Sequels everyone wants but stupid companies won't make


New member
Mar 23, 2009
The "normal" single player Knights of the Old Republic sequel (sorry, but I really wanted a KotOR 3 instead of the MMO)

Jade Empire 2 (Duh). Actually, Jade Empire 2 might already exist right now, in this old article (Jan 2008) where someone got the news that the code for JE2 exists: Hopefully it really is in the making.

Okami 2. Okami is one of the best games I've ever played, or at least I really, really, liked it. A new sequel built from the ground-up on the Wii would be rather perfect for me. Unfortunately Capcom announced that they will not make a move on future Okami games unless sales encourage them to - unfortunately, we all know Okami didn't sell all that well. Plus, Clover Studio was disbanded and the original talent has moved on....*sigh*.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
doomgaze3 said:
Also known as "Metroid Syndrome", this disease plagues a number of illustrious franchises.

For example, SimCity 4 was a fantastic example of what could be done with the franchise. But, after making SC4, EA tried to satiate us with half-assed knockoffs and console versions of the beloved classic. Instead of giving us the real updated sequel that everyone wants, they try to placate us with stupid crap like SimCity Societies, SimCity Creator, etc. Slap a new coat of paint on it, fix the bugs and give us some gameplay tweaks. It'll sell like gangbusters, I guarantee.

This happened yet again with (no, I'm not joking) BattleToads. BattleToads was an excellent take on the beat 'em up genre - especially the seminal arcade version. However, even with today's console focus on more mature games and co-op gameplay, we still have yet to see another 'toads game. What better chance to update one of Rare's original and best IP than to make a great co-op game with violently offensive cartoons than on Xbox360?

Rare also continually ignores the pleas of it's fans when it comes to Killer Instinct 3. Gamers have been clamoring for a sequel to this seminal fighter franchise ever since their N64s became doorstops or fell victim to the pawn shop. Rumors of a sequel persist even to this day as Rare continually denies them, proving the consistent popularity of the series. Are they blind or stupid?

With the recent success of BioShock, you'd think EA would be all over System Shock 3 with a vengeance. However, no information has been forthcoming and, indeed, EA seems to be ignoring the huge pile of money they could make from the 'Shock license. EA. The publisher that invented whoring out their franchises. Won't even think about whoring out a license they've been SITTING ON for years. W. T. F.

Does this kind of crap seriously piss anyone else off? What series would you like to see updated for modern consoles?
SimCity Creator was a delight on the DS. I don't know about the Wii, but you're absolutely right that EA doesn't seem to want to make SimCity, not when they can make "SimCity for Drooling Retards" like SC Societies and stuff like that. I guess their view is that games for idiots sell better because there are so many idiots with money.

I'd like to see Koei take another whack at the Aerobiz/Air Management series, but being a Japanese studio they have no concept at all of opening the world up a bit. That series needs a modern sequel with an "endless" mode that starts in 1955 and isn't over until you've driven every last competitor out of business. The economic model and cities need to grow with the game.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
God Hand 2 even though Clover Died.
Sid Meyers(?)Pirates 2.
And I know Microsoft should stay the hell away from Rare, But another Jet Force Gemini, Donkey Kong (64) and a real Banjo Kazooie would be good.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Sacrifice 2 (mainly because it was awesome).
And System Shock 3 (because it was awesome and it ended on a cliffhanger).

Pasta Lamp

New member
Apr 1, 2009
I honestly don't understand why they don't make a real FF Tactics sequel. The portable games are nice but why can't we get a full console sequel?


New member
May 2, 2009
I saw one person say it, and I am shocked more haven't mentioned it. Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 is one of the best 2D fighting games ever, with a phenomenal combo system, a cast of 56 different fighters to chose from, and addictive, fast-paced game play. Not to mention it has a huge fan base. Why would you NOT make another one of these? No new ideas? Here are some.

1. Actually add a story, because there really wasn't one in MvC 2. A bunch of Superheros from alternate dimensions gather on some lady's ship because she says so? Yah...okay sure.

2. Take out that cruddy cheese sauce music, and gimme back the superhero themes from the first game.

3. Fix game play glitches and bugs, Gambit shouldn't be able to jump and hide off the screen, Infinite combos shouldn't exist, things like that.

4. Update the sprite sheets for your characters.

5. Add more characters/remove dud characters. Thanos? Seriously? Who plays with Thanos? No one. Omega Red is trash too, and Iron man AND war machine? Same characters people...same characters, let's see something new. Where the hell is Ghost Rider? Blackheart made it in, but Ghost Rider didn't? Lame.

6. Get a end-boss that doesn't suck. Abyss is way too easy, and he's lame. I'd rather fight Apocalypse, or Onslaught.

If they did all those things, It'd explode with awesomeness. Because I am ingenious. *ending sentence sarcasm*


New member
Apr 13, 2009
three letters


please make a new one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i miss the PS2 games so much!!


New member
Aug 2, 2008
doomgaze3 said:
What better chance to update one of Rare's original and best IP than to make a great co-op game with violently offensive cartoons than on Xbox360
A better chance would be to do it on PS3.

Anyway, I don't know if everyone wants it, but I thought that Portal for the DS would be marvelous.
It could use the same engine as Metroid. If it'd have graphics as good as that thing, then it would be a blessing to my DS.


New member
Nov 29, 2007
Skeleon said:
Sacrifice 2 (mainly because it was awesome).
And System Shock 3 (because it was awesome and it ended on a cliffhanger).
Good choices!! I would also add Chrono Trigger 2 (sorry, kids. Chrono Cross sucked), Conker 2 and (betcha don't remember this one!) Uplink 2.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Dungeon Keeper 3!!! Kingdom Hearts 3!!! Other great games that need sequels!!!!

Sgt. Dante

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Earthworm Jim, but do it right.

Also Balder's gate: Dark Alliance (ps2, xbox) needs a sequel, about the only good co-op rpg I've ever played.