what happens to Bartimaeus. I nearly cried when Ptolemy gets killed. Bartimaeus is fully willing to sacrifice himself to buy Ptolemy, the only human he had any faith in, some time to live. Instead he has to watch impotently as the poor kid is surrounded and killed, as he gets banished back to the demon world.

One of the more powerful and infamous demons in the world is reduced to something so starved of rest and health that he's but a shadow of his former self, but he gives up his own life to aid the person responsible, because he reminds him of his previous master. His previous master who he still feels guilty for, thousands of years later.


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Sep 11, 2009
Edward Cantor "Eddie" Dean, gods dammit i hated to read that passage every single time.It never got easier :(

spookydom said:
Eddie Dean from the Drak Tower Books. Feels like I spent my whole Life waiting for King to finnish this series. Bought the first book when I was 14. The last book was released when I was 33. Eddie was my hero second only to Han Solo through most of my life. Reading about him going cold turkey helped me get through rehab and his sense of humour was a constant inspiration. Last book...he dies...I was crushed for weeks.
yeah its really hard if a character acompanies you for years of your life like that.


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Sep 30, 2010
wrex being shot in the back by that damn ***** I swear I left her in the self explosion mission later, but I reloaded and saved him but I still killed that damn *****.


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Aug 27, 2010
when vegeta sacrificed himself for the good of the... nah i can't say that with a straight face
was hilarious

i've never really been saddened by a film or game death
but what came close was my beloved doggy-woggy in Fable 2
i loved that dog so much i actually picked it over the limitless cash


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Aug 7, 2008
darkman80723 said:
Nick Andross from the Stand, Wash from Firefly/Serenity, and Jake Chambers from The Dark Tower Series (I almost couldnt finish the book after that one)
haven't watched firefly (i know...the horror!!) but definitely agree with Nick...though from the Dark Tower Jake's death hit me hard but not as hard as Eddie's...i mean at least Jake died in a climactic fashion

lack of self CTRL

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Jun 6, 2009
Zap Rowsdower said:
Marvin the Paranoid Android.
Marvin reappears in the second-to-last chapter of So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. Arthur and Fenchurch find him on the planet where God's Final Message To His Creation is located. He is barely functional, claiming that, due to time travel he is now "thirty-seven times older than the Universe itself." Every part of his body has been replaced, with the exception of "all the diodes down [his] left side," which have been giving him severe pain for the whole of his existence. Arthur and Fenchurch end up carrying him, enduring the robot's constant abuse, to the God's Final Message viewing station, where they lift him up to see the words of the message: "We apologise for the inconvenience." Astonishingly, Marvin responds "'I think... I feel good about it.'" The lights in his eyes go out and his already-worn circuits completely stop working; Marvin is no more. (In the radio dramatisation, his last words are "Goodbye, Arthur." Marvin's 'death' prompts Arthur to say, "Miserable git!" and then, to his own obvious astonishment, to add, "I'll miss him.")
Ninja'd! /Weep D:

Either that or the death of Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit.


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Mar 12, 2010
Hinawa and Claus in mother 3.

Even more ,Tazmily village. note that it doesn't die, being a place, nor do its people. why I am posting it here?

It feels dead. the whole game up until that point your like "darn it, this isnt a mother game...

then the village changes and you feel so bad for wanting that, the lovable nature of the village is gone. they killed a place. they KILLED it. it's very... effective too


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Apr 1, 2009
SERIOUSLY GUYS, PUT THINGS IN SPOILER BOXES! Just scrolling down the first page to type this you spoiled: Mass Effect 2 and Dead Rising 2.

Jee, thanks a bunch.


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Jan 22, 2009
Apocalypse Tank said:
neffers said:
Bragg in Gaunts Ghosts novels

I mean, tk'ed? Really? And he was such a lovable giant
Bragg dies through tk?? ._.
Which book is this?
Don't remember the book... I think it's the one on that planet where they have to gravdrop into combat, while a team is infiltrating. Book 5 or 6, I think.

What I do remember is the damn feth-head who does it. Lijah Cuu...

So, like some others I cannot pick out a single saddest thing, but rather have a few...

"Try Again" Bragg and Colm Corbec. I shed tears for both. And Augun Soric. Damn, that last one might not have been part of "the old gang" but just the description of what had happened to him after Hark turned him in, what he was reduced to.

Wash's death. Damn that really hit me hard.

This one. Damn that was brutal on me.
Also, the episode "The Sting" had me in tears. Not excactly death, but...

Sniper Wolf. That entire thing just seemed so pointless. She didn¨t really seem like an advesarry at all in the end, more like she fought because that was all she knew how to do. A tragic life with a tragic ending.

When Satine dies, I flood my apartment.

When the father dies in the end, I start blinking away the first few tears. When we see the people at the funeral, everyone he has ever told stories about, all the love and the lives he was part of, I break down.

Maes Hughes was devastating to me. As was the Nina/Alexander thing.

Christopher Moltesante.

Edward Scissorhands(though not technically...), Mara Jade, Jean Grey, Aeris, Roxas, Zidane, boy at the end of American History X, Eddard Stark, Lisa in Silent Hill, etc.

I am quite emotional when it comes to films, series, games, comics, books... Any media really. Don't know why, since I don't get nearly as teared up about real life stuff.


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Sep 7, 2010
Ovan from .hack//G.U. He was your teacher through the game and Haseo felt so much for him and he just up and died to save his sister!! That has to mean something.


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Aug 28, 2010
Either Dumbledore from Harry Potter or Rita from Dexter. She was there for so long and she made him feel normal...*sniff* d#$! you writers!