Say hello to the new Iron Woman

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Jux said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
With a bit of implication that a black person can inherently do so, or at least a far higher chance of such.
Why yes, I do think a black person in the US would have a higher chance of having experienced institutional racism, and thus have the personal experience that would allow them to portray it more accurately. I'm not exactly sure why you take issue with this?
My issue is wording but that leads into this next part.
I think you have me mistaken for someone else in the thread, I haven't made any comments about afros.
Many apologies, I have confused Silent's statement with yours and clearly I've been up too long. Disregard my comments, I am durr.


New member
Jun 25, 2016
The Lunatic said:
ErrrorWayz said:
I'm a bit annoyed she's not a lesbian. Or maybe she is?
Perhaps she's an Agendered Rainbowqueer.

Anything is possible at this stage.
I guess learning difficulties were out due to the genius thing but they could have put her in a wheelchair and adapted the suit.

It's sickening how bigoted comics are these days.

Edit - She is a Buddist right or maybe a Muslim? I mean that goes without saying?


Sep 2, 2012
LegendaryGamer0 said:
My issue is wording but that leads into this next part.
Well, I'm having a hard time understanding exactly what it is you're taking issue with. Maybe we can continue this when you're not tired? I have to get some work done anyway.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
mojoismydog77 said:
Happyninja42 said:
mojoismydog77 said:
undeadsuitor said:
mojoismydog77 said:
Heroes are not created by their powers or even their virtues. They are created by hardship and tragity. Tony was not Iron Man until he was captured and his mentor killed, Peter Parker was not the hero we know as spider till after his uncle's death and Steve Rogers had to endure many hardships before he was worthy of the role of Captian America. Now you expect me to believe some 15-year old who recreated an Iron Man suit will be a hero. How is one going to relate to some who has the world handed to them on a silver platter? Fifteen, at MIT, probably on a scholarship what an underdog /sarc. My second qualm is that even with her 2nd rate suit she has no combative experience whats so ever. She lacks the tool to go toe to toe with any sort of half way decent villin. I have no issue with the race/gender swap but this is just not well executed.

well its a good thing we know absolutely nothing about her outside of her name, where she goes to school, and something involving iron man armor

wouldn't want to rush to conclusions by filling in massive gaps with our own tainted preconceptions would we
You have a very valid point especially on the tragedy (most due to lack of knowledge) part, however, I have to hold firm on the combat argument. How is a 15-year-old who must have invested a lot of time to her pursuit of knowledge (which is a perfectly noble thing to do) going told hold up toe to toe with Iron Man's rich library of villains? I am concerned that the writers will nerf the villains to make her appear more powerful. I hope that Marvel makes me eat my words in a few months, I really do.
They'll probably do what they did with a middle aged alchoholic billionaire playboy philanthropist who had zero combat experience when he put on the Iron Man suit....she'll use superior technology to offset any physical limitations she might have, and use her mind to think her way out of difficult problems. Almost like the original Iron Man. Besides, there's nothing saying she didn't also take some combat training in school. That shit is ubiquitous, even stuff like Krav Maga and other seriously lethal styles. Hell I was one rank away from being a black belt by the time I was 12, and I played soccer and baseball, and was in the Boy Scouts. No reason she can't have multiple activities too.
Wasn't Iron Man trained by Captian America relatively early on in his superhero career? I hope the writers of the comic book are as skilled as you are.
No clue, never read the comics, but it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure she's going to get some "training montage" moments after Tony officially takes her under his wing. I highly doubt he's just going to go "ok cool suit girl, you're the Iron Man now, peace! I'm out to the beach!" And just leaves her without any support structure. At this point I'm sure he's developed many training programs for his suits, that she can test herself with, along with simple combat training. The suit simply augments the wearer's ability, and to be fair, an athletic, healthy 15 year old girl is starting from a much better base level than a middle aged acoholic who eventually turned his life around to start doing this stuff.

Bottom line, if a middle aged dude with a drinking problem and zero combat training can pull off being a hero long enough to actually learn how to fight, no reason a 15 year old girl can't do the same, assuming she doesn't already know how to fight to some degree. But if they're making her backstory be that she's from Chicago or Detroit, (I think the article said Detroit? Don't remember), they're probably going to go with the "grew up tough to survive" angle for why she's not a stranger to violence.

Either way, even if she has zero combat ability at the start (Just like Tony), the suit will protect her, and give her ability while she learns. And I'm sure he's going to train her and teach her how to use the suit to it's maximum effectiveness, before passing the reigns over to her.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
inu-kun said:
I feel like Marvel is fast approaching Konami level of "fuck the fans", if you want a new female black character, MAKE A NEW FEMALE BLACK CHARACTER, don't blackwash chracters because them being written as the same demographic in that time is apperantly an unforgivable sin.

