Saddest Fictional Death


New member
Apr 24, 2009
It didn't actually happen, but when they were in the furnace, slowly moving towards the fire, I didn't know what to think. I knew they couldn't die, but they all just sat there holding hands, accepting their fate. It was intense man.

When I thought Elena died, that was a bad moment for me. Then I was happy again.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
Dr. Paine said:
My contribution- Eli Vance.

Damn you, Valve.
Agreed... :(

For the second book in The Soldier Son trilogy by Robin Hobb
Technically not a death, but when Nevare is forced to use magic to convince everyone he knows and loves that he was lynched for a crime he didn't commit, on account of a mystical power which forces him to abandon his old life.
Made me so sad I still haven't read the last book, nor do I intend to.

Double A

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Jul 29, 2009
bl4ckh4wk64 said:
Root from Artemis Fowl, or Kaiden from Mass Effect. Two of the saddest moments in fictional history...

Edit: Also, General Hummel from The Rock.
I know, it seemed such a good decision at the time, he was boring, but what a ***** Ashley turned out to be... and then when I replayed Mass Effect, he actually wasn't all that boring. I feel really bad now.

OT: I'd have to say (Legend of Drizzt mega spoiler-warning) Cattie-Brie and Regis' deaths in The Ghost King. Or Cadderly. All of them were so awesome and undeserving of the time-jump that killed so many in Forgotten Realms...


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Go read Cities in Flight by James Blish. The last two pages brought even me to tears.

In the end the most awesome character ever Mayor Amalfi and his colleagues sacrifice their own atoms to create a new universe since our one is about to collide with the antimatter universe. It may not sound very sad, but you haven't read 3 books getting to know this guy.


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Sep 22, 2010

"Nanami is the Hero's adopted sister and a martial artist. Along the journey, she constantly worries about her brother as well as caring for the shattered orphan, Pilika, when she is in her care. During the journey, she questions the war and her and her brother's role in it. She is horrified of the fact that later on, her brother and his friend Jowy are leading opposing armies and even pleads for them not to fight. She pleads for the hero to run away with her in Tinto (in which the hero can choose to do), but eventually stands by his decision to continue the fight. She is eventually shot with an arrow at Rockaxe Castle while protecting her brother and Jowy when Gorudo ambushes the Hero and Jowy in an attempt to kill them both to seize power."

It's quite heart wrenching to see that happen to such an upbeat and cheerful character. You, Nanami, and Jowy were childhood friends, and you even start the game together as a party. Through a series of events, Jowy ends up leading the opposing army and it absolutely tears Nanami up inside. It's all so sad :(


Maxim (the main character) and his wife, Selan (a party member.)

The final battle takes place on a floating island. After the battle, Selan is mortally wounded and the island starts collapsing, causing the 4-person party to get separated. Artea is able to warp himself and Guy to safety, but Maxim and Selan were too far away to be teleported. Maxim then leaves his dying wife's side to stop the floating island from falling onto civilization. He succeeds, but he merely redirected the island to an uninhabited area and he dies in the subsequent collision.

To give some perspective, you don't even meet Selan until a little ways into the game, and she totally does not trust or respect Maxim at first. You see these two meet, learn to trust each other, fall in love with each other, even have a kid together.....and then you see her die in his arms as Maxim sacrifices himself to save innocents. Damn :(

Scout Tactical

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Jun 23, 2010
Zeratul, Urun, Mohandar, Selendis, and Artanis in Starcraft II, from the final Protoss mission Glorious End, in which the Hybrids wipe out the final remnants of the Protoss race, the Terran being long-since destroyed. Though the other four were definitely big players, I really felt for Urun. Ah, well, he went down fighting.

"There's just... too many of them!"


New member
May 23, 2010
Dango said:
Nagisa and Ushio's deaths were just unbearably sad. I was crying the whole night.
This, this; a thousand times this.

Edit: Why aren't more people saying this? I will not be satisfied until we have a resounding chorus of people sobbing like babies.


New member
Mar 2, 2010
i really like this thread i personally think that not enough characters die in movies, games, etc. it must feel great for creators of these characters to know that people feel so strongly when one of their characters die.

i would have to say that the saddest moment would be when kamina from gurren laggann dies he was just so damn awesome :(


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Oct 2, 2010
Tenebrous_King said:
Atreyu's horse Artax, sinking in the Swamps of Sadness, from Never-Ending Story.
Oh man.
Childhood deaths are horrible. That one was bad, another was the "shoe toon" in Who Framed Roger Rabbit (which gave me nightmares for years).

As an adult, I still have to go 'child'. Wall-E. I'm a grown adult I shouldn't be tearing up in a kids movie. Curse you Pixar!


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Sep 29, 2009
Bill from Left 4 Dead...

So he's not a really a well fleshed out character, but soon to be in the Valve comic. I'm looking forward to this, but in a sad way.


New member
Dec 12, 2009
john marston of red dead redemption. i felt so empty after that.

also, this thread reminded me of the rage i felt when my dog died in fable 2, and sure, i killed lucien, but that was hardly a satisfying revenge.