Saddest Fictional Death


Can you feel around inside?
Dec 22, 2008
The Colossi. Every single one of them. Even the little bull buddy one.

Hank and Dean at the end of season one. I mean, it's sad before you see season two anyway.

when Kallor kills Whiskeyjack... holy hell did that one get me. I dropped the book in shock. I mean, at least when Tattersail died you hadn't stored up almost three books worth of character yet... The deaths of a lot of the rest of the Bridgeburners later was also pretty strong, but Whiskeyjack, oh man. That was tough.

I could probably come up with a few more too, but these are the ones that I've re-experienced recently.


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
Karthesios said:
Teresa's death

First thing that came to mind for me.
I hear ya. Or more recently in the series, which was far sadder for me:
Miria's Death.


New member
Sep 16, 2010
ash releasing butterfree, i no he doesn't actually die but still...

i was 7ish when that episode aired... blubbed like a baby :-(


New member
Mar 5, 2010
Well, I'm such a syndical person and I don't really cry at fictional events. But I was shocked by:

Lee Scorsbee from the "His Dark Materials" series. He was the Han Solo of the series. And what's worst is he stays behind to allow some guy to escape, and the guy gets killed for such a crappy reason literally right before he couod be reunited with his son for the first time in however long it was. U guess thats the 2 characters in essentially one part of the book.

Also the main characters best friend in the first book. They make it through several fights and near death moments. And they finally meet up with the one person they could have trusted the most and he kills the friend. This is what made me mad at the movie. That one moment at the very end is a VITAL moment in the plot and changed a main characters role in the story entirely. But they were content to give it some crappy "off into the onset end".

Lenny from Mice and Men. Lets be honest, he was obviously gonna do something to get himself killed. But the story makes it seem like they're gonna get away and then boom. George has to kill him.

Marston from RDR. I pretty much knew he was gonna die, but when he was in the barn I figured all the people he knew would show up and save you. Nope.


New member
Oct 4, 2010
A few that come to mind:

Kamina and Nia

Eddard, Ygritte, a bunch of characters, really, but especially from the Red Wedding


Apachai?! D:

Some of those messed me up pretty bad...

Edit: oh, yeah, totally forgot:

Bernie. Man, nobody could surround and Akrid like him... :(


New member
Apr 2, 2008
JinxyKatte said:
ninonybox360 said:
ohhh....I give mine to the combined death of Mariko and Kurama from Elfen was very sad in its own righ but ad in the Saints (monks) singing Lilium in the backround makes it perfict. Now you may be asking why its not Lucy....well........the gate....:)
Gratz on the 1k posts btw.

OT... The death of the blind chick in Blade Trinity. Well not so much that its just Abi's reaction to it is beyond awesome.

Gran Torino walt.

William Wallace.

Edit: Big giant cocks I have been waiting on my 1000th post now for ages and I fucking missed it.
my 1000 post? what the...well ill be damned. HURRAY FOR ME.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Dobby in Harry Potter 7. I cried over the death of a fictional carater, something that i had neve done before...


New member
May 9, 2009
Grave of the Fireflies
The little girl from the anime movie, Grave of the Fireflies, Setsuko. After all they went through, she starts to lose her mind from the starvation and the living conditions her and her big brother brother made in that cave. She had to be cremated. She was only like, 4 years old. And then at the end when the big brother just die homeless in that subway. Oh man. I was crying my eyes out. It was also pretty damn sad when their mother died.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Dango said:
Nagisa and Ushio's deaths were just unbearably sad. I was crying the whole night.
D:< Ninja'd by the second post. If I had to think of another one, I would have to go with Fang from FF13. (Screw Vanielle, I hated her voice and her character)