Also, "Riri is a science genius who enrolls in MIT at the age of 15. She comes to the attention of Tony when she builds her own Iron Man suit in her dorm. " Dear lord the amount of mary sue in 2 sentences.
Intelligence is not the same thing as wisdom. She may be as smart as Tony but not have his experience. That might come into play. We'll see how it goes.


victim of VR
Jul 29, 2011
The hair is a problem. The name was almost a problem, but the more I thought about it the more I thought it actually doesn't matter at all. I actually like that she calls herself iron man. It's more of a symbol or whatever.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
I'm just going to add, for future reference, you can easily tie afros/extreme curly hair back, it isn't, and never will be a problem that cannot be solved with water and a scrunchy. It's almost like people never had hair before. Now if the afro was shorter, it might have been trickier. But it isn't. Hope that clears up some repetition here. :)


New member
Jan 5, 2009
Is it just me or are they race and gender swapping everyone now. Seem more like pandering then trying to make interesting stories.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
Is now a bad time to mention that I created a black female Iron Man for a super hero game I was running? Marvel needs to hire me, stat! She was exceedingly fun to play, since she had a strong attraction to someone on the team but no one knew she wasn't actually a robot, since she was terse and her voice was modulated. Fun game with lots of interesting character development. Can't wait to see what they do with this new character.

IceStar100 said:
Is it just me or are they race and gender swapping everyone now. Seem more like pandering then trying to make interesting stories.
What's the problem with pandering? Lots of comics pander to my tastes and some have good stories anyway. It doesn't have to be one or the other. Plus, there are so many damned books out there now that there's plenty of room to pander to everyone. I don't understand, as a concept, why anyone objects to anyone else being pandered to. Would it not be best if everyone got something they liked?


Senior Member
Feb 20, 2011
IceStar100 said:
Is it just me or are they race and gender swapping everyone now. Seem more like pandering then trying to make interesting stories.
That seems to be the issue most people are having with it; it feels like it's being done to appeal to a market that doesn't care about comics, at the expense of those who are already invested in the setting. It's like when video game companies start banging on about "appealing to the mainstream".

Gorrath said:
What's the problem with pandering? Lots of comics pander to my tastes and some have good stories anyway. It doesn't have to be one or the other. Plus, there are some many damned books out there now that there's plenty of room to pander to everyone. I don't understand, as a concept, why anyone objects to anyone else being pandered to. Would it not be best if everyone got something they liked?
The problem is that I liked Iron Man, and now he's being replaced so that Marvel can pander to someone else at my expense. Or I reckon that's what people's feeling on the matter are.


New member
Jun 2, 2014
Blah blah, racist and sexist comment, failure to acknowledge it as publicity stunt and that Tony will put the suit back on, racism, sexism, blah, blah.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
Mangod said:
IceStar100 said:
Is it just me or are they race and gender swapping everyone now. Seem more like pandering then trying to make interesting stories.
That seems to be the issue most people are having with it; it feels like it's being done to appeal to a market that doesn't care about comics, at the expense of those who are already invested in the setting. It's like when video game companies start banging on about "appealing to the mainstream".
Right but appealing to people who aren't already interested in comics is a good way to grow the industry. Creating new characters with new stories is a good way to interest new readers. It's not as if people who are already interested don't have a ton of comics aimed at them already and it's not like Tony, as far as I've seen, is actually going away. So what's the problem? New people might gain an interest in comic books? Appealing to more/new readers is not a de facto indication of a lack of quality, as Miles Morales proved.

I see you added a response to my earlier post so I'm editing this one to answer. What is the indication that Tony is being replaced wholesale? I see this complaint a LOT when these sorts of things happen but we still have Superman, we still have Hal Jordan, we still have Thor, we still have Steve Rogers. I don't see any reason to think Tony Stark will be gone because of this.


Senior Member
Feb 20, 2011
halisme said:
Blah blah, racist and sexist comment, failure to acknowledge it as publicity stunt and that Tony will put the suit back on, racism, sexism, blah, blah.




Marvel's level of writing.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
Mangod said:
halisme said:
Blah blah, racist and sexist comment, failure to acknowledge it as publicity stunt and that Tony will put the suit back on, racism, sexism, blah, blah.




Marvel's level of writing.
That would be funnier if it weren't a direct quote.
Mar 30, 2010
I feel like the opportunity for a name change to Iron Maiden has been missed...

OT: I'm fine with this. The amount of crazy shit pulled by comic books has long since stopped surprising me. Besides, there's the whole 'young squire wearing their old lord's armour' ring to this.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Grouchy Imp said:
I feel like the opportunity for a name change to Iron Maiden has been missed...

OT: I'm fine with this. The amount of crazy shit pulled by comic books has long since stopped surprising me. Besides, there's the whole 'young squire wearing their old lord's armour' ring to this.
Actually they might do that, which would be awesome in my opinion! xD

I'm not even a fan of Iron Maiden, but if she changed her name to that, I would love her forever just for the humor value of it. xD


Jan 5, 2010
I have no issues with the character, interesting take on it and I like the fact theres another genius who made their own armour: this is something that should have been a more common thing in MU ever since Tony became well known and showed it was possible.

The hair is a bit silly though.

Wonder how long it'll last before Tony Stark does a Stark and smashes her stuff or implants a bomb in her head/suit or does something else scummish to ruin her career or push her to the background. Its something of a character trend with him.