School hair lenght rules do you think think its bull?


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Russian_Assassin said:
Ok seriously, what the fuck? How is it possible to have hair length restrictions in schools? What is this Nazi Germany? Anyways if I were you I would ignore the fuck out of this rule and grow hair 6ft. long :p
yeah exact same thing i would do
what could they do against you i dont think that they would expel you for fuckin hair you know imagine that in the morning news good publicity school


New member
Nov 6, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
xxnightlawxx said:
i have long hair and all i gotta say is that i get my hair touched a lot
all im sayin is that a lot of girls like long hair.
what you should be worried about is girls with really short hair
Why? Because they run the risk of being absolutely adorable?
ok some girls look good but most dont


New member
Nov 6, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
xxnightlawxx said:
i have long hair and all i gotta say is that i get my hair touched a lot
all im sayin is that a lot of girls like long hair.
what you should be worried about is girls with really short hair
Why? Because they run the risk of being absolutely adorable?
Specter_ said:
MaxTheReaper said:
Specter_ said:
Armitage Shanks said:
Specter_ said:
Yay, Free Willy! WOHOO!

... wait no, how did we end up here? Aren't we meant to be discussing hair length?
Screw hair as long as I can run around naked...

If you want a more scientific answer: Max showed up, so we can derail this any way we want, we just blame him and get away with it.
Goddamnit Specter that is so not cool.
I have become known as "Dude who derails threads."
And I am the "Dude who does whatever he wants because he doesn't give a shit".
Besides, if we derail threads and blame you, it works for your "Dude who derails threads"...
*Sob* I don't want to derail threads! I have a condition!

Simriel said:
MaxTheReaper said:
Simriel said:
Don't steal my hookers and they wont paint your nails.
But I feel like killin'!
Digikid said:
I am old fashioned and believe that girls should have longer hair....or short....but males should NEVER have long hair. Looks horrible.
I guess I am new fashioned? I like girls with boyish hair, but I think most guys look better with short hair as well.
No killin my hookers at all! Last time you did that i fired you into the sun, didn't you learn your lesson? Oh and my ponytail says fuck you to anyone who says guys shouldn't have long hair.
No. No I did not. Also, I didn't say "shouldn't" have long hair. I simply said they look better without it, in most cases.
u know i mean like spiked hair thats an inch long and stuff like that right max

Lord George

New member
Aug 25, 2008
You long haired fools are all screwed when the zombies attack, with my short cut hair I shall escape for freedom. Yay


New member
Nov 6, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
Uh...okay...I think they're rather pointless...not unlike this thread, perhaps, until it gets some more information in the opening post.

Victim 19 said:
sry i just stuff up sentences when i'm angry at my school... ok well my school has recently decided to enforce rules about hair lengths and that boys must either tie there hair up or cut it short if it touches their shoulders or else the get detentions and if they continue to keep it long eventually expulsion. hope that sums it up
Okay, that's stupid, admittedly, but is there anything you can do about it besides not listen?
how the hell do you expel someone for fuckin hair i mean come on its a part of the body


New member
Jul 21, 2008
My school doesn't allow beyond shoulder length for males, and if it is, it needs to be tied back. Which of course, is pure annoyance. I don't want to wear a ponytail!

Idiots making rules. At least we can have long hair, the bald dumbscoffs.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
george144 said:
You long haired fools are all screwed when the zombies attack, with my short cut hair I shall escape for freedom. Yay
yeah i know when zombies do come i will wear a beanie and put my hair in it


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Scarecrow38 said:
'trying to be cool by saying you're a non-conformist' aside. If you take the time to look at almost any white- collar job that pays decently, they all have standards about appearance and all that. You show up with a shoulder length hair in your eyes and they'll give you a few days... and then fire you. Major companies are all about image and attracting customers so having a 'I'm the only free mind and you're all sheep' attitude isn't going to move you up the ladder.

I feel sorry for the people who sit at home in their armchairs watching Oprah and Dr Phil with long hair telling people that only they see the world as it is and we're all idiots for being well groomed.

As for 'brainless tools who put image before brains'..... that's the whole human race. That's how we gather information about people.... how we see them. That's why we'd rather go out with the hot girl, it's why we'd rather buy the Mercedes than the third- hand rusty Ford, it's why you have respect for particular figures before they've even said a word. Everyone does it, without exception, so there's no point trying to score cheap points with it.
Oooh, the genius uses his his vast intellect to assume the poster is an American.

I have never been to the USA, never watched Oprah, never watched Dr. Phil and don't have long hair.

Thanks for proving my point.

Meanwhile hard working people are losing their jobs whilst those that drive a business into the ground walk away with millions.

The world is being run by idiots and you are fine to go along with that as long as you have a shiny car or whatever. This does not bother me. Just don't talk out of your arse to try and make me look stupid? OK? :)


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Tonimata said:
My school doesn't allow beyond shoulder length for males, and if it is, it needs to be tied back. Which of course, is pure annoyance. I don't want to wear a ponytail!

Idiots making rules. At least we can have long hair, the bald dumbscoffs.
feel bad for yah i just cant wait for my school to enforce those rules so i can break the fuck out of them


New member
Dec 24, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
Specter_ said:
MaxTheReaper said:
Specter_ said:
Armitage Shanks said:
Specter_ said:
Yay, Free Willy! WOHOO!

... wait no, how did we end up here? Aren't we meant to be discussing hair length?
Screw hair as long as I can run around naked...

If you want a more scientific answer: Max showed up, so we can derail this any way we want, we just blame him and get away with it.
Goddamnit Specter that is so not cool.
I have become known as "Dude who derails threads."
And I am the "Dude who does whatever he wants because he doesn't give a shit".
Besides, if we derail threads and blame you, it works for your "Dude who derails threads"...
*Sob* I don't want to derail threads! I have a condition!
And I've got a baseballbat that says it can cure any condition you can come up with.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Ghostshot08 said:
Sure, it helps make everyone look nice and helps with discipline. Yet I think it helps with bullying. It is easiest to make fun of someone's appearance. If everyone were to look the same kids would need to get to know one-another in order to insult them. Then they will most-likely find they have a lot in common, become friends, and prevent another school shooting.
Is that your argument then? Make the kids look the same and then they won't murder each other?


New member
Mar 27, 2008
I just moved to about the only school with no uniform in Melbourne and i have to say the school is much better off for cherishing the individuality of students. Students are actually happy at school and try ontheir own accord not because they have to.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
xxnightlawxx said:
u know i mean like spiked hair thats an inch long and stuff like that right max
I got that impression, yes.
My point still stands.
u crazy man it only looks good sometimes and even then i still feell really wierd about it byut i guess i cant complain becausei have long hair so i guess the world is just all topsy turvy now right