mojoismydog77 said:
Happyninja42 said:
mojoismydog77 said:
undeadsuitor said:
mojoismydog77 said:
Heroes are not created by their powers or even their virtues. They are created by hardship and tragity. Tony was not Iron Man until he was captured and his mentor killed, Peter Parker was not the hero we know as spider till after his uncle's death and Steve Rogers had to endure many hardships before he was worthy of the role of Captian America. Now you expect me to believe some 15-year old who recreated an Iron Man suit will be a hero. How is one going to relate to some who has the world handed to them on a silver platter? Fifteen, at MIT, probably on a scholarship what an underdog /sarc. My second qualm is that even with her 2nd rate suit she has no combative experience whats so ever. She lacks the tool to go toe to toe with any sort of half way decent villin. I have no issue with the race/gender swap but this is just not well executed.
well its a good thing we know absolutely nothing about her outside of her name, where she goes to school, and something involving iron man armor
wouldn't want to rush to conclusions by filling in massive gaps with our own tainted preconceptions would we
You have a very valid point especially on the tragedy (most due to lack of knowledge) part, however, I have to hold firm on the combat argument. How is a 15-year-old who must have invested a lot of time to her pursuit of knowledge (which is a perfectly noble thing to do) going told hold up toe to toe with Iron Man's rich library of villains? I am concerned that the writers will nerf the villains to make her appear more powerful. I hope that Marvel makes me eat my words in a few months, I really do.
They'll probably do what they did with a middle aged alchoholic billionaire playboy philanthropist who had zero combat experience when he put on the Iron Man suit....she'll use superior technology to offset any physical limitations she might have, and use her mind to think her way out of difficult problems. Almost like the original Iron Man. Besides, there's nothing saying she didn't also take some combat training in school. That shit is ubiquitous, even stuff like Krav Maga and other seriously lethal styles. Hell I was one rank away from being a black belt by the time I was 12, and I played soccer and baseball, and was in the Boy Scouts. No reason she can't have multiple activities too.
Wasn't Iron Man trained by Captian America relatively early on in his superhero career? I hope the writers of the comic book are as skilled as you are.
No clue, never read the comics, but it doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure she's going to get some "training montage" moments after Tony officially takes her under his wing. I highly doubt he's just going to go "ok cool suit girl, you're the Iron Man now, peace! I'm out to the beach!" And just leaves her without any support structure. At this point I'm sure he's developed many training programs for his suits, that she can test herself with, along with simple combat training. The suit simply augments the wearer's ability, and to be fair, an athletic, healthy 15 year old girl is starting from a much better base level than a middle aged acoholic who eventually turned his life around to start doing this stuff.
Bottom line, if a middle aged dude with a drinking problem and zero combat training can pull off being a hero long enough to actually learn how to fight, no reason a 15 year old girl can't do the same, assuming she doesn't already know how to fight to some degree. But if they're making her backstory be that she's from Chicago or Detroit, (I think the article said Detroit? Don't remember), they're probably going to go with the "grew up tough to survive" angle for why she's not a stranger to violence.
Either way, even if she has zero combat ability at the start (Just like Tony), the suit will protect her, and give her ability while she learns. And I'm sure he's going to train her and teach her how to use the suit to it's maximum effectiveness, before passing the reigns over to her.